217305 I ," * ' � _ i'ZTBLISHLD -. �- � �; . \ OWIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ` _j,� �L�'►o�,{��� �_=--� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. 4� F, 7 . " - - ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK aa=-- •. •il File No. �217305—By �'rank 7r.. � COUNCIL RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM �'e as,- Under �d p,�,�nt 't'o � ��, � iance No. 11542, a roved Au ust CO�M SS�IONE �A� L'. I'OSS DATF Oi^,", �e Car Allowance Committee e � �� i for in SPCtion 5 '�- rn• ;^ -��"'•i::� 2-a' •r. ��'7,i:�..1 1 ,A," .a:c�.. :..�r•�3�i;r..�'�,�—�.s��a�� ,sxer:�o . ��c' WHEREAS, Under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 1154`2,� approv- � ed August 4, 1�59, the Car Allowance Committee provided for in Section 5 has reported its findings ar�d recommendations to the Council in a letter dated March 31, 1964, and WI-iEREAS, The Council has made a study of said report and recommendations, therefore be it � } RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that � the employees listed below shall be entitled to and receive mileage allowances as follows: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � Francis McDonough C-$20 max. Eff. 2-1-64 DEPAI�TMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (Health) � Margaret G. Whitehead � - Dental Hygienist C�$25 max. Eff 3-16-64 + � • - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLI C UTILITIES # , � Increase . , Wm. Cockriel, I,Ttil.Inv. C-$58.50 to C-$75 max. Eff. 4-1-64 � - , - Transf er • ' � Etobert Meyers, Util.Inv. A to C-$45 max. Eff.; 4-1-64 SAINT PAUL PUBLIG SCHOOLS - Add - ; Lee Larson, Elec. . C-$30 max. Eff. 2-1-64 � Theo Peterson, Elec. C-$30 max. Eff. 2-1-64 � Mrs. Marion �. �ooler, Sub. Home Instructor C-$15 max. �ff. 3-1-64 Increase Arvid Tho�npson, Shade Repairman From C-$30 to $40 Eff. 2-1-64 Edward Bednar, Carpenter From C-$15 to $30 Eff. 2-1-64 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � 'Yeas Nays ' ;" Dalglish Holland � Approved 19— � Loss �� . '�n Favor ' Mortinson • Mayor � Peterson � A gainst , � Rosen . Mr. President, Vavoulis •' � � '-' ' " ' ' � iont �s2 • ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , "^S���5���� , �� • CITY OF ST. PAUL OOENCIL NO. ' ' J OFFICE,OF THE CITY CLERK - � �, � , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � � PRE NTED BY F.rank L 1.,0 S S ���_ I CO MISSIONER • DATE 1 Pg. 2 � WATER DEPARTMENT � Add ? C. Leo Mullaney, • Civil 'Engr. I C-$50 max. �ff. 3-1-6�- Robt. E. Hawkinson, , Asst. Water Dept. Tech. C-$15 max. Eff. 4-1-64 � James M. Yarusso � Asst. Water Dept. Tech. ' C-$15 max. �ff. 4-1-64 ' i t f i � t , � � + , � i t t i{ . . - 1 1 � , j � ; � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �PR 1 ��fi�g_ � Yeas Nays � � Dalglish ' APR 1196� Holland �. ''� Approv d 19_ � S r Loss i �� ��n Favor � ; Peterson v Mayor � �� • A gainst ; ( Mr. President, Vavoulis 1 i lODi 8-82 i F , . ' �IGINAL TO CITY CLlYtK � '� CITY OF ST. P,�UL j�� �� `'1'��`�� � F�e��wL iV�w�.