217325 �� _' � 1 � �F PUBLi;;Iy.I;D �—�-�'� ������ �� Council File No.. ._...�--.... , .� ......._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ?9�rson e No. 217325—By Robert F. �F �. ,-3�^. ,reas, A written proposal for the and 4' •"; of the following improvement, � ��. . '�k:Ge�^struct the sidzwalk on both ' PRELIMINARY ORDER. E�'? �"?ark !�. from Maryland Ave. � ��f,r.'c� 'ld by doir...,,a�� �+,,er �. �i� .f,,. .��..a.,.....^: '15,:��.'� • 6 rta.yA i.c����7 jrf;�C�.�%tcf�t^. '•.3�I .; Its Theunderaignedhereby propoa�ethemskingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8sint Paul,vi$.: ....x��Qms t�u��..�b�._����a�lk��.am..l�n.�h...�is�es...a£..Pask.�.t,...£r.am..Ma.�la.nd...Asr�.._ta..RQS�..A,v��.. and_,by_.doing..all other work which is,_necessary__and,_incideatal to complete„said._im-_ ----- --... ..._--••-•- --__ ................ a: ....proyement. ---- �'....----•................•----•-•-----............__._..............................._..._....... -•--.._- -----------------•-- ............-------------•--•--•----- �` ........Dated this.....31st:.......day of`..............................March -•--•--•--...........„---'...---, ..._..fi4.......-•---•--.......-•------••--•--- , .... ... .... . ..... . � ...-•---• --•.... .............._�� -• --...----•---..........-- � ' Councilman. r ,� 1� �` � �� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propo��al for the malflng of the following improvement, via.: __reconstruct the sideaalk�(oa both sides of Park St. from Ma.ryland.Aye.._to__Rose.Ave� -- ---- ----- ---• --•-- •--• •-•-----•-------------------------•--.._..----------•- �k and by_doin�__all_.other__work which is_.necessary_.and._incidental. to_.complete._said im �_ ...._..._ il •-----• •--- -- -- ----• provement. �j _.�-•----------•----------------------------------•--•----��.._-------.__---•--•----•--•--.......---------•--•--•--••------------------••------------._..........--------....-----•-------•---- ..---•-•-------•---------•------•----------•--------•-----•--=-•--------------_-------------------------------------------------=--------_._.........-----•---..._._....-----------------._.__. , �E � having been preaented to the Council of the City of Saint Psul-------------------_--_--•------........._..--------------------..........--_••--_ therefore, be it t RESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Public OVorks be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the necesei�y for, or deairability of, the ma�ng of said improvement. k 2. To inveatigate the nature„`extent and eatimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. � ` 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . � 4. To state whether or not said improvement is aeked for on the petition of three or more owners. i� b. To report upon all of the f�regoing matters to the Commiesioner of F�nance. . Adopted by the Council......_...._------�E---------------------------....-----------�P�---- 1 �964 Yees NsYS �E Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh �� APR 11964 Ho1 1 and �i APProved......................._--•------•--......_..--•------........--------- Loss �k F . � Peterson ' Rn� � .__._.. �........... ----------------------•----------_........Y..__.___ Ma. Paesin�x�r Vavou 1 i s �F � Ma or. � s000 �.ss i � k � C .E �� �� �� €