219009 -' a' . . L ����� ` � - - ,. ��.� . . �-� `y . � �4 ' �� ..) t �t a� - �� :--FINAL ORDER �� T 7_ � � _ G �, caUrrcn, F�E rro. _ � - �; �UBLI��I�D $Y �; . ` s'z366 ;a�;,, . File No. � ,�,,. 3t t ;`�{',- '� . ������ , In the Matter,�bf ''�G��ti'ttotiug � si.dewQlk on bD'� si.8ea of Cleveland A�v+a� �ram . ° _ . , , �tan�9rd Ave. to 8er}flel$y`�,�t�r:��� by 84�xrg �Ll other work which �,� x�ecss�axy ar�d -.,,�.; , incideu't�l to compLete �Y�� im�rov�ment+. • ,� �. . . v� �� � ' r T r- ]� . 9 �� under Prelimina,ry Order �-���9 approve� ��h �'1'� �9� � .� . Intermediary Order . +� approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it �°, • RESOLVE�D, By the Council of the Gity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- pronement ta be made by the sa.id City is ' to xec�i�struct t�e eide�ta�k q� tit�tY� s�,d��� oP C�.eva7.�id Av�.� �rc�a S�an�ord Ave;� to �,_ . - . Berk�eley A�ve. en8 by doin��; a11 ot,h�� �ror� vhicla is. n�c�a�ry �nd inciden��: to y F. �: ,:�,�'„�,• . ;� '; L::�.�it:3�,,6,���. camp�ste t,h� improv�mant�`�'except where gooc� �n� eu��3cieu�; �fdewalka now exi,at. . �F _' �' " r:�— , �, t� �s'onstructing the ,'� , �, _ , _¢� _: 1es of Cleveland !� , E�-Ave.�to,'Berkeley, � f „qll ott�er �work _—�l !c . .3r:lni'ti�:i'ir�.�_1^�^.;.i', 1n. � rtF%tfi .,� -_ t� � a; J - _032'•J � ' � �` .� _ ;� . ' n j` - 'i aF . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. R,ESOLVED FUR,TH:�R, TYiat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. - ;F . COUNCII�MEN � , '? �IUL � �� � Adopted by the Council Y ��' Yeas �alglish Na s - i; , �U� � �� Holland ,�, Appro e Loss �E - IVleredith ° " e Pet�rsari �r Favor Mayor Rosen . �� � Vavoulis � - �; Against ,� _ e-sa zn� s� x-i ; . - �� • aF. - � ,. , .� - 2 .�Y---�-�� ' Y °b �: � Dist. No. .< T �� d� _� t �"� ' B.S. Cleveland Ave. - Stanford Ave. to Berkeley Ave. �� `" " �€ S�J7COlp .. ` ;; � � ����� ` ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS � I ��g►� �F ����� � ,. 9 �; REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �� ;, f �� �� ,; aE i, '� March 24th. ],g 64 . !_ To the Commissioner of F�inance of the City of St. Paul: 9� �4 The Commissioner of Publ�;ic Works , having had under consideration the pre- , ,t limi nary order of the Co�unci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 217019 .r approved_ March llth. ?; 19 64 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk �� on both sides of Cleveland Ave. from Stanford Ave. to Berkeley Ave. and by doing all other work which si necessary and incidental to complete the improvement. �� . �� o . ,, and having investigated �!the matters and things re�ferred to therein� hereby a, reports: '' ,. 3F 1. The estimated co;�st thereof is $•3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft_ wide and 53.80 ner lici. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. ;� ,, . 2. A plan� profile ;or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached a; , and made a part 'h � � ' � 3. Initiated by th �, ' s����� r Public Works X c�e � 26�g6� 4. Improvement i s � e�A�o�,. �y n i ti on ,� �ti. „� ��E�� �� � , ;� -� ^ . ;� r ,� Commissioner of Public Works ,. i: