217407 C � �1 : . , �`"_--�i , ("�'� � ^�_' �: � -T���� INTERMEDIARY: ORDER Ca��' FILE N0. - _ r B PiJBLISHr�,D �/ I — �� _ '� . I INTEKMTsDIARY ORDER y � . � . � . � . ;; �.��L - ..��_ � �, .�' File No. 163,95 , . "��49��$irti;:�':13�3t31�a :.�y..��`.. .S^af'''.7 �I 7 , • . �n� .,�� � , �,,. . � . ,_ ' ^ . ` In the,Nlatter of constructing a 2�+ inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe storm sewer stub ;= - �- . connection from the NW'ly line of Reserve Boulevard ad,jacent to Lot 30, Block 4, � . _ �� Whitney's Rearra.ngement��of Bellevue Addition to the proposed storm dxainage facilities to be constructed at the inter�ection of Shepa,rd Roa.d and Davern Street in connection i; ' with the improvement of; SHEPARD RQAD from West 7th Street Boulevard to Davern. Street F � under Freliminary Order 'F 217122 approve� March 18, 196�- �� - � The Council of the G�ty of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance - upon th'e above impravement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. ' That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, a.nd the said improvement ; is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . � 2. That the nature of the improvement which the"Cauncil recommends is . � :� to construct a 2�+ inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe storm sewer stub connection from ' the NW'ly line of Reser','ve Boulevard ad�acent to Lot 30, Block 4, Whitney's Re- - , �� — - '__ arrangement of Bellevue;�Addition to the proposed storm drainage facilities to be constructed at the inte'rsection of Shepard Road a.nd Davern Street in connection with . � . �l� Yr _ the improvement of SHEPARD R09D from West 7th Street Boulevard to Davern Street ;� - with no alternativea, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2�2�+0.00 � ji .I " �r " Resolved Further, That!1a public hearing be had on said improvement on the �th day of May, 1964 a' , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council �Chamber af the Court . House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chaxter, stating the time and place af hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. - , . ;. � � � Ar'�� '7 19�4 � COTJNQILMEN . ,� , Adopted by the CounciL Yeas Nays , . t 6"�'��h—_. :!; Appr e. APR 7 Holland - Loss ' ._ � . � Mortinsoll Tn Favor, Petersota a' � - ,� Mayor � -Rose�.� - ; ,; � �8VOU11� � Againat - �6-68 2M 8� R-1 4 . _ ;� . . .� - i` -