06-877City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSES5MENT COUNCI FILE No. n6 ��57� ti � By _ File No. See Attached List Assessment No. See Attached List Voting Ward 1,2,3,4,7 Green Sheet No. 3�3� �fd.a In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for the Operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting Systems for the year 2006 for the following projects: 18321 18390 18423 18430 18992 18550 1859� 18612 19000 18626 18778 18861 188860P 189060P1 Lowertown Area Ford-Cleveland Area Grand-West Area North Wabasha Area 4th/Minnesota Area Concord Phase I Area Wabasha/St. Peter Area University-Western-Mackubin Area W.7` to Munster Area Snelling-Randolph Area United/Children's Hospital Area Como-Snelling Area Hamline University Area Downtown Acorn Area 18336 18392 18425 I8434 18525 18588 18607 18634 Se1by-Western Area Grand-East S Area Grand-East II Area Smith Avenue Area Selby Revitalization Area #1 Se1by Revitalization Area #2 River Park Plaza Area E.7th/Payne-Minnehaha-Mendota Area City Hall-Court House Area Landmark Center Area Dale/University-Minnehaha Area Preliminary Order: OS 18709 18859 18S030P approved 08/10/05 Final Order: OS-937 approved 10/O5/05 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED,That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. o�-��� RESOLVED FORTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in one equal installment as per Section 64.04 of the Administrative Code. Adopted by the Council: Date: - �/-�7/�- �OD( Certified Passed by the Council Secretary By � Mayor City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE N0. O � /�/� REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Fi1e No. Attached List_ Assessment No._See Attached List_ Voting Ward 1,2,3,4,7 Green Sheet No. In the matter of the assessment of bene£its, cost and expenses for the Operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting Systems for the year 2006 for the following projects: 18321 18390 18423 18430 18992 18550 18590 18612 19000 18626 18778 18861 188860P 189060P1 Lowertown Area Ford-Cleveland Area Grand-West Area North Wabasha Area 4th/Minnesota Area Concord Phase 2 Area Wabasha/St. Peter Area University-Western-Mackubin Area W.7"'/Madison to Munster Area Snelling-Randolph Area United/Children's Hospital Area Como-Snelling Area Hamline University Area Downtown Acorn Area 18336 18392 18425 18434 18525 18588 18607 18634 18709 18859 188030P Se1by-Western Area Grand-East 2 Area Grand-East II Area Smith Avenue Area Selby Revitalization Area #1 Selby Revitalization Area #2 River Park Plaza Area E.7th/Payne-Minnehaha-Mendota Area City Hall-Court House Area Landmark Center Area Dale/University-Minnehaha Area Preliminary Order OS-733 approved O8/10/O5 Final Order OS-937 approved 10/OS/O5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total operating costs $148,520.00 Engineering and Inspection $ Valuation and Assessment Services $ 10,245.05 Administration Charge - Public Health $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 158,765.05 Charge To $ $ Net Assessment $158,765.05 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $155,765.05 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identi£ied by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such ' n th on may be considered proper. Dated �� � �'� V� � � /� �� / �,rValuation and Assess e Engineer /f�" D(n '8'l� FILE # ASMT # COUNCIL DESCRIPTION 15321 0070 2 Lowertown 18336 0071 �� �� � � Selby/Western 18390 0072 3 Ford/Cleveland 18392 0073 2 Grand-Eastl �sv G�� 15423 0074 3, 4 Grand-West �. -- �:. ��.�G n-�: �-'"=�- ,��..�x�, 18425 0075 1 Grand-Eastli ����c «r.a�-"-".r �.:.r=�-.a�.w:�..� 7 � _ . ....:ca� 18430 0076 2 North Wabasha -r,�:�,_._zm ,�-� . ..