217372= � : . _ � � �.�.��°�2 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ,�J',� � ' ._ _� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,� �,, CO N IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ; PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF — � C t C erk has occasion at irre lar intervals to WHERF,9S, The i y 1 gu file papers in the R�nsey County Re`gister of Deeds Office, and T�RAS, The Kamsey County Register af Deeds Office requires immediate payment for their services, therefQre be it R�SOLVED, That the City Clerk is suthorized ta depasit $100.00 with the Ramsey County R�gister of Deeds as an account against which the City Clerk may draw� for ,services rendered, an.d further R13SOI,V$A, That the City Comptroller is authorized and directed + tQ draw a check, upon presentation Qf the proper claim by the City i Clerk, to accomplish the ab.aue purpose, and further j RESCQ,QSD� That the Ci1syA C�1;erk is autl��rized to present claims to the Comptraller to replen%sh the -depos�.t,as�the need arises. Councll File No. 217372—By Robert F. - Peterson— Whereas, T h e City Clerk �has • � occasion at irregular intervals to file • �_J . . " papers in the Remsey County Register - � ' r of Deeds Office, and : Whereas, The R a m s e y County Register of Deeds Office requires im- mediate payment for their services, therefore be it � Resolved, That the City Clerk is - � autho�3zed to deposit $100.00 with the� Ramsey County Register of Deeds as� , j an account against which the City Clerk� may draw Por services rendered, and further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized and dlrected to�draw a 1 check, upon presentation of the proper� claim'by the City Clerk, to accomplish� the above purpose, and further Resolved, R'hat the City Clerk is authorized to present cla�ms to th� Comptroller to replenish the deposit as the need arises. Adopted by the Councll April 3,1984. Approved April 3, 1964. (April 11, 1984) , APR � 99�� . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , --- Dalglish A�R T� Iiolland roved � �9�� 19— Loss �� Tn Favor . �' ` K, . E�� Mayor Peterson (� - ___ . _ A gainst '�sen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis iont s-sz i''+" � �� �� A� � DUrLICATE TO rRINTER „ . -I� , A., � ' � `� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N0. _ � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ; PRESENTED BY ,' COMMISSIONER DATF I ' i . � WH�REAS, The Ci�y Clerk hae occasina at �r�egular interva3.e to � £i1e papera in the R�ey Co�nty $e;ister o£ ��eda �fice, end ; . WASR�AS, The Rams�j► C��n,�y Re�ietiex �f De�d� Of�3ce �equi�ea � �.ttmedi$te paycne�i� for tih�i.r a���es, �he�e€oxe ba i� ; RESULVED, Th�.t the Cfty C�.erk ie authori,zed �o depos�� $1.00.00 with Che �tamsey CaunCy� R��st� of 3}eede �s an accou�t againet wh3ch � �1�e City C1erk maq draw fdr ��rvices rende�ed, an.d furthex . RESfI�VEL1, That the C�.�y Camptirolle� i,� a��horized end direc�ed i �o dra�r a cl�eek, upon pree�ent��ion o� �he p�opex claim f�y �hs City Clerk, to �ccomp�.ish the ai�o�to purpo��, and �uxther � i RES(�'VED, That the Ci�y Clerk is authc�rized to pres�nt clains � �a� tha Cp�ptro��er ta rep],eni�h the deposit as the need artses. j - , . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council APR �3 jg��' 19— Yeas Nays Ap� i' ���� i Dalglish . � Holland Approved 19 LOSg ��In Favor �Vi�rtII�sua—� Peteraon Mayor ��4gainst ��--- - Mr. President, Vavoulis iont s-ez � . �