=.i.�7 1 .',i��. � . OFFICE OF ThlE �ITY �LERMC � ' , COUNCiL RE tUfION--G�H��� �R� ' ' ►AESfrN1ED�Y rn Aw4v L L�JS ' � COI�fMIS510NEi 1'I'11'µ��h . � _OA� , _..�_� �_...a. � _-...w��.'^_`�—;' .'._�..' � L'YHEREAS, Under and pursuant to Qrdinance No. 115q�2 a ed August 4, X959� the Car �llowance Corr�mittee provid�d�fo�pin� � Section 5 has reported its findings and recommendations to th� , Council in a letter dated March 31, 1964, and , . VY�REAS, The Council has made a study of said report and '� ,i recommendations, therefore be it � t ' ' RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that , `, , the employees listed below shall be entitled to and receive mileage allowances as follows : f i o DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � Francis McDonoug—h C-$20 max. . Eff. 2-1-64 � DEPARTIu�ENT pF pUgLIC SAFETY (Health) Margaret G. Whiteh�ad � Dental Hygienist Cw$25 max. Eff 3-16-64 ` i DEPARTMENT OF PUBLI C UTI LI TI ES i Increase Wm. Cockriel,, Util.Inv. C-$58.50 to C-$75 max. Eff. 4-1-64 � Transfer � Robert Meyers„ Util .Inv. A to C-$q.5 max. Eff. 4-Z-�q � SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS ; Add ; Lee Larson, Elec. C-$30 max. Eff. 2-1-64 f Theo Peterson, Elec. C-$30 max. Eff. 2-1-64 •` Mrs. Marion B. Gooler, � Sub. Home Instructor C-$15 max. Ef£. 3-1-64 I Increase ! Arvid Thompson, � � Shade Repairman From C-$30 to $40 Eff. 2-1-64 f Edward Bednar, Carpenter From C-$15 to $30 Eff. 2-1-64 COUNCILbiEN Adopted by the Council____,______ ' Yeas N$y8 • 19._..._ ; Dalgliah , 4 Holland Approved ' • Loss .^I9 _ P�iartinson --in Favor ; Peterson -- -- ' Rc�:�n • A$ainst '��yc: ' �ir. Presid.nt, Vavoalis .sr, �:.� � s • �� ��- 01�1QIMAL TO CITY CL[R:C " ����F� • CITY OF ST, PAUL Fo�r,�i�. �•,y ' OFFIC� OF THE �ITY CLER�C T- � COUNClL R�SOLUTION--GEt�ERAL FORM ' Fscs�yr�o �r Frank L. ' COAIM!SSIONEe LO S 5 �--� ��� _ _ — -- - �=_ -- - — Pg. 2 {� W�F� �EPAR� T�,u�'NT d C. Leo Mullaney, ! Civil Engr. I C-$50 max. �£f. 3-1�64 : Robt. E. Hawkinson, : � Asst. Water Dept. Tech. C-$15 max. Eff. �-1-6� , James M. Yarusso . Asst. Water Dept. Tech. C-s15 max. Eff. �4-I�6� i � � • ; ; � ; . , ; . . ' r i COUNCILMEN Adoptec� by the Council_AQ� ._ Z__���x'9 �. Yeas N�ys Dalgliah �p� � °�i�� ; �iolland r._... APpxov d _ __ _ _,.._ _ .. t� . � Loss � . _in Favor � T i f►Ti'f.i�r^c.� ,_P� t::R—:.r_.�'� _ . i'�t�rv3:� � . ' ' ' '- - , ' _.1�j;a'11:::,t • �,,C�'L�•• �-, . - �'r.���;.rt� Ji rct�:is .. - -__ . � ,t, ., . . - � - , . , . ,: Q111a1N/.L`O Cl4Y GLfRK �' C11Y G�F SY. r�.Q1L ���;. �, r°, �' : , �: .`. i� OFFfCE C)r TF�� �1�Y �L��iK �;:��"` hQ.. t• '. _!,�'.�� �OUNCIL RE �tlTtC�tV�--C��I��g,q�. FU�?Ivf o�ESfu:�a aC ;�t/��C"�T.. �.