06-888Suspenson 9/20/2006 Return copy to: dn Public Works - City Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annez RESOLUTION Council File # �"G �'�� Green Sheet # 3D3 t ��� PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented i Bv � Referred To Committee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to execute Lease Agreement PD/13, a ten-yeaz lease between the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul, on behalf of the Police Department, of vacant land located at 830 Barge Channel Road for the purpose of storing nnpounded autos. Requested by Department of: Police Adopted by Council: Date �-�D- p7d//,(� Adoption Certified by Counc'I Secretary By: -_��l!ll Appro ed • Date � By: Form � �-�_���♦ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet PD — PoliceDepartment Contact Person 8 Phone: Da�e Nelson f 2C�6$g6p D Must Be on Council Aaen Total # of Signature Date In'�iated: o,-�� Green Sheet NO: 3031776 � Depariment SentTOPerson InifiaVDate o c P ��M A.sign 1 e ar�eot ohnRarrin n Number Z mancial Matt mitL � For ROUting 3 ' A e aosoo Order 4 a 's Office a odAssistant 5 onnc�l Gti m ' 6 ' Clerk Cierk AII LocaSons for Signature) To approve and extend Lease Agreement PD/13, a ten-yeaz lease renewal and amendment through September 30, 2016, of vacant land at 830 Bazge Channel Road for the the purpose of storing impounded autos. Ref: Sample Renewal and Amendment idations: Apprtne (A) w Reject (R): Planning Commission GB Committee QHI Sen.ice Commission Mswerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm e�er wnrked under a contract for this departmeM? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/5rm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by arry curtent cily employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and altach to green sheet Inkiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Wha; When, Where, Why): Previous ten year lease is close to expiration. AdvantageslFApproved: Provides storage for the impound lot. Disadvantages If Approved: None foreseen. RECEIVED s �� 0 � zoos I i t . Disadvanpges IF Not Approved: The Police Depar[ment would have to find another place to store impounded autos. AU� 2 3 2006 �Transacfion: �600000 Funding Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: Aetivity Number: Finaneial Infortnation: $1.6 mil over 10 years, the total term of ihe lease (EZplain) (Date): � f �. Councii Res��rch SCf U V 10� August 9, 2006 8:39 AM Page 1 � � / � �i TJG 7-11-06 LEASE RENEWAL AND AMENDMENT THIS AGREEMENT enfered into as of the 1 day of October, 2006, by and between the Port AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a pub�ic corporation organized and existing pursuant to #he provisions of Chapter 469 of Minnesota Statutes, hereinafter "Landlord" and the City of Saint Paui, hereinafter called the `TenanY'. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant entered a Lease of Real Property for TenanYs impounded vehicle storage (the "Impound LoY') dated October 1,1996, amended by Lease Amendment and Extension, dated March 1, 2002, the "Lease": and WHEREAS, the Lease terminates as of September 30, 2006, uniess Tenant elects to renew for an additional 10-year term; and WHEREAS, Tenant desires to renew and Landlord and Tenant desire to further amend the lease; and NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE ABOVE PREMISES THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: That the. Lease is hereby renewed for an additional 10 years expiring September 30, 2016. . 2. That the monthly renfal rate paid by Tenant shall be as set forth below plus a per car fee for each car processed through the Impound Lot during the prior month (Leased Premises) due and payable on the first day of each month hereafter. Year Amounf Monthlv Per-Car Fee October 1, 2006 October 1, 2007 October 1 2008 October 1, 2009 October 1, 2010 October 1, 2011 October 1, 2012 October 1, 2013 October 1, 2014 October 1, 2015 $ 75,306.88 $ 78,319.15 $ 81,451.91 $ 84,709.98 $ 88,098.38 $ 91,181.82 $ 94,373.18 $ 97,676.25 $101,094.90 $104,633.22 $6,275.57 $6,526.59 $6,787.65 $7,059.16 $7,341.53 $7,598.48 $7,864.43 $8,139.68 $8,424.57 $8,719.43 $ 5.00 $ 5.50 $ 6.00 $ 6.50 $ 7.00 $ 7.50 $ 8.00 $ 8.50 $ 9.00 $10.00 22077.v3 � ;' / i �:: TJG 7-19-06 3. That Landlord and Tenant agree to work together to find an alternative location for the Impound Lot; and if a suitable location, acceptable to the Tenant, is found by either or both parties to which to relocate Tenanf's Impound Lot operations, Tenant may terminate this Lease without penalfy upon 180 days written notice. 4. That the processing fee paid by the Tenant hereunder is intended to be used in part to pay or reimburse the Landlord for costs incurred in connection with the operation and mainfenance of the Impound Lot. To the extent that Landlord incurs costs in connection with its efforts to find an altemative site for the Impound Lot, such costs will also be reimbursed out of the processing fee paid by Tenant hereunder. 5. That except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions of the Lease as amended shall remain in fuil force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlord and the Tenant have caused these presents to be executed in farm and manner su�cient to bind them at law, as of the day of , 2006. LANDLORD: PORT AUTHORITY OF THE - CITY OF SAINT PAUL TENANT: CITY OF SAINT PAUL By � "�„_. By Its esident Mayor � City Clerk By Director of Finance and Management Services 22017.v3 I � ::: � 0 � N N N N N N N N N N N N o 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 p � o 0 0 0 o rnv� A W N�OCO m p c�omc W Ommmc W OC W OC W OC W OC�o rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn p� W Ca t� W W (a i,� ia ra W W � � � � � � � � � � � N N N N N N N N N N N _ _ _ � _ = A A A A n n n n n n o 0 0 0 � n m a v m 5 � �� N Ul 4I N l/1 N CJ (J CJ CJ m m m N m m p. p, p_ p_ p_ a O O O O 3>>>>> N N N N � O O O O v m v m m m o 0 0 0 O O O O O O�� J � � � � � � � w n�+ v m fn f�n W N W l�i� N N N N (J W (J (J (J W � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 o O � � 0 v � � N O O � N N N N N N N-+ +-� � 0 000000<0�0�0�0 0000000�o�o�oco Q� (It A(J N� O<O W J W < � � m � a v � O T � y m m � m y � 'D o JJ '� � O » N N � � m � m � - �n � - 0 W v � D � 0 V/ � T V � N N N N � � 0 � � Q r 0 r � � � � V � 0 � � EA EA W 4fl � LA fA EA [A Efl CA EA fA fA <O V O c0 (O c0 W Cn W V V 6> J A N(n N t0 � W W A 00� <J OOOOOOJ <O (Ii m(n A(T V fO W�I (Ii N A A W O W V(T � A N cD m m U J�+( m V O N U�i N V3 H3 1i3 (A £fl (A H� EA fA V3 ffl � ( N W�� � m� m � N W O(P N IV IV IV N N IV IV (Si Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O fs3 [i3 Ef� 4Y fff (f3 [i� !i3 V3 ffi [9 N CP (O m V O> (1� j A W N W W W W(P J(O W(1� V W A (1� c0 (I� A W CJ W CJ W W ID (n T O(O O N A W N O N A A W O W V(P � A N(O � m ( V �- c m V O N U�i N EA fA � Hi GY H3 ffl fA Lii fA H3 EA O O�O W W V V m O� (Si (P O O O(J� O Cn O[T O(n O O O O O O O O O O O O m EA � tn (n tn EA Efl tn (n [n Efl c0 V O f0 cp cp W W 6� V J W V A W(Ji N Gp m W W A O m( J-� O O O O O W (O N m(T A(n �I (p OJ V(Il N A A Co O W V(P W A N�p O> � C V �� ( V D T V O N (�1� N �.�:¢s';:• ��, �o� ��i, n� 'O O Cn IV IV N N IV IV N N(P O ' O O CT (S� (n (J1 CT (I� (S� (Jt O O �. O O O O O O O O O O O 0::�"00000000000 O� O O O O O O O O O O O W cJ W W(J � � u u u � � � � � � rnrnrnrnrnww�wc.�w iawwiawincnin �ninin N N N N N m ���� m EA V3 fA V3 N3 H3 ffl 4A EA [9 H3 O O O O O O O O O O O W W W W W W(J W W W W fA A tfl EA H3 EA 4A fA fA EA EA EA � CIi W (n tP (P (Si A A A A A � m � O O O O O O J m U� <T Ui (Ti V V V J J� � A ( ( ( ( � � m O�i � � W J V V J A A A A A O� V N m� m W A A A A A A EA EA EA ffl Efl EA Efl £A EA fA H3 � W u��� O O O O O O J W<P (Ti (Ii (T V�I J V V-� V A( U ( ( m� m m�� �' CJ V V V J A A A A A m V N m W W OJ A A A�A A A fA lfl EA EA EA H3 EA £fl fA EA [fl 0� W � � -�+� 000000 V OJ U� Ut (T (n J�I V V V� � A N N N N m���� �p . A(Si CT (Si (Ti OJ m OJ W O) W V V J V A A A A A� J N W O> m� A A A A A � � » C � y N �����,D 5 a r.> - o v' a � o 0 o p f , c o � p � � A � � �' n��- = n ° o � ° m O n � � N � � ry � O O N 'O p_ II �'� ^ � Ep � J � JJ O Q 3 � �� <°—'� N � ID S � — n 5 T � � O O N y y � � N � � � � O � n v � 0 � � m � n �. T W � ID � N n cD � � � (D O •�� 5 N � -pUS�a,.-p .,. N o uS: �ri'N � ��;' � n � n' O .N��^�` � n z" ,... � �'x-n �'� TI � G 3 L � a::� :h;..� �.: �� ��'°4���' ' � . �.r.IP't0.: _ � N a ai� �° O .. ..... _ . �, ,,, m U O m � w � � � 3 ° c ¢ 0 m m 0 N N rn / r ::: ;��, LEASE AMENDMENT AND EXTENSION AUG 2 5 ZQ06 ���� � �. �. ��_ :������ THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 1 day of March, 2002, by and between the Port AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a public corporation organized and existing pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 469 of Minnesota Statutes, hereinafter "Landlord" and the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter called the "Tenant" wifness as: WHEREAS, Landlord and Tenant entered a lease as renewed by Lease of Real Property dated October 1,1996, the "Lease": and WHEREAS, the Lease terminates as of September 30, 2006: and WHEREAS, Tenant desires to add an additional 82,764 square feet of adjacent fand to the Leased Premises: and WHEREAS, Landlord is agreeable to extending the area of the Leased Premises subjeat to all of the same terms and conditions of the Lease for an additional monthly rental payment of $896.61 and the implementation by Tenant of certain management practices as set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE ABOVE PREMISES THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: That certain Lease Agreement is hereby amended by adding to the Leased Premises 82,764 square feet of land as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. That the monthly rental rate paid by Tenant shall be $4,293.82 due and payabfe on the first day of each month fiereafter. 3. The Tenant will take reasonable action to limit and controi inappropriate use of Barge Channel Road incfuding: a. Vehicies abandoned on Barge Channel Road for 48 hours after leaving impound Lot will be removed. b. Tenant (the Saint Paul Police Department) wiff enforce vehicle violations, within the regular course of their duties, for activities involving vehicle dismantiing, processing and maintenance of vehicles that leave the impound lot. c. If visual screening is needed, the Tenant (the Saint Paui Police Department) will work with Great River Green to build off of the Greening efiForts aiready established by the Port Authority. z2on.�. � / � . i 1. That except as modified herein, all otherterms and conditions ofthe Lease shall remain in full force and effect. !N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlard and the Tenant have caused these presents to be executed in form and manner sufficient to bind them at law, as of the 1 day of �y , 2002. LANDLORD: PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TENANT: CITY OFiSAINT PAUL By :�� , - �----_ Its President B �� Mayor B� v —1 Y City Glerk By �,.'�� Director of Finance and Management Services 22�77.(. .�.Iit . V � � N � `� " - - � � Q c d a 0 � > m 0 D(� �8 88 Mississ'ippi River �. -- / \ \ ' ` /-_. ,.J.:._ " . . . C�_'';: _ �; � � c x�„ � o 0 0 N � ` a � J - , : K�� � s'.. ...�.. U �Q Q' � �,� Arrow Auto & Q .�� Truck Parts ti ch e a � k ��s \� � 0 N N �� O O �- UQ � �a ° Q c " v � o m -ou. . � � N � °a E �v�= ,. _Pao��� � c 'O Y , �Un�on" � � � , F- � U p . a « ,� i � [n O T na�' � O w C � U Q � V Y ¢a _�� . , � L � � m N a �O� , � ��� J� ;::%'� Krupenny L�l � a -M^� A ( \ Q� /{.. e �v a° �,�� P°�� . .GO�� � � �� / � � 0 � O N O o N �Z � 52 JS• a a❑ Saint Paul Police Chief William Finney, 292-3580 ON COUNCIL TOTA4 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES OATE INITIRTED March 20, 200 � ��, SD(�-88 �' GREEN SHEET No 111754 OENJITYEM qRECiOR tlTYCOUNCIL ❑ qrt/.naxxtY '�q'� FOR ❑ � C11J�K ❑FNM1NCNLfERVICFi010. ❑FlLNCYLSFAV/ALLTG ❑ WM0.fO0.A445fAM) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signature on attached lease amendment allowing the Saint Paul Police Department to attach a piece of land measuring 82,764 s.f. to the current Impound Lot at 830 Barge Channel Road. This piece of property is adjacent to the Lot and is currently vacant. This amendment adjusts the existing lease between the Saint Paul Police Department and the Saint Paul Port Authority. PLANNING COMMISSION CI9 COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this persoMrtn ever worked under a contrad for this department7 YES NO Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO Oces this perso�rtn possess a sltill not nortnallypossess¢d by any curtent city employee? YES NO Is fhis persoNfirm a Wrgeled vendoYl YES NO >lain all yes ansvrers on sepa2te sheet and attach to oreen sheet The Saint Paul Police Department currently operates an Impound Lot at 830 Barge Channel Road The property is leased on a long term basis from the Saint Paul Port Authority. The property is not large enough to accommodate the number of vehicles that need to be towed. The Port Authority and the Saint Paul Police Deaprtment have drafted an amendment to the current lease that"allows the SPPD to utilize the adjacent 82,764 s.f. under the same terms and conditions as the current lease. Funding will come from the Imoound Lot Enterprise Fund VANTAGESIFAPPROVE� " The Saint Paul Police Department will be able to tow and store more vehicles that should be removed from the streets due to a safety'hazard or criminal activity. Use of this space will also lessen the number of abandoned vehicles left on the public streets. Use of this space will also allow for more vehicles to be removed due to housing code violations. None The Saint Paul Police Department will be limited in the number of vehicles it can tow an� store. More vehicles that should be removed will be left on the streets. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS � $96.61/month COST/REVENUEBUOCETED(CIRCLEONE) IGSOURCE 435-24050 ACTIYITYNUMBER 435-24050 .L 1NFOi2MAT10N (EXPWN) Funding wi11 be provided from the Impound Lot Special Fund. YES NO a PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 830 Barge Channe! Road Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 October 1, 1996 i � � • ♦ ♦ • • 11/22/96 TJG D� ��88 Table of Contents l. Parties .............. 2. Effective Date Page ....................... 4 ....................... 4 3. Leased Property ............................................................................................ 4 4. Term ........................................................................................................... 4 5. Use ............................................................................................................. 4 6. Rent ............................................................................................................ 5 7. Serv�ce Charges and Assessmenu ..................................................................... 6 8. Utitities ........................................................................................................ 6 9. Tenant's Maintenance and Repair of the Property .............................................. 6 10. Landlord's Right to Perform Tenant's Obligations .............................................. 6 1 1. Installa6on of Fixtures, Alteration or Improvement of the Property ...................... 7 12. lndemnification Covenanu to Defend and Hold Harm(ess 13. Property lnsurance and Waivers of Claims .................. 14. Liability Insurance ................................................... 15. Quiet Enjoyment .............................••-.................... ........... 7 ........... 8 ........... 8 .......................... 8 16. Assignment or Subtetting ................................................................................ 9 17. Subordination and Attornment ........................................................................ 9 18. Sale or Encumbrance of the Property; Estoppel Certificates and Subordination Agreements................................................................................................... 9 2 0(�-858 19. Holding Over .............................................................................................. 10 20. AbandonmenL ............................................................................................. 10 2 ] . Overdue Paymenu ....................................................................................... 10 22 . Surrender .................................................................................................... i l 23. Access to Property .........................•••........................................................... 11 24. Damage or Deswction ................................................................................. i l 25. Eminent Domain .......................................................................................... 1 1 26. Default of Tenant ......................................................................................... 12 27 . Renewai ...................................................................................................... 15 28. General ....................................................................................................... 16 Signatures............................................................................................................... 18 Fxhibit Exhibit A - Legal Description i .. I •.. PORT AL[THORI"i'Y OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL LEASE O� REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 830 Barge Channe! Road Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 October l, 1996 l. Pa i�. The parties to this Lease are: a. The Port Authoriry of the City of Saint Paul, (the "Landlord"), 345 St Peter Sveet, Saint Pauf, Minnesota 55l 02; b. City of Saint Paul, (the "Tenant"), Reaf Estate Division, 140 City Hali, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102; 2. Effective Date. This Lease shali be effective as of October i, 1996. 3. Leased Property. The property which is the subject of this Lease is the real properry located in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, which is shown on the attached Exhibiu A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-4. Such real property includes any and ali ticenses, easemenu or other appurtenant rights and is subject to any and ail easemenu, covenanu, restrictions or other encumbrances of record, all of which shall hereinafter be referred to collecdvely the "Property". Tenant aclmowledges that it has inspeded the Properry and completed al( investigations and testing of the Property that Tenant desires and is leasing the Properry in an "as-is" condition and r+ot in reliance on any representations of Landlord or of Landlord's employees or agenu concerning the physical condition of the Properly. 4. Term. In consideration of Tenant's performance of Tenant's obligations under this Lease, Landlord feases the Property to Tenant for the term of approximately (] 0) ten years. The term shall commence on the 1 st day of October, 1996 (the "Commencement Date") and expire on the 30th day of September, 20Q6 (the "Expiration Date" ), unless sooner terminated as provided for in this Lease. 5. Use. Tenanu use of the Property is subject to the foflowing terms and conditions: a. Tenant shall use the Property for only the storage of impounded motor vehicles and for no other uses, without the written consent of I.andiord. 0 �� .. b. Tenant shali at all times comply with all applicabte laws, ordinances and govemmental reguladons affecting the Property and the use of the Property and maintain in full force and effect al! licenses, permits or approvals necessary in connection with the use of the Propesty. c. Tenant may not use the Property or any improvements on the Property for the use, storage, handling, transpor[ation or disposal of any Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Waste or Pollutanu and Contaminanu as those terms are defined in 42 U.S.C. §9601 et seq. (CERCLA) or Minn. Sta� Ch. t] 5B (MERt,A} and regu{ations promulgated thereunder as those acts may be amended from time to time, without Landlords prior consent d. Tenant shall not carry any stock of goods or do anything in or about the Properry which wilf in any way impair or invalidate the obligation of an insurer under any policy of insurance required under this Lease. e. Tenant shall have the right to place signs on the Properry only if such signs are used to identify Tenant and Tenant's business, and or give directions which signs must at all times be in compliance with app(icable laws, ordinances, regu(ations, and which signs have been approved in advance by Landlord in Landiord's reasonable discretion. 6. Rent a. Commencing on the Commencement Date and continuing thereafter on the first day of each and every month during the term of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to Landlord monthly installments of rent, in advance, in the amount of $3,397.21 ("Base Rent"). Tenant's covenant to pay Base Rent is independent of any other covenant, condition, provision or agreement contained in this Lease. Tenant shalt pay Base Rent, as due and without demand, deduction, set-off or countercla9m to Landlord at Landlord's address as set forth in Section i above, or at such other address as designated by Landiord from time to time. b. If for any reason, the Commencement Aate is on a date other than the 1 st of the month, then the amount of Base Rent due for the initial month of the term and the last month of the term shall be prorated to the number of days in the month in question which are subject to this Lease. 5 r � -- c. In addidon to the Base Rent, Tenant must make other paymenu under variovs provisions of this Lease. Such other payments, together with the Base Rent payable under Section 6(a), sha11, for a1l purposes, be included in the term "Rent". d. Tenant aclmowtedges that this is a"net" lease in all respects in that Tenant wil( be responsible for (and Land(ord shall have no responsibility for) all costs and eacpenses relating to the Property including, but not limited to those relating to Base Rent, Real Estate Taues, if any, Utilities, Insurance, construction, improvements, maintenance, repair and replacement 7. Service Charges and Assessmenu. a. Tenant shafl pay a{I assessments or service charges due and payable during the term of this Lease. The parties acknowledge that boCh l,andlord and Tenant are political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota and thus exempt from the payment of real estate taxes. If the laws of the State of M9nnesota subsequendy authorize the levy of a tax on properry owned or used by a political subdivision, the payment of said tax shall be the responsibility of Tenant. 8. Utilities. Tenant shall pay, when due, all charges for water and sewer, garbage and refuse removal, electricity, naturaf gas, fuei oil, telephone service and any other utiiity services furnished to the Property during the term of the Lease. 9. I'enant's Maintenance and Renair of the Proper y. Tenant shall, at all times throughout the term of this Lease, and at iu sole expense, keep, repair and maintain the Properry in a clean, safe, sanitary condition and in compliance with all applicable statutes, laws, ordinantes and regulations. 10. Landford's Right to Perform Tenant's Obligations. Landlord shall have no obtigation to maintain the Properry or to repair or replace any improvemenu on the Properly or make any paymenu relating to the Property; provided, however, Landlord shall have the right, but not the obligation, to do required maintenance or to make repairs and replacements that are the obligation of Tenant or to make any paymenu required to be made by TenanL In connection with any such work performed or paymenu made, Landlord shall notify Tenant of the cost of such work or the amount of any payment made, inc(uding any reasonable overhead charge for Landlord, and Tenant shall promptly pay such amount within 10 days of receiving such notice Landlord shall have the right to enter upon the Property pursuant to Section 23 hereof to make any needed repairs or replacemenu. 