06-869Council File #�� Green Sheet # 3031496 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 � 45 46 47 48 49 RESOLUTION Presented by OF PAUL, MINNESOTA �� WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there aze available for appropriaaons $715,000 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 2006 bud�et; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WIiEREAS, the Public Adminisffarion Fund includes the activity for Real Fstate CAA-Operating; and WIIEREAS, the 15 th floor of the City Hall Annex is in need of renovations for the use of this space; and WIIEREAS, the Department of Public Works Administrauon Division plans on occupying this space; and WHEREAS, these renovations can be completed with this increase in spending authority; and WHEREAS, Public Works has created and executed an Intemal Cash Flow Loan Ageement between the 260 "Sewer Utility Fund" and the 255 "Public Works Administration Fund"; and WFIEREAS, the terms of [he loan agreement specify that the Sewer Uulity Fund will loan the Administration Fund cash for the renovation, to be recovered in a five yeaz payback term: and WHEREAS, Public Works is ready to proceed with the renovations on the fifreenth floor of the City Hall Annex, and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2006 budget Financing Plan Current Budget Change Revised Budget 260 Sewer Utility Fund 22200-9925 Use of Retained Earnings $3,999,165 $715,000 $4,714,165 All other Financing the Same $45 212.643 $0 $45,212,643 Total Financing Plan $49,211,808 $715,000 $49,926,808 Spending Plan 260 Sewer Utility Fund 22200-0567 Transfer All other Spending the Same Total Spending Plan Financing Plan 255 Public Works Administration Fund Real Estate CHA - Operating Transfer from Enterprise Fund 12350-7302 All Other Financing Total Financing Plan Spending Plan 255 Public Works Administration Fund 255-12350-0898 All Other Spending Total Spending Plan Current Budget Change Revised Budget $0 $715,000 $715,000 $49.211,808 $0 $49.211.808 $49,211,808 $715,000 $49,926,808 Current Budget Change Revised Budget $0 $715,000 $715,000 _ $6,422.541 $0 $6A22,SA1 $6,422,541 $715,000 $7,137,541 CurrentBudget Ghange RevisedBudget $238,995 $715,000 $953,995 $6.183.546 $0 $6,183.546 $6,422,541 $715,000 $7,137,541 o� �6 q 50 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 2006 budget. Requested by Department of: P c+.3 Exc. t,�:�,:-e�� � s y � i �.� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approv y ay � Da[e � � !`�(.� By: Form Approved by City Attomey BY� �W ��vvw^ Form � � Adopted by Council: Date g-��J �FJ�/ . �,� � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b�-��q IlnnaAinnnH�iF..../n.�....nil. I1�M �..:s:aM.i. pW - YublicWorks ContaM Person & Phone: Da�e Nelson 2C>68860 Must Be on Council Agen� Total # of Signature Pages 2-0-JUL-06 � Assign Number For Routing Order (Clip NI Lowtions for Signature) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Green Sheet NO: 3031496 � blic Works i Deuar�ent DireMOr i Financial Services ce Finauaal Servi ttorce Ci ttome eor's OBice Mavor7Assistant ( wndl (Stv Council '(v Clerk C'tv CI k Approval of resolution amending the 2Q06 budget to provide the cash flow needed for the renovation of the 15th floor City Hall Annex. �tlations: Approee (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committ2e CiHI Service Commisslon � Personal Service Coniracts MustMswerthe Foliowing Questions: t. Has this person/firtn e�erworked undera contract forthis department? Yes No 2. Has this perswilfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No . 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any - current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet InRiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Administration has approached tlie Sewer Fund for a loan of $715,000 to maintain the necessary cash balance at Adminisiration projec[ed annual low point.� This loan agreement is on Greensheet # 3031495. Advantages MApproved: � The Adzninish�ation Fund in Public Works will have the positive cash flow needed to complete this renovarion. Disadvantayes IfApproved: None � � Disadvantages If Not Apuroved: � � � � � � Public W orks employees displaced by this move will be without adequate work space. ��ry �����= g .�j � m ,A iota�Amountof �15000 Transaction: Fundin� Source: Sewer Utility Fund Financial Information: (Expiain) July 26, 20D6 1:53 PM CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y - Activity Number. 255-12350 and 260.22200 Ge�nci4 �eseareh Cen#er SEP 1 2 2Q46 Page 1 � SEP 1 � 2006 � �