217397 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK {- ���,��3 y , ; ��4 �"�' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �" 'r � �l � � �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. �� COU CI ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � COMM SSDONE ' ''� DATE p►Pril 7, 19� . � �: RFSOLVED� That the Counci'1 hereby concurs in the a�rard of the Purchasing Committee therefors ;� . and herebq awards contrac't for furnishing and delivering to the Dept; of Parks g,, Plaqgrounds and Public Buildings: Bur'eau of Public Buildings, Highland Golf Course� Maintenance Shap� 'e St. Paul, Minnesota, ].4 M ft� 2-1/2"r 2 M ft� 2"' and 2500 ft� 1-1/2" Standard Galvanizod Steel Pipe� T&C, 21 ft, random lengtha,, to CAPITOL SUPPLY 0014�ANY in accordance with City , , specifications and the Formal Bid #9663 of said Capitol Supplq Company for the contract � price of approximatelq $10,118475�sueh bid being the lowest and said Capitol Supply Companq �� �� being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corperation Caunsel be and herebq is- �. �r directed to draw up the proper farm of contract therefor� and the proper City officials � hereby are suthorized to ,execute said contract on behalf of the Citq of St. Paul, '� Couhcll Flle No. 217397—By Frank L.+ Formal Bid #9663� LO� Resolved, That the Councll hereby , concurs in the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awazds contract for furnishing and delivering ° . to �he Dept. of �azks & Playgrounds �–.- __ ' and Public Buildings, Bureau of Pubiic � Buildings,Higffiand Go14 Course,Main- • tenance Shop, St. Paul, Minnesota, 14d • v� M £t. 2?¢", $ M ft. 2" antl 2500 ft.3 • - ,H , 1��" Standazd Galvanized Steel Pipe,� � T&C, 21 Et. random lengt to CAP- � . � ITOL SUPPLY COMPANY��n accord- ance with City speciflcations and the ; Formal Bid No. 9663 of said Capitol Supply Company for the contract'price . • of approximately �10,118.75, such bid ' being the lowest and said Capitol Sup- " ply Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract� + therefor, and the'proper City officiaLs, �. hereby are authorized to execute saidI contract on•behal4 of the City of St. ! Paul. � � Formal Bid No. 9683. Adopted by the Council Aprll 7,5964. 1, Approved April 7, 1964. . . (April 11. �9�> = APR 7 1964 � -- � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ 19— Yeas Nays ' �gru� � �pR 7 1964 � Holland ;. pprove 19— Loss ' In Favor � Mortinson ' Peteraon �� U Mayor - A gainst Rosen '' yr Mr. President, Vavoulis ' ' iorz a-ez ' �� � DUrLICATE TO rRINTER n � r-� .: - ' �� �` CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� f� ��� (_ ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ; COMM SS�IONER �'Z�.��� �,�8� DATF __ RI�O�VED� T�t the Co�dil hsr�by aancara 9.n t?� aw�t�d o! tht pwrc�s�3n� Cc�it��r th�r�tot�� �nd �'eby �w�rds oontrsat �o� �qrni�bit� aad c�s�.it�rinr tQ t� Dspt+ o� �arks � ��.ayrrouAd� and Pctblia Huildi.��s Eu�sq o! �tibl�c Huilc�i�raQs� �i�h].�nd Qo3� �o�u��� �i�tc+�n�� Shop� St. P�ulA 1[ixuA�ra'ts�. 14 1d !t, 2-�,/2�'� 2 H �t� Z'� anc� �500 it. 1-1/�" �t�i.udasd (i�l�►simis�d BtMl Pipe� TdC, Zl !t• s'�adda lw�th�� to �APITO�. �PLY f90l�AN� im a�cosci�� wi�h Cit,� �p�aities�tibtt� and th� �`Q�neZ �id .�663 �f said Capitol �upply Col�any tor th� �i�,tsac� prfc. oi �praac�.�t�iy ��,�s�7��swh bid b�iny� the iows� •ad said Capitoi $apply Caw�ay b�i� s rN�id�bli and �t'elittbl� bidc�� a�d th� �bsparatios Cpt��i b� � �sarab� is dir�ctsd ta drs�r up 'th� �,irogs�r tora of cogt,recrC ther�fo�r, �d ths p�rop�r �`it� pf�i,air�ls lx�reb�r atw�, �u�horis�d �o �cut� r�id aoat�at t�n b�bsl� o�' t1� C3Ey df $t. �nl, �'ar�tl Bid �868� �►PR 71964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays �P� � �96� ��iglish� Holland Approved 1g._ Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iont a-sz