0 I ' 1 t. Installation of Fi�cwres, Alteration or Improvement of the Prooertv. Tenant shall not make any alterations, additions, or improvemenu in or to the Property or add, disturb or in any way thange the Property without Landlord's prior written consent, which consent may be granted in Landlord's so[e discredon. [f a govemmenta( agency requires a(terations, addidons or improvements to the Property because of Tenant's use of the Property or if Landlord consenu to requested changes, Tenant shail make such alterations, addidons or improvements at Tenant's cost and expense after firs[ obtaining Landlord's written approval of plans and specifications therefor and fumishing Landlord with an adequately secured indemnification (by bond, letter of credit or otherwise) against liens, costs, damages and expenses arising out of such work. If Landlord consents to Tenant's alterations, improvements or addidons, Tenant shall comply with alt laws, ordinances and governmental regutations affecting the Property and such work, and Tenant sha{I warrant to (andlord that all such alterations, additions, or improvemenu shali be in strict compliance with all relevant laws, ordinances, governmental regulations, and insurance requiremenu. Tenant may commence the construction of such altemations or additions oniy after obuining and provid'mg to Landlord tr�e requisite approvals, licenses and permiu and indemnificaUOns. All alterations, insta[lations, physical additions or improvemenu to the Property sha[I immediately become the property of Landlord and shall be surrendered to Landlord upon the termination of this Lease; provided, however, Landlord can, by notice to Tenant at the times such alterations are made or reasonabiy prior to the expiration of the term, require that such alterations, installations, physica! add'+tions or improvemenu be removed by Tenant at Tenant's expense prior to the end of the term. If the same is not removed by Tenant prior to the end of the term, in addition to any and all other remedies of Landford hereunder, Landlord shall have the right to recover any and ail costs that Landlord incurs in removing such alterations, instaflations, physical additions or improvemenu, and Tenant hereby consenu to Landlord taking control of such items and physicaliy removing the same from the Properry. It is the further right of Landlord to se(1 or dispose of such items in any way that Landiord determines is reasonable. Notwithstanding any language herein to the contrary, if prior to the beginning of the Term, or at any time during the Term, Tenant requests Land(ord's consent to Tenant's instaflation of Tenant Fixtures and Landlord consenu to wch installation, such Tenant Fixtures shall remain the properry of Tenant and Tenant shall have the obtigation to remove such Tenant Fixtures upon the terminadon of the Lease at the Tenant's sofe cost and expense. 12. Indemnification Covenants to Defend and Hold Harmless. a. Generai. Tenant shall hold Landlord harmless from and indemnify and defend f.andlord agair�st any claim or {iabiliry for death or bodily injury to any person or injury or damage to any properry present on or (ocated in or upon the ProperLy, including the person and property of Tenant's employees and all persons in or upon 7 / , � � �+� the Properry at Tenant's invitation or sufferance, and from all claims or damages resuldng from Tenant's failure to perForm the covenanu of this Lease. AII property kept, maintained or stored on the Property shai( be kept, maintained or stored at the sole risk of Tenan� Tenant agrees to pay all sums of money in respect of any labor, service, materials, supplies or equipment furnished or alleged to have been furnished to Tenant in or about the Properry, and not furnished on order of landlord, which may be secured by any Mechanic's, Materialmen's or other lien, provided that Tenant may contest such lien, but if such lien is reduced to final judgment and if such judgment or process thereon is not stayed, or if stayed and said stay expires, then and in each such event, Tenant sha(l forthwith pay and discharge and judgment Land(ord sha(I have the right to post and mainuin on the Proper[y, notices of non-responsibility as provided for under the laws of the state of Minnesota. b. Environmentai. 'fenant shall hoid Landlord harmless from and indemnify and defend Landlord against any claims brought by any parry involving environmental matters under CERCLA, MERLA or any related Acts, based on activities of Tenant or any of Tenant's agenu, successors or assigns on or involving the Property. The term "claim" shall include remediation costs, damages, fines, penalties, forfeitures, administrative costs, consent agreements and orders, attomey's fees, consultant's fees and laboratory fees. c. iv 1. Tenant acknowledges that notwithstanding any language herein to the contrary, Tenant's indemnification provisions under this Section 12 shall sunrive the termination of this Lease, but for oniy the acts or actions which occurred during the Lease term, and shall be in addition to any and ail other rights and remedies of Landiord for Tenant's faiture to pay Rent or abide by any other covenants of this Lease. 13. Prop� Insurance. The parties acknowledge that Tenant is self-insured. 14. Liabilit�y Insurance. The parties acknowledge that Tenant is self-insured and is subject to the tort claims liability limits set forth in Chapter 46b of Minnesota Statutes. 15. Ouiet EnjoymenL Landlord warrants that it has full right to execute and to perform this Lease and to grant the estate demised, and that Tenant, upon payment of the Rent and other amounts due and Tenant's performance of all of the terms, conditions, covenanu and agreemenu on Tenant's part to be observed and performed under this Lease, may peaceably and quietly enjoy the Property subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease. E:3 •.i I i ... 16. Assignment or Subletrine. Tenant agrees not to transfer or assign this Lease or sublease all or any portion of the Property without obtaining the prior written consent of Landlord which consent Landiord may grant or deny at Landlord's sole discretion. 17. Subordination and Attommen� Tenant's righu under this Lease are subordinate to any Mortgage which currentiy encumbers the Property or may encumber the Properry in the future, and to all renewals, replacemenu and extensions of and amendmenu to such encumbrances. Tenant agrees in �►e event that any proceedings are brought for the foreclosure of any Mortgage, 7enant shall immediately and automaticaliy attom to the purchaser at any such forec{osure sale as the Landlord under this Lease, and Tenant waives the provisions of any statute or rule of law, now or hereafter in effect, which may give or purport to give Tenant any right to terminate or otherwise adversely affect this Lease of the obligations of Tenant hereunder in the event that any such foreclosure or cancellation proceeding is prosecuted or completed. 