06-889Council N�le #� Green Sheet#3032316 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classifications of Nutrition Assistant I and Nutrition Assistant I-Hmon�English be changed from that set forth in Grade 022 to that set forth in Grade 026 of AFSCME Technical Bargaining Unit 02, #1842 Salary Schedule, and includes corresponding adjustments to related premiusns as follows: 1 2 3 4.21 1421.44 1476.23 GRADE 26L (066L) Nutrition Assistant I - I 4 5 6 1536.01 1592.07 1632A1 7 8 9 1697.26 1723.23 174123 �V V V1V1) AV U111L1V11 HJb15l'6fA 1 1V1GLL1Uli1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1302.21 1409.44 1464.23 1524.01 1580.07 1620 A 1 1685.26 1711.23 1729.23 GRADE 26S (066S) Nutrition Assistant I -- Small 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1290.21 1397.44 1452.23 1512.01 1568.07 1608A1 1673.26 1699.23 171723 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav r / Boshom ,/ Harris / Helgen ;/ Lantry � Montgomery ,/ Thune �/ � Requested by By: Form Approve by C� � By: Adopted by Council: Date ��� ��d��J� Adophon Certified by Council Seczetary Form AppF e Ma �or f r Submission to Council BY� . C dz By: Approved b ay�y . Date D—Z—O� � BY� C�� J DEPARTN�NTfOFFLCEfCOUIYCII.: � BA� ��T� I GREEN SHEET Human Resources 9!7/06 COC7TACt YERSON & PHONE: m uuDaTE Michelle LeBow 266-6514 1 DEPARIhh1ENN! Dnt ,�� LeeAnu Turchin 266-6517 AS$IGNED 3ClSYAl'[ORNEY '� � 1UMBBR FOR M[7ST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING z Furnxcrpt, Seav ntx ORDER 4MAYOR(OAASSI) TOTAL # OF SIG7YATUx2E PAGES_I (CLLP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIG(1ATURE) o��s�; No.: 3032316 [NIt'[ALlDATE s crnwvivcn. . � x• tIHANClAL SEIiV/ACCLG Acaorr x�uESrEn: Approve the attached resolution changing the rate of pay for the classifications of Nutdtion Assistant I and Nutrition Assistant I-HmongfEnglish from Grade 022 to Grade 026 of AFSCME Technical, b.u. 02. In addition, the related preruium pay rates will be adjusted in accordance with the 1994 MOA. APPmve (A) or Reject (R) ,_PLANN[NG COMMISSION CiB COMbATCEE CIV� COMMISSION �/ �� ' PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLOWiNG QUESTIONS: S. HasUtispersodfirtnevetwrnkedwderacontractforUtisdepmtmeM? Yes No 2. Haz fhis persoNfum ever bern a city eroployee? Yes No 3. Does this persodfirtn possess a siu71 not nortnaUy possuseflby any curren[ city employee? Yes No 4. Is tktis persodfvm a qrgeted vendo�l Yes No Expiaio all yes aoswers on separate sh¢¢t and attech to green She¢t INITIATINGYROBLEM, ISSUE, OPYORI'[7NITY (Who, wnat, wne�, wnere, wn The Department of Public Health requested that Human Resources study the composite duries ofNutrition Assistant I to determine the appropriate classification and compensation. Huinan Resources detemrined that Nutrition AssistanY Ps appropriate compensation is in Crrade 026 of AFSCME -Technical, b.u. 02. anvaNTa�ES tF arrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to the classification in accordance with tlte City's job evaluation system. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOriO. nzsavvaNracES u� rroT arrxovEn: Appropriate compensafion wili not be assigned to this classificaUon. This may Innit the City's ability to successfully recruit, hire, and retain qualified candidates who possess the knowledge, skills, and training required to effectively provide services within the Department of Public Health. TOTAL AMOUNT OF'fRANSACITON: $1250Z1- $1677.23 (biweeWy) $32,630.48 - $43,775.70 (annual(Y) FUNDING SOITRCE: Dept-580180; Fund-13401 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (�XPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes ACTIVITY NUNiBEIt: Ce€srci4 "des�agC� C�n%� , � ,11� ASSISTAN117VUTRITION ASSISTANT I GREENSHEET.DOC ' ' — ��� ; � zvos � _ ��°�Y �����N��