217479 . ._. , _ _. _ .� -- . ..�,�. ._ --- -� __ .- . .
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�` �� • . � ' COl1IIC11 F118 NO.---....�...............
� . Council File No. 217479 - By Milton
• and Rosen—
Whereas, A written proposal for the
PRELIMINARY ORDER. making of the following improvement,
, Opening, widening and extending
' s E. HYACINT$AVENUE from the west
Theundereignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement b �e of Westrriinster'St. to the easterly
,___. line of Interstate 35E, by condemning
and taking for street purposes t h e,
Openi ng, wi deni ng and extendi ng E. HYACINTH AVENUE from the we �utn a.s- of �� is and zo except� ,.
� that azt taken for highway purposes
St. to t he easterl y"1 i ne �,of Int erstate 35E, by condemni ng and �a c�e north 8.5'of Lot z�, au�s.w.� ,
- purposes the south 8.5� o.f Lots 19 and 20 except that part tak Ba�o ondemning and taking an ease-I � '
and th2 north 8.�� Of �.Ot 21 all 11� .1.W. ��aSS Garden Lots. ment in the 7and necessary for the.
slopes, cuts and Hlls including right of
� ; removal of lateral support from subject
land or remainder thereof, occasioned
A1 so condemni ng and taki ng an easement i n the 1 and necessar by excavations thereof or construction
of slopes in the grading of' the ro-
and fills including right;' of removal of lateral su ort from s P�S� E. HYACINT$ AVENUE �om
PP the west line of yVestminster St. to
thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of +ne easterly �,e of Interstate 35E,
having been presented to the Councll
of the proposed E. HYACINiTH AVENUE from the west 1 i ne of Westm of +.�e c;t,• of s�,t Pg� therefore,
� easterl y 1 i ne Of Tntersta,'te 35E• Ib Resolved, That the Commissioner of
_ 1Public Works be and is hereby ordered
land directed:
1. To investigate the necessity tor,
; (or desirability of, the making of said
2. To investigate the natur�, extent
and estimated cost of said improve_
' PRELIMINARY ORDER. m3ntTo f�n�n atni�profije orfsketch
of said improvement.
4. To-state whether or not said im-
����'i����ri�ten�zo.nosal_f�o.�.the_makun�of_�he followin�_i,mprovemen PI'°vement is asked for on the petition
- of three or more owners.
Opening, widening and ext'ending E. HYACINTH AVENUE from the w s. xo report upon au of the fore-�
going matters to the Commissioner of '
St. to the easterl line of Interstate 35E, b condemnin and, E'�'�10e.
y y g Adopted by the Council Aprll 10,1964.'
purposes the south 8.5� o.f Lots 19 and 2U except that part ta� App�ved Aprll 30, �ss4.
and the north 8.5� of Lot;� 21,a11 in J. W. Bass Garden 1ots. � �Apri118, �ss�� E
- - - , --<.------�---� � - "
Also condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts
and f i 1 1 s i nc t udi ng. ri ghtj; of removal of lateral support from subj ect 1 and or remai nder
thereof, occasioned by excavati�s thereof or construction of slopes in the grading
. of the proposed E. HYACTNTH AVENUE from the west line of Westminster St. to the
easterly line of Intersta,te 35E
, �E - - -- - — --—-
c �
' 1. To investigate the neceesity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement.
2. To investigate the nature', extent a,nd estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.
- 3. To furnish a plan, profile`or aketch of said improvement.
4. To atate whether or not e'aid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
- 5. To report upon all of the'foregoing matters to the Commiseioner of Finance.
� "�`� Adopted by the Council.................�; APR 101964
Councilman D a 1 g 1 i s h � �P R 1 � '9s4
' Ho 1 1 and ' APProved--------------- ----•-•--------•----•-----•------.._......._..----...__ .
. . Loss '
�d Mort i nson'
� Peterson ;` �
, Rosen � -..--------•- -•------•------•. ......................._ _......_._......------
Ma. PRPIBID�NT Vavou 1 i s '.� � Mayor.
3000 7-b4 -
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