18. Sale or Encumbrance of the Prop�; Estopnel Certificates and Subordination A�reements. a. Sale or Assignment of the Pronertv: If Landlord seils, assigns or otherwise voluntarify conveys the Property during the term of this Lease, Landford shall be and hereby is relieved of alt of Landford's obligations under this Lease which accrue after the date of sale, and such sale sha(I result automatically in the purchaser assuming and agreeing to carry out alI of such obligations of Landlord. Tenant agrees to immediately and automatica(ly attorn to such assignee. b. Esto�pel Certiftcate: If Landlord desires to seU or encumber the Properry during the term of thls Lease, Tenant shalt, at the request of Landlord, provide Landlord or such other Parry as Landlord may designate with an estoppel certificate in which Tenan� (1) states that the Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect or references or specificaily describes any modificadons and states that the Lease is in full force and effect as modifled; (2) states that Landlord is not current{y in default under the terms of the Lease or specifical(y describes aff a(leged defaulu; (3) states the amount of any prepaid Rent; and I � =•: (4} provides such other infoemation regarding the Lease or the Properry as Landlord may reasonaby request. c. Subordination Agreement To evidence the fact that Tenant attoms to a new landlord or that Tenant's righu under this lease are subordinate to any mortgage, within ten (10) days of Landlord's written request, Tenant shall execute a Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment pursuant to which: ( i) Tenant acknowledges that Tenant's righu under this Lease are subordinate to the rights of a specified mortgagor; (2) Tenant agrees to attom to such mortgagee if the mortgagee forecloses iu mortgage or accepu a deed in lieu of such foreclosure; (3) the mortgagee agrees not to disturb the Tenant's possession of the Properry in the event of a foreclosure or deed in lieu thereof so tong as Tenant is not in default under the terms of this Lease. 19. Holding Over. If Tenant remains in pouession of the Properry after the expiration or termination of this Lease and without the execution of a new Lease and Landlord does not commence an uniawiul detainer proceeding during the first month after such expira6on or termination, Tenant shall be deemed to be occupying said Property as a tenant from month to month, subject to all the condidons, provisions and obligations of this Lease. 20. AbandonmenL !f Tenant shall remove iu Tenant fixtures (if any) or personai property from the Property or shall vacate the Properry or any part thereof prior to the expiration or termination of this Lease, or shall discontinue or suspend the operation of its business conducted on the Properry for a period of more than thirry (30) consecutive days, then in any such event Tenant shall be deemed to have abandoned the Property and Tenant shall be in default under the terms of this Lease. 21. Overdue Pa�ments. Ail monies due from Tenant to Landlord shall be due on demand, unless othe►wise specifled, and if not paid within ten days of due date, shall bear interest, untii paid, at a per annum rate equa( the lesser of 4% over the reference rate of First Bank Navonal Association, as such rate is announced from time to time or the highest rate allowed by taw. 10 I ::; 22. urr r. Upon expiration or termination of this Lease, Tenant shall peaceably surrender the Property free of waste and debris and in good order, condirion and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted and shalf promptty surrender all keys for the Property w Landtord at the place then fixed for payment of Rent and shalf infarm Landlord of the combinations of any (ocks and safes on the Property. On or before the Expiration Date or within 24 hours of Landlord's terminadon of this Lease, Tenant shall, at 'sts expense, remove al[ personal property and Tenant Foctures (if any) from the Property, and Tenant sha(( be conclusivefy deemed to have abandoned any properry not removed within the 24 hour time period. 23. Access to Property. Tenant agrees to permit Landlord and the authorized representatives of Landlord to enter the Properry reasonably agreeable times during usual business hours for the purpose of inspecting the same and for performing any inspections, surveys, repairs or replacement or otherwise, provided such activities do not unreasonably interfere with Tenant's use of the Property. Nothing herein shail impfy any duty upon the part of Landford to do any such work which, under any provision of this Lease, the Tenant may be required to perform, and Landlord's performance thereof sha{{ not constitute a waiver of Tenant's default in failing to perform the same. Landlord reserves the right to enter upon the Properry at any time in the event of an emergency. 24. Damage or Destruction. If fire or other casuaity damages or destroys the Property during the term of this Lease, the foilowing provisions shall apply: a. If fire or other casualty damages the Property and the cost of restoration, as estimated by Landlord, equals or exceeds fifty percent (�0%) of said replacement value of the Improvemenu and if the Improvemenu is not suitable for the business of Tenant as a resuft of said damage in the reasonable opinion of Tenant, then 7enant may, no tater than the sixtieth (60th) day fo{lowing the damage, give Landlord a written noUCe of election to terminate this i.ease. Termination sha{i be effective upon the remova! by Tenant of ali personal properry including motor vehicles in who(e or in part from the Property. 25. Eminent Domain. If an eminent domain proceeding is commenced or a private sale in lieu thereof occurs with respect to the Property during the term of this Lease, the following provisions shall apply: a. If a public or private body with the power of eminent domain or condemnavon other than Landlord (a "Condemning Authority") acquires all of the Property through the exercise of its power of eminent domain or condemnation or as 11 / i ��� a result of a sale in lieu thereof, this Lease sha[[ cease and terminate as of the date the Condemning Authority acquires possession. 7enant shall pay a11 Rent up to that date. b. If a Condemning Authority acquires onty a part of the Property, and such acquisition materially affects the Property so as to render the Propeny unsuitable for the business of the Tenant, in the reasonab(e opinion of Tenant, then this Lease shalt cease and terminate as of the date the Condemning Authority acquires posseuion. Tenant shall pay all Rent due up to the date of such termination. c. If a Condemning Authority acquires only a part of the Properry and such acquisition does not materially affect the Property so as to render the Property unsuitable for tt�e business of the 7enant, in the reasonable opinion of Tenant, this Lease sha!! continue in full force and effed with a pro rata reduction in rent and Landlord shall have no obiigation to restore the Property to the condition it was in before such acquisidon. d. Tenant shall not be endded to any part of the award paid in any condemnation acquisition under power of eminent domain or any part of any of the proceeds of a sale in lieu thereof, and land(ord shatt receive the full amount of such award. The Tenant hereby expressly waives any right or c(aim to any part of such award or proceeds. e. Although all damages in the event of any condemnation shail beiong to the Landlord whether such damages are awarded as compensat'son for diminution in value of the leasehold or to the fee of the Properry, Tenant shall have the right to claim and recover from the condemning authority, but not from Landiord, such relocation benefiu or other compensation as may be separately awarded or recoverable by Tenant in Tenant's own right on account of any and ali damage to Tenant's business by reason of the condemnation and for or on account of any cost or {oss to which Tenant might be put in removing Tenant's merchandise, fumiture, fixtures, leasehold improvements and equipment 26. Default of TenanL a. Evenu Of Default The occurrence of any one or more of the following events shall constitute an Event of DefaufL• ( i) Tenant's failure to pay Rent as due; 12 / i � ': (2) Tenant's fai(ure to ful(y perform any of Tenant's ob(igations, other than the obligations referenced in 5ection 2ba(1) above, or to abide by any reshictions set fiorth in this Lease within ten days of Landlords written notice to Tenant of Tenant's failure to perform or abide by such obiigation or restr3ction; (3) Tenant's insolvency or filing, or having filed against it, any bankruptcy or debtor proceedings or proceedings where the appointment of a receiver or trustee of all or any portion of Tenant's proper[y, or if Tenant or any guarantor of Tenant's obligadons under the Lease makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; b. Landlord's Remedies: lf an Event of Default occurs, Landlord shall have the foltowing remedies; ( l) Land{ord