217366 . i ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK « � - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO���� �_ ;.o _ "v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE," DATF � - i � � RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to secure, through appropriate procedures of the Department of Purchases of the City of Saint Paul, one 91� Copier from Xerox Corporation, and the proper City officials , may be and hereby are authorized to enter into the necessary contractr for the rental of the aforesaid machine pursuant to said agreement, it being; the understandin$ of this Council that said agreemerit provides for a basic monthly use charge of $25.00 and a per copy char$e of $.035, sub�ect to a minimum of 2,000 copies per month, such rental or copy charges to be paid out of Corporation Counsel Office Supply Fund 3-10-3(Ol) . , -�..�.. Councll File No. 217368—By George J. Vavoulis-- Resolved, That t h e Corporation _ , __...�- -- ° • Counsel is hereby authorized to secure, "' - through appropMate procedures of the , De�arhnent of Purchases of the City of Saint Paul one 914 Copier from Xerox Cor�ora�ion, and the proper City offlcials may be and hereby are author- ized to eater into the nece�sary con- tract £or the rental of the aforesaid y�j machine pursuant to said agreement, �t being the understanding of this Councll � � � that said agreement� provides for a O basic monthly use charge of�25.pp and U a per copy chazge oP �.035, subiect to � a minimtun af 2,ppp copies per month, W p such rental or copy charges to be peid � out of Corporation Counsel Oiflce � p �Supply Fund 3-10-3(Ol). p_ a� Adopted by the Com�cll April 2, 1984. , - APProved Aprll 2, 1984. � � (April 4, 1964) ' O U � � � � 1�.. 219�� - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��R 2196� Holland proved 19— ,� �gg �n Favor � ,�o���so� Peterson v Mayor A gainst sen -� Mr. President, Vavoulis ions s-ea DUrLICATE TO rRINTER " n �� f a��� - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� °"''�' " `� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, That the Gorporation Counsel is hereby suthorized to secure, through appropriate procedures of �he Department of Purchaees of the City of Sa.�.n� Pau1, one 91�+ Copier from Xe�ox Corporation, and the proper City officiale may be and hereby are authorized to enter into the necessary contract. for the rental of the aforesaid machine pursuan� to eaid agreement, i� being the underatanding of this Council that said agreement provides for a basic monthly use charge of $25.00 and a per copy charge of $.035, sub�eat to a minimum of 2,000 copies per month, such rental or copy eharges to be paid out of Corporation Counsel �ffice Supply Fund 3-10-3(O1) . 2 i°�i� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�p� 19— Yeas Nays Dalgliah • � -- - r, a;��4 JJ Holland `�(� Approved 19— Loss `� � r� In Favor Peterson � Mayor �aseir— A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iorz s-ss �