217362 PUBLISHED �'� �— �.� ���,�,�4�� Council File No..__.._............._. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Councll File No. 217362—By Robert F. � Peterson— V✓hereas, A written proposal for the and �-.��1ng of the following improvement, �� '� tning and taking an easement ,3.�i;.d�i_cessary for slopes, cuts� PRELIMINARY ORDER. �„,,Li dfng rig�ij�oi tm�a o�` -' .59{:�ta.:,�F:�..�a h..J� _ • ,,,• �- „ Theundersignedhereby propoaesthemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of$aint Paul,viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, ...._.........................•--•------•-•--•----•-----•-----•----...---••--•---------------•---•---------------_..----...._.............__....----------------••---...-•-----•--••------•--•-.. including__right__of_removal of lateral support_.from subject_.land or remainder thereof, _--.------ -•••--•--•-----•---......-•-- •---•-•---- ....._.... --••----------•--•--...--•...............•---------- 4��a�i Qn�d._��!..��.c�.ax�ti.sn�..�.h.e.r�Qf...v r...�.on.��r.ust.i.Qn..Q�..�_l uR�.�..i.o---t h�...gr.a�ix�g--.a��..-��c---• f�a.ng..�ni�.h..bitu�oi.nsx��..ma:��r.ial._.kh�..ai.1�.y...�x�..�.I.Q�J�...l.,...H�...H�..T_h��Qn!s..Adsli.�:�Qn.f�sm DeSoto Street east to turn around. Datedthie........................day of---------•--........-----•--......-------•----......... ...... ........----� 19 -- •-• ---•---•------• -• --- •---� ---�--�.��-�- --------------- � Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: � �Qn��mn�.�?9...�n�_.t�k.�n�..a�...�as�m�n..t..i_n..:�h�_��..n.�..n����s_ar..y_.-f.--°•r.---$1.4��s.�._..c.uts__�nd...f.i..1.1.�s_ i nct uding--�?-sht...Qf.:r.�mov.al..of....�_a��r.�l...s�p��r..�._fr.4m__�u�j_��t_.l�n�---Qr..._r.an�in�er...t.h�r..�sf:, occasi oned by_excavati ons thereof or__constructi on_.of_sl opes._i n._the gradi ng_.and__sur-___ faci n wi_th._bi.tumi nous_m�teri�1.---�h�._.�I..l.�y...]_n.....1.--�--...1.,---H:._.N*...T.h�.p�4n.'.�._�ddi ti_on__from -- ....9.._. o k DeSoto Street east to turn around. _ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul......................................................................_......__....._ therefore, be it , RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Works be and ia hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent a,nd estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profil'e or sketch of said improvement. 4. To stAte whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ...................�!P R 21964 Adopted by the Council..........................•---•-------- --- --------..... YEes Ners Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh Q�� 2 1964 HollandApproved------------------- -------•----•-----------------------...--•---------- .._L-es�s-- ' -Mc�Tfi nson , Peterson a .�r— ---------- -- •---•-- - -------------------- ` _._._._.__.___ -- -- -- ----- -._. Ms. P$EBIDENT Vavou 1 i s � Mayor. - s000 �-s� , � .