may, but shall not be obligated to, and without notice to or demand upon the Tenant and without waiving or releasing the Tenant from any obligations of the Tenant in under this Lease, pay or perform any obligations of Tenant; pay any cost or expense to be paid by Tenant; obtain any insurance coverage and pay premiums therefor; and make any other payment or perform any other act on the par[ of the Tenant to be made and performed as provided for in this Lease, in such manner and to such extent as the Landlord may deem desirable, and in exercising any such right, to aiso pay all necessary and incidental costc and eacpenses, empfoy counsel and incur and pay attorneys' fees. 7enant sha11 pay any and al{ such sum or sums to Landlord with interest as provided for ir► this Lease. (2j Landlord may terminate this Lease by written notice to Tenant Neither the passage of time after the occurrence of the Event of Default nor Landlord's exercise of any other remedy with regard to such Event of Default shall limit Landlord's right to terminate the Lease by written notice to Tenan� (3) Landlord may, whether or not Landlord has elected to terminate this Lease, immediately commence summary proceedings in Unfawful Detainer to recover possession of the Propeny. Upon Landiord's reentry upon and repossession of the Property, Landiord may remove Tenant and all other persons from the Properry. Landlord may, at Landlord's option, either remove and store in any public warehouse or e(sewhere, at Tenant's sole cost and e�cpense or store on the Properry, pursuant to Minnesota Stawtes § 566, any property of Tenant which is located on the Propeny at the time of Landlord's 13 � � ��� reentry upon and repossession thereof. Landtord may exercise Land(ord's right to reenter upon and repossess the Properry pursuant to this subsection without being guilty of trespass or cor�version and without becoming liable to 7enant for any ioss or damage Tenant may suffer as a resuit thereof. Landlord's reentry upon and repossession of the Properry shal( not be deemed to be an implied or express termination of the Lease. (4) Ifi Landlord reenters upon and repossesses the Proper[y without terminating this Lease, each of Tenant's obligations under this Lease shali survive and continue, including Tenant's obligation to pay Rent, and Tenant shall fulfill such obligations within the time periods set forth in this Lease. Landlord may, but shai( not he obtigated to, attempt to relet the Property for such term or terms (which may be greater or less than the period which woa(d otherwise have constituted the term of this Lease); on such terms and conditions (whtch may include concessions or free rent); and for such uses as Landlord, in iu sole discretion, deems appropriate, and Landlord may collect and receive ali rent payable on such reletting. Landlord shall apply any rent actually received, fess all costs of such reletting, including, without limitation, all repossession costs, brokerage and management commissions, operating expenses, legal expenses, attomeys' fees, alteration costs, and expenses incurred in preparing the Property for such reletting, towards the payment of the amounts which Tenant owes under this Lease. Landtord shall not be responsible to Tenant for any failure to collect rent due on such reletting. If the rent received as a resuit of such reletting, after reduction for afl costs of such re{etting exceeds the amount which Tenant owes under the Lease, all such excess shafl accrue to Landlord. (5) If Landlord terminates this Lease, Landlord may elect to recover from Tenant, as damages for Tenant's default, either: (a) all amounts due under this Lease as of the date of termination plus periodic payments of amounu equa( to the Rent due under this Lease which paymenu shatt be due at such times as Rent would have been due under this Lease. The amounu due shall be reduced by an amount equal to the rent which Landlord actually receives upon any reletting of the Property, after deduction for all costs of such refetting, including, without limitation, all repossession costs, brokerage and management commissions, operating expenses, legal ex- penses, attomeys' fees, afteration costs, and expenses incurred in 14 0��8�� preparat9on for such reletting. Landlord shall not be responsible or liab[e to Tenant for any failure or inability to collea any rent due upon any reletting. � Tenant shall pay such damages to Land[ord manth(y, without demand, deduction, set-off or counterclaim, on the days on which the Rent wou[d have been payable under this Lease if this Lease where still in effect, and Landlord shall be entifled to recover such amount from Tenant on each such day;. or (b) af( amounu due under this Lease as of the date of termtnation plus an amount equal to the present value of the remaining Rent due for unexpired term of the Lease at the time of termination less the present value of the fair rental value of the Property for the same time period, after reduction for ali estimated cosu of reletting and estimated holding costs undl a new tenant may be found. (6) In addition to all remedies hereunder dealing with failure of Landlord to pay Rent or abide by other covenanu of this Lease, whed�er or not the Lease is terminated, Landlord shafl have the right to enforce its righu under Section 12 of this Lease dealing with indemnification. (7} tn add':dan to ait ots�er remedies of Land(ord, Landtord shat! be entifled to reimbursement upon demand of all reasonab[e atcorneys' fees and costs which Landlord incurs in connection with any Event of Defautt No remedy provided for herein or elsewhere in this Lease or otherwise avaifable to Landlord by law, stawte or equity, shall be exclusive of any other remedy, but al( such remedies shall be cumulative and may be exercised from time to time and as often as the occasion may arise. 27. Renewal. One year prior to the expiration of this Lease, Landlord shall notify Tenant of the rental rate appiicable for extending the Lease for an additional i 0 year term. Tenant may accept said option to renew in writing at anytime prior to )uly 1, 200b. If Tenant does not in writing accept Landiord's offer to renew the Lease at the stated rate proposed by Landlord, this Lease shalf terminate in accordance with Paragraph 4 hereof. 15 b(� �8� 28. n r 1. a. Tenant's Ins e� on: Tenant acimowledges that it has had full opportunity to invesdgate and make its own determination regarding the suitabiliry of ihe Property for Tenant's intended use. b. Landlord's Disclaimer of Warrantv: Landlord discfaims any warranty that the Property is sa'stable for Tenant`s use. c. Relationship of Landlord and Tenana The Lease does not create the relationship of principal and agent or of parinership or of joint venture or of any association between Landlord and Tenant, the sole relationship between the parties hereto being that of Landlord and Tenant d. Waiver: No waiver of Landford's remedies upon the occurrence oP an Event of Default shall be implied from any omission by Landlord to take any action on account of such Event of Default, and no express waiver shail affect any Event of Default other than the Event of Defauit specified in the express waiver and such an express waiver shall be effective only for the time and to the extent expressly stated. One or more waivers by Landlord shall not then be construed as a waiver of a subsequent Event of Defaul� e. Consent Landlord's consent w or approval of any aa requiring Landiord's consent or approval shall not waive or render unnecessary Landlord's consent to or approval of any subsequent similar act by Tenant Whenever provision is made under this Lease for Tenant securing the consent or approval by lessor, such consent or approval must be in writing executed by an authorized representative of Landlord. f. Conmuctive Eviction: No action required or permitted to be taken by or on behalf of Landlord under the terms or provisions of this Lease shall be deemed to consdtute an eviction or disturbance of Tenant's possession of the Property. g. Merger: All previous agreemenu, understanding, represenutions and warranties are merged into and incorporated in this Lease. h. Choice of Law: The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govem the validity, performance and enforcement of this Lease. Time: Time is of the essence in the performance of atl obligations under this Lease. 16 I :•: j. Endre Agreement and AmendmenL• This Lease and the Exhib�ts hereto, if any, atxached hereto and forming a part hereof, constitute the entire agreement between Landlord and Tenant affecdng the Property and there are no other agreements, either oral or written, between them other than are herein set forth. No subsequent alteration, amendment, change or addition to this Lease shail be binding upon Landlord or Tenant unless reduced to writing and executed in the same form and manner in which this Lease is executed. k. Unenforceabilitv: If any agreement, covenant or cond'stion of th9s Lease or the application �ereof to any person or circumstance shatl, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease, or the application of such agreement, covenant or condition to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shatl not be affected thereby and each agreement, covenant or condition of this Lease shal! be valid and be enforced to the fultest extent permitted by law. I. Successors and Assig�:. The terms, covenanu and conditions of this Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. m. Recording: Tenant shall not record this Lease without the written consent of Landlord. Upon the request of Landlord, Tenant shalf join in the execudon of a Memorandum Lease for the purposes of recordation. Said Memorandum Lease shall describe the parties, the Property and the term of the Lease and shall incorporate this Lease by reference. n. Notices: Any notice required or permitted under this Lease shalt be deemed sufficiently given or secured if sent by registered or certified retum receipt mail to Tenant at Reai Estate Division 140 City Hall S� Pau1, Minnesota 55102 17 ! �!� and to Landlord at the address d�en faed for the payment of Rent as provided in this Lease, and either party may by like written nodce at any time designate a different address to which notices shall subsequently be sent or Rent to be paid. o. Ca°UOns: The captions are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of thu Lease nor the intent of any provision thereof. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlord and the Tenant have caused these presenu w be executed in form and manner sufficient to bind them at law, as of the day of , 1996. LANDLORD: PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By lu resident g:Cjg\con Vactt\impound.doc TENANT: CITY OF SAINT PAUL B �G ���� Mayor BY �..��t�� City erk B �t/Ll9� Director of Finance and �J �`,� Management Services � �� ��� � EXHI-Si-T A-1 SOUTHPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK IMPOUND LOT � / � ♦. --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Parcel 1 Parcel B Parcel A Original 1975 Lease Deduct Cul-De-Sac Added Road Area 1984 1985 West Parcel 165,170 sq.ft. - 5.547 159,623 sq.R. +28.728 188,351 sq.ft. East Parcei 125,237 sq.ft. 3 f 3, 588 s� � ' l .-.-- _ � Ol�-g�� � i'i •:.v 6::-{;;: EXHIBIT A-2 . : � • S�. i�...f.'A r.u. i::'. !, „9 a .,�P� R.,.,�� -+. T.^,� �..�a � �� �w�A. .� -• Y Q..1VY t �/� uAY� ��.__..:: 1,:_•..s `.i..'.'_...:: ..J . . . " �VA.:.^.LY t. fC25��i�G, 2uUis Land Survcyor :' � >:-::�-�:,� ����.::_ ����� � Jr;;�, :;'r% G�r �'l� ClTY GF �ST �P.-'}UL. ._ . -s:�:=r2�z � .r.,� ----- .:>:�::,�.. .,..�� .... ,.-. .•�- ,.- � . . . . _. :f� ��.:°r:�;:: �':;::::' . - � . � �..� . ., � _ � :, _ _ ,. � -,- . ••� - : - -� � _,r __ .. , - , ; " I ' � " 1 4, ' j � � � \ . • � . .' .. � • . ' . ' : . • - . � \` � � ' • � ' � • � , •� �.= � �a' '• ;•.� �• M ''' '�� ; � 1 � /', . I i .. •. • " • • � . � . . • • . �� \: ' ; . • • : .i . . � .� ;' ..,' . i r � �'� �� � .. : _ . .. .� :�.: i;- �— --w. : t .: �.: __ ' —,--• . . _ - �•- •• ,' • . -� 1 » : ' ti '� . ...a " - •. .:. • 1 '_ ' • «� . ; ::4'. • ;' ..!' �.�"'� i �' •; - r - � . � F . � � \ � , . .' . ' i ! . . 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S,.Q�p';y :. •• -. �./5 ._ SB9_2d�iY,— _ •:.)�, •-- . ... �`��e� �:`rf . . •'i i .. ...... �..% �`�:�' �NE. C . ... . . . ORNER " 3Q�� N'N.// : f"•C GF S�:R�'C� - ' . ' � ' � v vr G7 ;v i �vr..red m. p�:D••�:( oeunbe3 ` ' � $Wln:. 1.'rnc� . � . .� t r.rc-. r.r..t� rlar.v • ' � _ � �.�.�• t...� I�tY� tl�� V.s�� vl:�� A Y���IJLi i�•r�l.���. 1�.1�2�1 al tJ�'� WfI��). •.� �OI!' I(f�y %Ad'I^�J�I S �� eA /i�.. '', .i i1' '�r -/ y , � , , _ r l fes� C ' {�:. •.0 _ - 't � i � EXHIBIT A-2 (Page 2 of 2) , :7tDi� . ' ' • � .. 7:.. . �.i. .. . � � �� ' ^. 4 : " .� ^ '� '`� l.✓ � `= G � � �- � l. J o . i .::� ...:. n: ..... �l�_.: �:.� —�.� r �'v L.�' ' �' ' . . �•.r. �,�: Istc�cd Lnnd Survcyor � tNF� 2�F. 1. FOR.,...2G. , T -:J:iI �Y �= irit �:i �`! J� �7. e'kt1L . . :'::`•i: `• ci':. t'�:< � :,:J- . - . .. �' i ' ufiL� 6i LO.S'i�% t0 fJ�f ��'Gi.U.^.{yCs �' O�.t ..- .,•: .. . AI t or any aart of Lot - •. �� ��O D� f:1C�i1S�V2 sn6 Lot ,�J i0 j::� iGCI-US{Y@� d,�0��' �I%� L0:5 � � � �J�� 11�:l:SIVC� .'�fDC�C Cr�� 1f1C ❑S l.zmprc Aver�ue, �fCVC�.± an. �' � 'd Lots ai'I in.tne ne:�1. .;:�. r'au! Lrcet a^� o� tn� a(tey, adjace�� to sa,• . . eaf �g�;,te �.n� :�:+?�ovemer .iyn�icat� �Cditfon �vo'. 3.that f.> ericr,^�pas,ed y p. I IrC .:�SC: iJeti ?.^• `OI IOL7S; �%o�^•'•�CnC:fir 0L tfiQ \Ofth�:�,:�t COtflCf Qf :AC •• 7ovrr„hi �y ;ao�th rtanqe ?2 :�est,. be'iny a G�int �rti�res �: o` �ec ��on I o, a�. + '1 t,i1C :�A::�!1 ii^C 4� S:3{� i�Qtj���Ofl ��O• 3 thence JOUtfI �i����� �iC,.^.t.� 'S�OCIj ai d 3nuttl Add: tian i f ne, for i�.� : cet tr, tne '��{'nt o oe iinninq of tne � t�;;3� :J.e.^>t fnr� i�0:� f�et, . :ne ,o b� ::esct�5.�, .nence continuin.l ' outn 3l . . ` r h�r.ce �or-h C°43t l7" _:s t� or ��:i�y.o� feet, ir,ence �ou �n EG� I�1''.�as � cr �.'�.CiS �c8 �� �`CRC2 JaU:f. O �%25 i TOf 7� fee'�, thcr.ce .::o.u 3°13'04" :�es2 °nr �8.�1':�et, trar.ce cioutn j�o�.j'��" ::est ?o� �ii:01 feet o'he poini of b��;inni�c,. �on:ai�:tng l65,170 square feet (3.791.73 h�res}. ....,;>�: c :,..::. ( �� 7�i.. ....i �n: o�..o..:ry a..c.reJ S�atl, �i .,�.� . . •. .+.. .��-.�.. �JC�:ivCi <.7 " � ` O I�.i.[ulw�.(rnnNrr�+....1. :l.f• ♦ .� :\� . �� .� •.. 4: 1 \ . �. n. • \� • .� . • �u . . ' . • . . • � I � � il 5 � �. / ' . � .r � � . 1ee� � nnninii r�-s WARPEN I. FOAEBERG Gee�ultlny R,L.E. LAKE & LAND SURVEYING INC. JAMES E. DANLEY R.L.S. Pre�id�nt /t 1288 HUDSON RD. ST. PAUL, MN 56108 �,e-az „ ♦nw.�.a wue METROPOLITAN EN�INEEFi1N0 AND SURVEYINO 8KETCN excLUSrve�r Foa ST. PAUt PORT AUTHORITY AREA PANCEL 'A' sa�se! SQ. FT. PARCEL 'B' 6647; 80. FT. _' I - �I � -� I � - -, � ---- -� L____—I 1 � —� �-----� — � �_ ___� I � � � � _ _ _ � I _ _ _ � — ----� �-----� �I I I _I ----; i __— i r----i �-----i F-----j j- ----� � II �----- -- . � �'�—��I �� � i' � �—'I �----� � I � i � _—_� I � -- j ----� I 1 � i-- r----� 1---- �_ � � � � � _ � �_ � _I �� � � I � � �__� _ _I t_�__ ____ _ �O__ �� ♦ I � �---- � � r � ' ' _i �-- - - -� I- �— — 4'v —; � — — i � , �- --- ---� i •o i � _ _ � — — _ — � � I � �--- • c� --� � .. � a �--- Q e �— } i � r i � Q p' i i -----� I = =� v - - -� � - - - - � Q _ �- - - - -� �. - - - � I I V _I I - - - - I I I � ---- � � � I---- r-- � � --- i- - -� - L----� I_- �Q'� �-----� �---_J MO IIIOMi lET TNIt D�T[ � �a / Soals: 1 ine�= �oe Feet 1 �.r.Of e•r11es 1� H tet. .. n q. nl.. •r r.rerl ..• vr•ouN ►r �• er u.a.r ss atr.et •�►�nble� �n� 1\N 1 �w • �dy ���b1��N L�e� tu���tie� �M�e 1�� 1���� Ih• tl�l� �f rl�n�•e1�. g y <��" .�� /lir. �✓ M1NN. R.L.B. No, ��� on ih� tlaY ol JUNE t0 84 TAI• e�Hlflt�t• ��tl� oniy �I/b Imp����low •��1 lo o.��r n�mN ����o• Shaet ol Sheats � , BEARINCaS ARE ASSUMED o InOictle� Iron Monument $at d MarksO R.4S., • Intlicefe� Iron Monument Found, Set By Ot�sts ImDrovemantt and or encroachment� loentsd �nE •hown o�ly u0on repue�t. DE3.=OeeeriDaE REC.=fleeord MEA.'Msasure0 DESCRIPTION � f,,�' � — �I j�� I �----� I_ _-_ I � �- � I �- -I � •o I __I .� � `y '_ —i _ _ _I __ __� / _ _ _ �O o• r _ _ T �� � V i-- � —i �_ � _i� �''- - ,�f� i ' ' — _ _ I � I 1 - - I I � I _ _ — I / � i: e L�'1f�G_ GC L/'1�vv y� SURVEYING I�f�. % JAYES' E. DANLEY R.L.S. Pt��IL�nt tuevev EXCLU81VEL7' FOR PORT AUT(iORIT iEE EMEET 1 fOR OESCRIPTION A,t .u. I OF T C7 77 � ty �����i r St C y� +q r+R � •� 8 � NN F[ i' ,l � � i G '� � '9 ��o� a a i. >>a-ea „ EXHIBIT A-4 ��p �gUO (Page 1 of 2) CITY OF ST. PAUL . �, � � i �'si � '�� am . . �1�_ / � / \ ., V' � s i� i�\ �•�' .�_ °� 6 � - �i J. . . � o� i o �� � V�'' � : . iiS��\ � C� �i C �e � � 9 �r '+ r\i� / �\ w_ \ ? � p � /' s/' '^� . � / / , e / / i i �i o�/ 9 .,p � � �p � O 3�� ;ei' �i � � / "� � C�� S ��F. S � G,l i� lJ ��ai� �L � > � O �\ J /� ��� � / i / � � i i �� a a � �' e � m i .� � i i � e ° ' / �o , � o Seal�: 1 In e�a 100 F��t 1 ��t��1 e�rtllf t��t t�b ��r��f. •I�� �� 1��0f1 •�� �f���f�� �] �� OI Y11��� A� �I��CI w���U�le� �a9 1�H 1 �w • ��i� •�b1�iH L�nd tv..�)�� •e��e 1�� 1��• ��• 3[�1� e/ Ylwn��Mb �� L By �� ' ' � MIN.. �,L.S. No. 74857 � � on ���30TH d� o f JUIY �g 85 T�I• c�rUtle�l• •�U� enlf �� �nOr���lon a��l t• r�etf e�w�N ��r��w . � i� i \ a,� s � j °.. s / �is °. � � Y� �J � � O O � � ♦ (, � O � r�4 \ .. ! s '. y � s ; !'� �\�' � "r .S` i \ i� / ( s� � V _ � y L F � \ i�\ ` ��C �i /; ^ �e� e � / �. \ V' ��� i / � i / ' Sheat � � of BEARiNGS ARE ASSUME� � i ' \ sn..c: o Intlwates Iron Mo�ument Sat d Marksd R.I.S., • Intlicatea Iron Mo'wment FounC, Sat By Ot�xa ImD�ovements and or encroaehmeM� IocateE anA aAOwn onty upo� repueat. DEA=DeacriDeO RHC.+RecorO MEA.'Meuursa DESCRIPTION PtiEPARED BY LAKE 1 LAND SURYEYIIHQ � ! LAKE & LAND SURVEYlNG INC. JAYES E. DANLEY R.L.S. Pr��fG�nt i��� DESCRIPTION EXCLYEIVELY FOR PORT AUTXORITY Of TXE CI77 OF ST. PAUL �t�V �IVViVn nV• 5T. PAUL, MN i4/0a >>s-ez�i ' . D��gB EXHIBIT A-4 (Page 2 of 2) REGISiERED PROPERTY A31 that Dert of Bloelca SO and 57� tFt Mest St. Pe�l Reol Estat• ond Imororement Syndicot• Additien Ne, � end of the North.ast�rlr �. of .acatsd Nyeminq Street end of vocoted Minona Stzeet and of B�lvldss� and ef Ssction 9� Te�nship 2! Rong• 22 thot 13es Easterly of the Ea:terlr Riqht af Mey lin� of th� Chiceya Gteat Msstern Railzocd and tteaterly of e curred lin� eencev� te the East, havinq a rediva of 2,90i.t2 feet� and rhSch iSne Oe�:es thsough o point on the Nertlirtt�rlr lin ef Let 1 said Blxk 51 diatone� 733.12 feet Neztficestctiy fsoa� the most Wcatcrl7r te[net af sold Lot 7 ond threuqb a paint on the SwtMastvlr lina of Lot 4 said Block 50 distant 86.�1 t��t Norti�eaat�rlr fros the most $outhesl7 coines of Said Lot 9, n�d $outh.esterly o£ the felSerinp descs3bsd lin� commsnei�y at tfia $o�th k cornc[ ef teid Sectien 9; thence North 0•30'10' x�st� clonq tf�� Nosth-South : iie+e a diatnnce of 248.10 feet; thence Nerth 60'1l' West C dista�c� of (604,8p fect to tha intesaactSon •3th the obe�e deaeribed curved 11na alao beiny ths peint ef b�qinninq of th� line to be defczl6ed; thence contlnuinq North 60'1l' West e diatenc� of S4],81 f�et te th� obov� desezibed R£9ht of Way line and there termtnoting. Subject to th� soseaants nnd ri9hts resar�ed 6Y �+a0�er 130 of tha St. Poul leqitlutive Cada, to r�tain�d dsalno9� cassae�ts and to retained electrie and qos easements !n fover of No�thern Sfetes Po•�[ Compeny es s�t forth !n the instrume�t FSled in the offica of the Reqtstror of Titl�a aa decunent No. �17592� as te soid streels. ABSSRACT PROPERTY All thot port oi Northeastesly k of vetated Veraellles Avenue odjeini�q Block 36, ihe West St. P�1 R�al Estat� end 2mprorement Sy�dieate Add3tion No. 4 that lies Weaterly of o curved line eencove to th� Enst� harinp a radlus of 2�906.6I Feet, ond .htch line pas�es tF�ro�9h a point on the Nprihwa4rly 13ne of Lot 1�oid�Bleck 50 distonce 13�.12 feet Northeosterly froA thR mo:t Weaterlr corner of seld Lot 1 ond thsouqh a point on the Soutlxoatetly lina of Lot 9�oid 81ock SO di'stoM 86.4� feet Notth�oatsrlr from the moat Southcrly cornes of satd lot 9, ond Southwesterly of the follewinq deseribed lins commeneinq ot the South : corner of :aid Section 9; thence Noith 0•50'30' Mest, olonq tha Notth-South : li�e a diatonee of 248.10 feet; tfience North 60'II' Mest o distonce of 160t.89 feet to the interseetion rith the obove described cut�ed line also being the ooint of b�qinninq of the line to be described; thence conttnutng North 60•11' West a dlstancs of 41,16 feet to th� centerlin� of �oid oven�e and th¢re tcrminatinq. S�bject to the sasements and r3qhts reserved by Chao «r 1�0 of the $t. Paul l,egislati�e Code, to setained dtainoq• eosemsnts and to retoined electrie end qas easements in fever of Northern Stoiea Po•er ComDa�Y as set ferth in the tnstr�ment F;led tn the affice of the Regisirat ef Tltlas aa doc�Aent No, 717592� as to aoid streets. A31 contain;nq 125237 spuase feet. Sea1�: 1 inenv Fs�! t ..�.y s.,41te lMt .R�. ....•i, o�., .e �.���t .�• rr�v�e�� �/ w� or una�� �nf eir�et w��f�IHM �n� I��t 1 �w • •�Iy II��1�1���/ t�w� Svi�q�/ ����e 1*� 1��♦ N tA• lt�t• •1 Yl�n�uU. � . 1AINN. R.L.S. No. _ on ths.-- a+Y ol Shset 1 HEARINGS ARE ASSUMED 01 2 SAeet• o YnO�cates Iron Mo�umani Set 5 MarkaE R.I.S., • Inaieetas �ron Morwman( Found, Sst By Otner� � Improremenu and of encroat�meN� Ioc�tsC anC s�own only uoon reoueet. � 9__ DES.' Oeec��DeA REC.= RecorA MEA. ° Mseaurea T�1• •�rnne��• .��i� ee�t wi�n �MO�����en I DESCiRIP'(lON •��1 1• e�rl� n���• •�r�ek � F.fi�.S./:'�EAL ESTATE DIVIS N ontsd Person nnd Phone Nmnber. )ave Nelsan 256-&' on Coma7 Agmda bp: ._6 - � # OF SIGNATIJRE PAGES 4 T REQITESTED: Date: ..�w. R ► � �n Sheet Number: 400 RTMEIVT DIR£CTOR CITY COi3NCfi. ATfORNEY 2 CLER% �E1' DIItEC1'OR 1 . 8 MGT. SVC. DIR. )R (OR ASSiSTANly 4 AL ESTATE DIVISION (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) To execute Lease Agreement PD/13, a ld year lease through 5eptember 30, 2006, of vacant land at 830 Barge Channel Rbad for the purpose of storing impounded autos. Ref• 1. Four copies of Lease Agreement PD/13 for signature; 2. Copy of CF��6�i�8�, authorizinglease. dAN 09 199� e�wxNwc wnuna�ox CIV IL SEAV IC6 COMINfSStON RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MITST ANSWER THE FOLIAWING: Has the persaJFirm ever worked wder a contract for this deparfinent? YFS NO Eies this person/firm ever been a City employee? l��Ci�CQ . Dces tltis persodGrm pmsess a sloR nM normally possessed 6y arty YES NO current City employeel c� ro�irree . lein etl YES enswers on a se te sheet end aUach. )RTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S� 7 DISTRICT PLANA7NC COUNCIL 1 11'ING PROBLEM, ISS�7E, OPPOR117NI11' (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): Previous feases providing storage for the impound lot have expired. 4GE5IF APPROVED: The Police Department will have room to store impounded autos . IF APPROVED: None. .NTAGES IF NOT APPROVF.D: The Police Department would have to find another place to store impounded autos. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: �S` 4 0 7 � 6 6 5 COSf/REVF,N[JE BUDGETED (CIRCLE O1V� ING SOUACE: ACTIVITY WMBER: �� F7NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� A �'^�' YFS NO This figure reflects the total rent over the ten year term of the lease. ;� �� �teturm copy to: � . . . . � g c�8 �� F�e � ��-�S Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Green Sheet I{ �UC� RESOLUTION ClTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� Presented By Referred To Conuni[tee: Dnte i BE TT RESOLVED, that the proper Ciry officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Lzase Agreement PD/13, a ten-year lease between the Port Authoriry of the City of Saint Paul and the 3 Ciry of Saint Paul on behalf of the Police Department of vacant land located at 830 Barge Channel a Road for the purpose of storing impounded autos. s 6 7 Requested by Department of: Finance & Manapement Services By: L/�!�LU_\ � ���� ,. Director Form Approved by City Attomey ��. ���� By� �':���--�- �2 - 6 -y � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By: �� �C _,��'��=��