217392 �_ _ � . _� i _ � ���,��2 pUBLISH�D � `� Council�le No._ .... . � , -PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a� F�e No. 21739�By Milton � ,greas, A written proposal for the and �_��p��of the following improvement, �uo�—�,,i;l.Y *.'?'�t::::..B an easemer�t .' PRELIMINARY ORDER. � • . ����: . �ar'th� S;f,� .y, -�, y� '-���. � � h .a, Theundereignedhereby propoaesthemaldngofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of 8sint Paul,via.: Condemni ng_.and_taki ng__an,_easement i n the land necessary_,for,.the__slopes�__cuts__and__fi.l l s, .................... -•--- ----- •--- ----- -. ....... . i nc 1 udi ng__ri.ght,.of_remoya 1.._of__1 ateral,__support._f rom__subj ect_1 and_.or__remai_nder__thereof, .s��asi.Qn.ed..�Z�t._ex�axati�s...tJ�r.�af...ar....cons�r.u�.ti.An..af...slo{�,es_.in._.the..gr.adi.ng--and..aurt�aci ng with bituminous material BPiRCLAY STREET from Minnehaha Avenue to :Reaney_Avenue_ ..._....--••----•-••....................................................•--------------------•--------...._....---•-•-----........-�-----•--•----------•----•---•--. ...--- Datedthis........................day of..................................---••-•--•--•--.............._...---•-------., 19 - -- • � ...-•...............•-•--•-------......___..---•- "---•----------•--....-- ------------------ Councilman. � PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemnin� and takin� an ,_easement in_the land_ necessary for the slopes, cuts_and _fills, .1�t�.1.�asii.n�...r.agh�..Q_f...re.00n.va.l...a�..l�at�ral___sup.przrt_..f.r.�.sub�.e�c.t._.l�nsi__nr._.r_�emai.nder__..thrar.eo.f, ' o���._s.�4n��_.by...�xca���i.4n�...�ber.��f_.or___cQn.�.�xu�ti.Qn..Q_f___�_l_Qp_�s__.i.r�__�h�...g�a�.i.a�--ar�d..sur_�Eaci ng _wi th _bi tumi_nous materi al BARCIAY STREET from Mi nnehaha l�venue to :Reaney Avenue._._.._._. ....- -------___ -- ----•---•---...---•....................................•--•----•----•-------...._ having been preaented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................._ therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be'and is hereby ordered and directed: � 1. To inveatigate the necesa'ity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature; extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile'or sketch of said improvement. � � 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiasioner of �nance. Adopted by the CounciL----------•------=;......................•--•-------AP R..---7_.� YEAB NAYB Councilman n���� ��� ��R 7 19� Ho1 1 a nd Approved-----------------------•------•---------------------•------..._...._...__. Loss Mortinson � Peterson , Ros e n --------•---- -------- - ------•--•----... ...------...._..----------- -- -- -- -- -- ----- Y M$. PBEBIDDNT Vavou 1 i s Ma or. 3000 7-bl � �