06-890Council File # QG - D Green Sheet# RESOLUTION g OF �INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ptesented by RE50LVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Employee Benefits Manager be 2 established at the rate set forth in Grade 018, of Employee Group 17, the Non-Represented Salary 3 Schedule, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 5 following its passage and approval. Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary BY� �� i' .C.C�S/J/� Approved by Date Mayor: %O —L'— 6(� Bv � Requested by Office of Human Resources By: � Form Appro ^ d b I Services By: � V �9F�� Form Appro� tomey By: • �... � . � . . � � �'. / �!-�, �_— � �'!�I,�� � Adopted by Date Council: �/�/ 7�f� 0�-S°te C: �-- nEraxxMENxiox�ic�✓couxcu,: DATE INmaTED GREEN SHEET No.: 3032489 v' Human. Resources 8/31/06 CONTAGT PERSON & YHOIVE: ATB W1TrAi.NATE Shei12 Wllliams, 266-6520 � neenare.mrr nm � s crrYCOmvca L,eeAnn Turchin, 266-6517 ASSIGiVED 3CIT1'ATr�RNEY � 6 �[CYQERK N(IMBER FOR MUSTBEONCOUNCII.AGENDABY(DATE) ROUI7NG zF'nvnxclacsrnvn¢e f'nvnrrc`ni.s�tviwccrc ORDER a MAYOR(OAASSL.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_i (QdP ALL LOCATSONS ROli SIGNATORE) acnon �QuES�n: Approve the attached resolution establishing a new pay grade and employee group assignment for the classificarion titled Employee Benefits Manager. RECOMMENDA'CSONS: Approve (A) w Re,{eU(R} PERSOAAL SERVICE CONTRACIS MUST ANS�VER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: ���p���� I. Has ifiis persm✓firm ever worked imder a conbact for this depamnenM PLANNINGCOMMISSION ap Yes Na — CIB COMMITTEE 2. fGs this persodfirtn ever been a ciry employee? _CMLSERV[CECOMMISSION 9 p ZOOS Yes No CGQ [� 3. DoestktispersoNfumpossesSa51d11notmmnllypossessedbyanycwrentcitye�+kyee? � Yes No g ���`` _ 4. [s this persod&m a brgeted vendo�? — � § IVL Yes No — i7 fl� 9 °"' •- Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and a[tach to green sheet INTTIATING PROBLEM, [SSUE� OPPOR'NNITY (W6o, W6at, When, wne�w wny�: Hutnan Resources requested an independeut study of the composite duties of a position to determine the appropriate classification and compensation. This independent study, aiso supported by an internal study conducted by HR, deternuned that the class should be assigned to a different pay grade and different empioyment group. This single-incumbent position is responsible for the administration of the City's health and welfare benefit programs for employees and retirees. Management of this system involves strategic analysis of benefit offerings, plan design, development of pxoposals, selection and oversight of a program admuustration vendor, and supezvision of Employee Benefits staf£ This title coordinates in£ormation for the Labor Relations, Risk, and Employee Benefits functions of E�uman Resources. Due to the confidential nature of the management work and the supervisory responsibiliries of this ritle, the position should be allocaCed to the Non-Represented Employees Gzoup. anv,wrncES � arrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to the classificatian in accordance with the Ciry's job evalaation system. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NOIIe. nisnnv�vrncES tF rvar nrrxovEn: Appropriate compensation and employee group status wiil not be assigned to this classification. This may limit the City's ability to successfully recruit, hire, and retain qualified candidates who possess the expert Irnowledge, skills, and training required to effectively pmvide administrative leadership for the City-wide Employee Benefits program. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $2,OS9.01 -$2,818.15 biweekly ol' COSTlREVEIVUE BUDGETE ������ 854,523.15 - $73,553.72 yearly FUNDING SOURCE: ��'s�T��r�'�.tY . d.�;" �E� c � zoas �NArrcaai, �o�TaoN: �xpa.ai� ����, �-�-���[,� `� 5EP 2 � 2006 G:VSFIARED�SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT SECTIOIV�ORG DESiGN�CONSULTANT-WILUAMS�SHEII.A'S CLASS WORKUINUSED QBS PTS FOA PE�HIt MGR STUDYIEMPL BEN MGR STUDY - 52006�EMPLOYEE BENEFfLS GREENSHEET.DOC The City of Saint Paul Class Specification (�l -` D Proposed Title of Class: EMPLOYEE BENEFTTS MANAGER CODE: 326B BU: 17 Effective: DESCRII'TION OF WORK Genera] Dutv Statement: Performs highly responsibility work in the administration of health and welfaze benefit programs for employees and retirees. Participates in the strategic analysis of benefit offerings, modification of pian designs, development of specifications and proposals, and the selection and management process for fhe program adminish-ation vendor. Develops and monitors the budget and related administrative costs associated with the benefits program. Manages the intemal benefits information systems, teads systems design and modification projects, and coordinates information management processes assigned to unit staff. Provides economic impact analysis and feasibility assessments associated with benefits options to be considered. Coordinates related information for the Labor Relations, Risk, and Empioyee Benefits functions of Human Resources. Performs other duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Works under the general direction of a higher-level manager or Human Resources Director. Supervision Eaercised: Exercises within a unit general and technical supervision over technical and suppod stafF. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the principles, theories, and practices associated with benefits administration. Demonstrates an ability to apply such understanding to the planning, development, and implementation of benefit plans, vendor administration, and system management. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding to identify or resolve health and welfare benefit issues. Demonstrates a full understanding of the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures associated with employee insurance and retirement program development and administrafion. Demonstrates an ability to apply Medicare laws and requirements, laws protecting data privacy of individuals, rights to participate in plans and age-related protections to benefits administration. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in resolving the most complex challenges associated with the work. Demonstrates an ability to identify, minimize, or resolve risks and liabilifies associated with assigned programs and projects, and that involve department management, the City Attomey's OfFice, or City Administration as appropriate. Demonstrates proficiency in using a wide range of current and modern, job-related equipment, softwaze applications, and best practices in either directing or compieting work of the assi�ed unit. Demonstrates respect for diverse customers and co-workers and effectively works with employees of varied levels of education, language, and cultural backgrounds. Demonstrates an ability to effectively listen, write, and speak with diverse groups and individuals, interacting in a tactful and persuasive manner. Demonstrates an ability to expertly plan and manage multiple, complex projects, and functions of the assigned unit with changing priorities, citywide impact, and within negotiated time lines. Demonstrates an abiliTy to analyze healthcare plan provisions, vendor seroices, statis$cal information, economic impact implications, and demographic trends in order to evaluate current plans and develop future strategies. Demonstrates an ability to direct the implementation of work plans, protocols, standards, records management, and appropriately define and measure the results of open enro3lment, communication initiatives, and benefit plan changes. Demonstrates an abiIiTy to influence individuals and groups in a positive manner in order to facilitate positive EMPLOYEE BENEFITS MANAGER Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS MANAGER CODE: 326B BU: 17 Effective: D � q{}, O U ! outcomes that meet the needs of the organizarion. Demonstrates an ability to participate in sirategic planning activities and assist City officials, managers, internal staff, and customers in addressing participation issues. Demons�ates an ability to provide and d'uect staff in providing benefits-related information and assistance to individuals, management, and bargaining unit teams. Demonstrates the ability to prepare and deliver benefits information and training, communicate appeal decisions, counsel participants, and provide expertise for negotiation efforts. Demonstrates effective leadership by providing work duection, promoting the mission and vision of Human Resources and the City, and zeinforcing desired employee work behaviors. Demonstrates an ability to effectively plan, direct, coach, train, and evaluate staff work performance. Demonstrates an ability to facilitate group problem- solving processes, recognize positive results, manage conflict, and negotiate satisfactory outcomes. Demonstrates an ability to create a positive work environment. Demonsuates a strong customer service orientation and an ability to conduct or direct others in conducting customer needs analysis and develop service or standazds. Demonstrates an ability to continually improve customer service and address the most challenging and difficult customer requests. REQUII2EMENTS A Bachelor's Degee in industrial relations, public administration, business administration, or a related field, and sis years of progessively more responsible professional and technical experience in benefits administration. One yeaz of leadership or supervisory experience. A Master of Arts may be substituted for two years of experience. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS MANAGER Paae 2