217333 PUBL..,:;.::.I3 � - � —�� ' �� 6��� Counoil File No.. _ ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �p te 5on e Iqo. 217333—By Robert i. ''lhereas, A written prop osal for ttie and �'=ing of the following improvement, �K. �( � �Z;c�'� �:trr t the sidewalk on both nc x.rt�.5� riurne Ave. from Griggs PRELIMINARY ORDER. `ga, ra: .P,:�.,`;da by aor,,s � '��{J i.cr disirifF .-.b„a.•it••r ':_�:n= ,. �ei:�4v� _rna4 r:_!a� 4ir �;4a •qVt! -•r0� . Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul',vi�.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Sherburne Ave. from Grig�s_St. to Dunlap ......_-•.....................•--------------------•----------............................_......_.................-----..._.........----------------- St. and b�►_doing all other work which is necessary..and.incidental to complete_ said_ improvement. . ------_..............................................••---.................................---......._.._.-------------.._..--•---.........-•----------•--•-••-- ......_............................�..-------...............-------•-----•--........................._..._..._.................--------•--.._.............-----....._..---.......---__........_ Dt►ted thie..._...31st..-•--day of....--------•---------•--.......March ......... 9 . .64 ..---•---- - •-- -...... ,,�1 ... ' •--•---•- .............. ....�5,.� . _.._ . ... .. .-------------- �Counoilman. , PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maldng of the following improvement, viz.: wreconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Sherburne Ave. from Grig�s St. _to_Dunlap ----•--........�_..._..--•--••--•-•------------------------------------•-•--------------•---............-••-•--.._.....-•---•-•-----•------••- _St. and by,_doing_.all__other work which__is__neeessary_ and__incidental__to_ complete_said, -- --------�--•-------- � ---•-• ..._ __. .. ...improyement.---•-----------•..................__...--••---•--•--••-•••-•---•••...---------•-------•-••----•----- -•--...-•---•-----•------•---------------•-----------------•---•-•---------------------._._...------•-•-•••-•-------•----------------•---•--------------•---•-----------------•-------------=---- having been preseuted to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..........._.._..__......__.�............................._....................... therefore, be it ,� RFSOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Public Works be and ia hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the maldng of eaid improvement. -� ���- -- - � •- - - • . 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the�total coat thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners. r� b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiesioner of Finance. � .. { . � �';}:, :.�.�, � ���� .: ,. : Adopted by the Council..............•----•-----::;F..........-------�Q _-........--•-•----- � - � Y�s NAYB .►•, � ''.� � �� Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh �P� �' �' � .. ,. �' Ho 1 1 a nd Approved.................. ..� ..............•-•--..._._..--------•.....---...::__ � Loss � . hle-K-t-I-usa� � Peterson � ' Rese�- -- -------•---- �'.. --•--.:?-��-�--'`._ __._....._..............__. , � j Mx. Pa�sin�x�r Vavou l.i s � � � e Mayor. �� . � ,, saoo �-s� , i - . �