�;a�.:�... 18434 0077 2 Smith Avenue ,� �, �, . x �: � : ;�� �: : 18525 0079 1 Selby No. 1 w�. � .� a ±..>. u_:� 43i.Y*.��Y..� " ,T�.�s'.��. 18550 L 0100 2 Concord Phasel °�� 5 c.,_. t C ,-'�"�Ei� F... .1� ?L��' -_ 18588 0103 1 Selby No. 2 :�;.�a="�.'r'.�,�"� ' r::w.;e� :-.�?c."�..5 e �"�.i, 18590 0104 2 Wabasha/St. Peter ,, "�4... - 'L�tz ..5: x..S�{� x 4i tcrv... ::. {-..tn. 18607 T 0101 2 River Park Plaza ..._ � ..,._...�._ .... �.__ .�.. ..v�., .. . �.�_ �� .:. 18612 0105 1 Univ/West-Mack k�:a�;�� ��» �- . �, �.. t-��� . K ".+ .,.. ..�. �:�t'r_ --'l:.e.u�w 18626 0106 3 Snelling/ _ ,� b. _� e.,�t� ..-s _�,�;�-�e" �f a:..�u �.�.. 18634 0�07 7 7th/Payne/Mhaha/M� #,u��� F� t.�=���. ,.��,,;:_ 18709 0108 2 CHCH . �� �.�.� � _ __ � _� ,_ 18778 0109 � 2 United/Children's - , � - x`�- �.+��-..�%� �te:;�-- .'.a��.� , ..v _ f*,� ..�.�.,� , R ,. 18859 0110 2 Landmark Center � -�� � �;�- � �: r� � ;. �-x 18861 0111 � u 4 s Como/Snelling � ..._ ::.. ry ,� a ,; , T � _ --_ .. .,._ . 188030P 0112 1 Dale/Univ-Mhaha � ,.�.- .� �_� __- _ =a: ., _ ,...�.. x..�v�-, � 188860P 0113 V 4 Hamline Univ ���..��-�� - �'+ : -�.""'s� � v �..-� 189060P1 0116 2 Downtown Acorn � ��� _� _ �, �, _. 18992 0117 2 Ath/Minnesota (Plaz� - x - °� --_. -.- � -: � _. �_. -_ � 19000 0118 3 7th/Munster-Madisor )PERATION COSTS FOR 2006 OP COSTS SERVICE FEE TOTAL $32,000.00 $2,240.83 $34,240.83 E $1,4�8.00 $87.98 $1,505.98 $25,000.00 $1,690.95 $26,690.95 $10,000.00 � $783.02 $10,783.02 ���aa�-..z:� - ..s�... $5,300.00 $439.27 $5,739.27 $8,940.31 $3,500.�0 $248.38 $3,748.38 r'.� .�_J xa�*'n;:. $1,300 $115.58 $1,415.58 .w;:�c4= � � � ��; $2,000.00 $166.86 $2,166.86 �..n_u+.?t� Cv � :i"-?TC 'i�''�.?5�..� t.LL,vFt��?. $850.00 $80.42 $930.42 - '�_ s� � r.,�:. _ ,�.�' # , $1,500.00 � � $89.80 $1,589.80 =� ��.-�'x._.�. =s:�a%= $17,260.00 $1,096.75 $18,356.75 {: i �:. r,. _ $5,190.00 u $363.30 � $5,553.30 .=.b Se n'fx£.w 'E� t c�tk $1,540.00 $70.96 $1,610.96 .�. �`�. �" ' �� $1,000.00 $82.32 $1,082.32 °`':� - "'-.'�-. �.. : +. `�mn. .., e 4. $5,150.00 � $328.67 �$5,478.67 � _.:a � =�:,<k 4 _� ���- �i,2oo.00 $sa.00 $i,2sa.00 _ �� $1,850.Q0 $137.44 $1,987.44 ..,�.,. _.. _ ..- -. , � $2,740.00 $191.80 ^ $2.931.80 15 � $1,332.15 .001 $411.751 $5,988.75 $1 ��P'�11 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ! __�_.....�..__......... ! Pw -r�rs�wo�s Contad Person & Phone: Juan Oitiz m � 2G6-8864 �`�� Must Be on Council Agem 09-AUG-06 by (Date): uate mmacea: i ,�-� ; Green Sheet NO: 3031420 �► Auign Number For Routing Order ueparvnent seniiorerson m a�uuace 0 hli Workc Tuan Ortiz ��� 1 '�cil � Marv E 'rkson I 2 ',Citv Cierk i S7iari Moore � Tofal # of Signafure Pages _(Clip AII Locations for Signature) Set date of public hearing to ntify the 2006 operation cos[s for the Above Standard Street Lighting Systems as list on the attached resolufions. �dations: Appro�e (A) or Reject Planning Commission CIB Committee CiHI Senice Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er vmrked under a contract for this departmerrt? Yes No 2. Has ihis persoNfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not rwrtnally possessed by any curreM city employee? Yes No Facplain all yes answew on separete sheet and ariach M green sheet IniNating Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting the chazges to pay for the costs. Advantages If Approved: Same as above. Disadvantages B Approved: Benefitted property owners will have operation costs payable via proparty taxes. DisadvanWpeslfNotApproved: To not assess the benefits would be inconsis[enC with Ciry policy. Transaetlon: Funding Source: Financial Informatlon: (Explain) 158765.05 Assessments Ac£rviH Number. Counci! R:����r�h JUL 25 2UD6 CosURevenue Budgeted: July 18, 2006 5:04 PM Page 1