219003 ,! ���V� x �� 3 ,: ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK f I � `' �� �;°f- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �� _: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK l� ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY Mi 1 ton Rosen Publ i�c Works �e artment Jul 1, 196r+ COMMISSIONE � p DATF y a� °i � � ,� �l In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material WINTHROP STREET from Lower Afton Road to �dgebrook Ave. I�Iso constructing a storm sewer from a point 241.4 feet north of the north line of Lower Afton Road to Lower Afton Road. Also do all work necessary and inciderrtal thereto under�reliminary Order 216$60, approved March 3, 19�+ and �inat Order No. 218� 0, approved June 9, 1964, �• Also in the matter of constructing ublic sanitary sewer in � MINTHROP STREET from Edgebrook Ave. to Lowe Afton �Road, under Pr�liminary Qrder 215162, approved October 22, 1963 and Final Order 218072, approved May 12, 1964. 'E �f �RESOLVED, Thati!the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Comnissioner of Public Works be and the same are hereby ap�roved, and - jE BE IT FURTHER R�SOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. ,! . ; - - a� Council Flle No. 219003—By Mllton Rosen— - � In the matter of grading and surfac- +F ing with bituminous materlal WIN- ar THROP STREET froin Lower Afton Road ta Edgebrook Ave. Also-con- �_ . structing a storm sewer from a point " 241.4 feet north o! the north line of i� Lower Atton Road to I,ower Afton 3� Road. Also do all work necessary and 1� incidental thereto under Preliminary �� Order 218880, approved March 3, 1984 and Final Order No. 218560, approved �` June 9, 1964, -. 3' Also in the matter of constructing a E public sanitary sewer, in WINTSROP i� � STREET from Edgebrook Ave.to Low- �� er Afton Road, under Preliminary Or- : dEr 215182, approved October 22, 1963 F and Final Order 218072, approved.,May �: 12, 1964. -'�:�,,; '=. Resolved, That the plans and"specifl- f cations tor the above named imp{�ove- �c ment as submitted by the Commission- � ; er oi Public Works be and the same are �hereby approved, and Be It Further Resolved, T$at the i �Purchasing A�gent be and he is hereby ;� directed to advertise for bids on this ��� � q(1� . ;� improvement. 17 , Adopted�by the Council July 2, 1964: !� Approved July 2,1984. , COUNCILi�N ;; �J�� �: lss�� „_he Council 19— Yeas Nays +� 19� Dalglish �� J 2 u,.,,,,..a '� , / A ove 19— � � LL Loss +K � - �� Tn Favol' Meredith { � �� ;� Mayor �asen '' ABainst � ar 'Mr:;:President, Vavoulis j, _ - �':-.y.._�- ' °� � . lOM E-62 � -- - ;` �� •f , DUrLICAT6 TO rRINi[R - � l �, PQ �( ..�..�i� �J - � - " � CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt�I IRESENTEDtY Mitfior� Ros4n� Pab1�c Works D�par"toaent Juty 1, 196� COMMISSIONE� DAT� �n tbe �att�r of gracN ng and surf`aci ng wi th bi tu�ri nous �teri al WIN�HRQP STREET frow low�r A�ton Ro�d to ffd9eb�'aok Av�. 11i so constructl n� • sto� sewer l�rorn a peiat 241�b fiee� narth of tt� s±wrth liris of i,arar Af to� Road to Lower Af toc� Road. A1 so dc a1 i wc�rk nscessary and i nci ds�al thmr�to a�d�r P�el im1 nary Ord�r 216860, approvsd Mirch 3, i 964 ,�a�d �'i nat Urd�r Ho. 2i�$�60; a�Praved Jur�e 9N i 964. A1 so �n the �atfi+ar of con stpucti ng a pubt i a �ani tary sewar i n WIl�THR4P �TR�ET fraa� �dyabrook Avs. to lower I4fton Road, und�r Pra1 iminary Order 215162,' ap�roved Octob�r 22, 1963 �d �9 nA1 Order,218072, appt'oved Fl�y 1�, I 9b�. R�SOLV�D, Thati �th� pl�ns �nd sp�ci i���st3cns fior th� gbova na�ed i�provv�nt a� aubrai���d by� th�! �b�t4 ssi on��� bf Pab11 c Work� be��t�d ths' ' sa�e are' her�by approvQd, �xi' ' . � � � � � • , ,� .. . BE ZT FURTN�R R�S��.VgD, Tti�� th• Purcl�+a�i t�g Ag�rtt bs snd he i s he�sby di rected to adv�rti�e �or �ids' oa thi s 9aq9rov�srat; ' ' • ' • � • . � � , � � � `�� ( � l� .lUL 2 196a COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� � 19� 13olland�—�-- Approved 19— Loss Tn Favox' Meredith �g�_ � ' . Mayor ��� A 8'alI18t . ����i�����`''��i�iill jyIr.Vicc Pses�'iden o on) 103[ E-6t e