217432 Y � � ----r � PUBLISH�D �'-/I -�`� �� A�e.�,�+ �> ' Council File No......................._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c�ein F�e No. 21743�By nwcon ��i ••reas, A written prnposal for the . and E ; nt the tol:r.ri��- ir.iprovement, •�.�:i �l'l.L���. . ° '�'�..'iEs' �'" a;i� !' � PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' �' - F� - � _a• � Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,via.: ' Condemning and taking a permanent .easement 20 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under,. across, and through a strip of land 20 feet in width on parts of Lots 7 and 8 in Collings Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul from the north line of �eonard's Subdivision of Btock 6, Collins Qut Lots �Collings Addition of Out tots to St. .Paul ); thence northerly 360 feet, the centerline of said easement being described as follows: ' Commencing at a point on the center line of �cean Street and the intersection of the north�line of said Leonard's Subdivision; thence northerly 360 feet on the center line of Qcean Street extended. Also, condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 15 feet in width adjacent to and east of said above described perma- nent;:easement and a strip of land 15 feet in wictth-adjacent to and west of said above described permanent easement. - WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the malfln� of the following improvement, viz..: Condemning and taking a permanent easement Z7 feet in width for the purpose of � constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, ac�oss, and through a. st.�:i� • ' of land 20 feet in width on parts of Lots 7 and 8 in Collings Addition of Out Lots to St: Paul from the north line of.�Leonard's Subdivision of Block 6, Collins Out Lots (Collings Addition of Out Lots_to St.-.Paul ); thence northerly 360 feet, the centerl i ne of sai�d. easement bei ng descri bed as fo,l l'ows: , . , . L .... . �� • Commencing at ,a point on the center line of Oc�ean Street and the intersection - of the north line of said Leonard's Subdivision; thence northerly 360 feet on the center line of Ocean Street extended. � Also, condemning and taki,ng a temporary easement for construction purposes on a ` st�ip of land 15 feet in width adjacent to a nd east of said above described perma- nent 'easement and a strip of land 15 feet in width adjacent to and west of said above described' permanent easement. t �4-'1'o stiatie whet e�ot eai im rovel�en�s-asxea-ror�onzne-p .,:.,-,r.r�.,,.,.. " 5. To report upon all of the,�foregoing mattere to the Commiesioner of �nance. :� p Y ,� 81964 , Ado ted b the Council----------•------=---------------------------------APR---------------- ,�e YEes . NeYS � � � , = � APR 81964 f coun��iman ,.�-�-�-�r� , � r . Ho 1 1 a nd , Approved...................................................•---- r . Loss ' .. ••..............M � , � Mortinsori " ? �° Peterson �� ' 'a� Res�n- ' ---------------- ------�-- ---=�-�------ �..___......---._. � M : EfBIDDNT �L��or. � 3000 7-54 ' ' i r � / , - f _ � . ; � � . i