217495 �� F 4 . �1 � • ������ . - . � -'� I: Ct � i '�� , " _ - � ' � COUNCIL FILE N0. ��� ' �--- - ---" �FI NAL ORfl�R4 �` PUBLISI�D �-� � ��- _ � r� ° . ° gy - � • �� - • - File No. � 7�1� - - � . , In the Matter of canstructing_ ne�r ��,�,�w� on `�he �e�t �ide a�` �T�nthrop St. fY'Rm �cet�ic P1,eEC� �a `the $outh :a�prc�t�i`t+��,y�' � ft4 al?ut�ing 21�� .Sc��i� f�ace and by do� a7.�. oth�x work i�hic.�i ig �,�c��sar,�x and 3neider��a�. �o,�—ct��Ye_'� said i.mprav�em�nt � - ,�Co�tncil File No. 2174!13--- j • + _-s tr � matter of y .-tructing new v ;t e:i t`: 'v. . :j -�.r,:nthru� . i �t`"��l'3 A� �•�.;� '�i) '�IL?� .� 'ii� 't�� S',_IY.�I :�rlt , .•�,;i'r,::rm h-':•:t' �t^Ld , ..¢o _ . . �'r�<-'' . under Prelimina,ry Order?1��� approved Deeem'bE:r l�T 196� •�;: � Intermediary Order '" approved ',::;�#�^'��<'- ` A ublic heaxin havin been had u on the above im i ovement u on due notice,. and the Council �:'_�F�r, ,: P g �' P P' A ' '`�'���'� having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and liaving fully considered !� �i�4.�_ ?; „'�,�ft, ` the same; therefore, be it � ,�RESOLVED, By the Council of the CYty of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- , provement ta be made by the said City is ' to constru�t new sid�aalk a� �ha �?est s�de ot' W3.�nthrop $ty froom Sc�n�ci Place �o �the �v�1t�i. appro�cima'�� q1+ f'�:_ �bu��f.n�' 21�� Sceni� F1ae� and.. �y do3.r�g �,]1 other" W�rk wh,i�h �.a nece�sa�r aud iaac�.den�l. to:• coz�pl�.�e .sai8 3mp��e�nent . t, . . . • `,' _ . , . . ,. - . - _ :�;`:r� .� ._ - ;. • ' . . .. - . • _ , r . , , F ' and the Council hereby orders;;said improvement to be made. � ' RESOLVED FURTHE�R, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and�specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said appr,oval, the praper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said� improvement in accordance therewith. - ? 196� � � � � APR 14 . COUNCII.MEN ' � , Adopted b the Counci� � Yeas Nays . , � Appro AP�t �14196� ; - r. c . - Tn Favor r - . � , � - � Mayor - , A gainst e-sa zn� a� x-i � , fk .- , �.. z�.:,� :� �� - D i s t, N o. 3 5.7,���/ , -� . Y � '� . ._ � `� 'W; S. iVinthrop St, — Scenic Place south 94 fte 21-42 Scenic Place � � ; ������,_ � � .� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONEA OF PUBLIC W ORKS ,;. . . 2,�_'���� BEPORT TO COMMISSIONE� OF FINANCE ��� � . Dec. 30th� gq 63 To the Commissioner of !Finance of the Caty' of St, Paul; The Commissioner of Publac Wo�kso hawing had undex conside�ation the p�e— liminary order of the Council known as Council File No, 215853 approaed Dec. 17th;. 19 63 �elati�e to constructing new sidewalk on the, west side of [9i�nthrop St, from Scenic Place to the south approxi— _ matelv 94 ft, abuttinQ 2142 Scenic Place and by doi �g all other work which is necessary and incidental to comple`te said improvement, � and having inwestigated the matt�r� and thangs re�fex�red to thereino hereby reports: 1, The e�timated cost th�reof i� $�3, 25_ per lin. ft. f�or standard side— w lk 5 ft wide an 3 80 er lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft� wi � 2, ,4 plano profile ox sketch of said impro �nt � a° f atta�h� a n d ma e a � ��C�,v�� N d part hereof, DEC 30 1963 3, Initiated by the Commf ssione�° of Public ori��' vg w d �,� 4, Improvement is asked fo� upor� petition � �Q 9 9 , � � . � Commi ssi onex° of Publi� Wo�ks