217390 PUBLISHED `�— 1 1 ^ �'� �,,��o�9n
Council �le No......................._�J
��� F'ile No. 217390—By Milton
and be�=. A written proposal for the
� , f the following improvement,
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PRELIMINARY ORDER. �""`�''�E �:'��` t�':'� �1f�.:asemen`.,
�'�1c;;�� '-'IN:E 3�,",z 5:? a "'�+n.Lr,
t{it:u?�r.i.nY �a+9:ni��1E� i,+"
Theundersignedhereby proposeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:
Condemning and taking an�. easement in the land necessery for the slopes, cuts and fills,
includin� ri�ht of_removal of late�at sup�ort from sub�ect land or remainder thereof,
............... ------........... ..--- -------•-• ----•---------------.....----•--•-••----...----•--
occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes i� the grading and surfacing
wi_th bi tumi nous mater�a 1 the al 1 ey__i n__B1 ock 1�,�___Dens 1 ows Rearran_ge�nent..from..Bi rmi ngham
..............................................•----•--.........------•--• ---._ ....�----------._...
Street to Barclay Street.
Datedthie........................day of._.........---.............................----.........--••-•---..............., 19 .... �
---•---•------------•-••-•--•---.......------•--• -------•........................................
WHEREAS, A written prop'osal for the malang of the following improvement, viz.:
Condemni ng_.and_.taki ng_an::easement_.i n..the_1_and__necessary__for__the_s 1 opes�__cuts__and_.f i 11 s,
i ncl udi n�_ ri�ht of removal of 1 ateral_ support _from sub�j ect 1 and or remai nd er thereof,
occasi oned_by excavati ons .thereof_or__constructi on_ of s lopes._i n_the__gradi n� and_surfaci ng
with bituminous material ;the alley in Block 13, Denslows Rearrangement from Birmingham •-
- •....._ ..--•. ....... ....... ......•--. ...............__------------•-••----•--------------•---•--•----••-•----------•------------•-----•-------------------•----------_..._
�t�eet��to BarcTey Street:
having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul........................................................................._._.._..._._
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Commiasioner of Public �Vorka be and is hereby ordered and directed:
1. To investigate the neceseitq for, or desirability of, the maldng of eaid improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.
3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.
5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiasioner of Finance.
� APR 71964
Adoptedby the CounciL-------•-•----------------------------•--•-------------•----•--------••----
YEes Ners Q�R 7 ����
Councilman D�a�g-l+s1a�
Holland � " APProved----•---------- -------•------...._......---•-••--•----•-----------------
Mort i nson-� „ �
Peterson `
Rosen � --------- ----•------ --- � ----------.._..-------..... .-----..._._..
M$. P$EBIDENT Vavou 1 i s Mayor. �
3000 7-bd