£,'S� ' �-�--� CCalAlIS'•IOVER —�__�.. _--- QArE -- -.—___.. ___�.-- -� . _� _. —�------- -.-.r.�.r._....-� --_._'—�_�-_ _-- -=i - WI�EREAS, Under and pursuant to Ordin�nce A1o. Z1�4�f ap�:,�n�;� ed August 4, �,959, �the Car �llowance Committe� proviued �or ir� Section 5 has �eported its findings and reco.v�:endations to t,'�� � Council in a letter dated March 31, 1�64, acid WF�REAS, The Council h�s made a studX of said re�ort ar.� recommendations, therefore be it ' ' RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Sa3nt PauY tha$ , the employees listed below shall be entitled to and rec�iv� mileage allowances as followsi � , DEPARTM�NT OF FINA�'VCE Francis JuicDonoug C-�20 max. . Eff. 2-1-�6� � DFPART�.SENT QF PUBLIC SAFETY (Health) Margaret G. Whitehead -�' � Dentai Hygie�ist Cr$25 max. Eff 3-15-;'4 • DEPART��IV'T OF PUBLIC UfILITI�S Tnc.--_ rease . Wm. Cack�iel, Util.Inv. ^-$58.50 to C-$7� ��x, �f�', {pa.� I.,. ' Tx�fer fiobert�yers� Util.Inv. A to C-$t5 max. i'��', ,� � � , SA�NT PAUL PUB�.�C; SC�iQO�,S Add � � Lea Larson, El�c. C�g�O r�,x. ��'f. 2._l�-�.� Thno Peterson� Elec. C-��U �,�x. �-f€. 2��.�.= �� Tdrs. 1�rion �i. Ccsoler, � � Sub. fIom.e �nstr��ctor C-$.�5 r�ax, T£f. ��� ��� . Incr��se Arvid'Thor,�pscn, Sh�de nepairr�an �rotn C���J tv ��.� �Ef. �-.4 - � Ed�:�r�} Bcdn�r, Car�e�tQr Fr�r� C-$15 t� $�.4 £f�'� ',-_ _ CQL'�TCILI:L'1\ Li�n� 1-.a L.i {�n /"�`r: � , . . IJ � � Y•J ��gy,� � �1:����:�1 �YrS j�5_!.: a , i�1_+.•� -�� _ _ �`; •- . -- ------in �'avo:- . �_�F��:�: . i�l.vL vr,� � � • . , . ._... .t.--'i- ` -- - -.a [� i. J.� . r - � ,�� ,�,:�� ,� OR161HAL TO CIYY CL[RK � j � � �� '� CITY OF ST. PAl!! c�;�r;�:�-, � ,�� OFFiCE �O� THE CIT,' �LERK f�`� ��-`�.� .' � �",_ . �' � COUNCIL RESOLUTiON--GENERAL FORE� �RESEtITED !7 Frank L. Loss �_' COMMISSiONE1L___ - . ---- DA� � � - -`_� .._ . -- - - _ - -- �._ Pg. 2 � • -- --- -�_ — - . _ WATER DEPARTM,ENT Add C. Leo Mullaney, . Civil Engr. I C-$50 max. �ff. 3-i-64 Robt. E. Hawkinson, Asst. Water Dept. Tech. C-$15 max. Eff. 4-1-b4 James M. Yarusso Asst. Water Dept. •Tech. C-$15 max. Eff. 4-1-64 COUNCIL�tEN Ado�ted by the Cour:il_ _n�'� � ._ , �^ Ye�" Nays DaZglish ��._. f —�� � .. . .t Hollsnd � A�pror -' y. � ��g s ���� ,. �i r. F'�s-:, � f � . r i .Z'•�.��_�:-� �y �/'`r"_ •�-- ' - - '-^r:.t�.';,.^. \J � f • -_ ''r__ , . _ •�a' ._�.. ! :��. Fa��:c?- .� �'::-�: - .,. ,... ..�. � .+'- , � ,i "- -f . � ���. ' t . �,j ��`� . _ ,-� C I Y . O F S A i N T P A U ...,�,� " T � �- _ _, - - � . - . ��.,�_�---�---�,...,.....s , ,. �,,,-.� �_,,;.-= ' �;_ Capital of Minnesota ` �.s---�- �— �,�` � �, .�-�....._ � , _ • u. �, �..-:�: ..��,� �� t''." ���' � � . RTMENT,.OF ` _ ��` T b -T-IOt�— -� -$_IC _BrUILDINGS ° _ r`� � e .e=' r t��tr !- -� ' ..� f�(� .,. � � s� -G_I �� - + � �, r�E ,�� �i .• - COMMI SION�� - * � .- . �,,; � �,,- _� _ �i �' ��y ,�;r,w:�: ., .,���H' - ,P L.E 1 E R —•__.__..y' ,� �. ��"'=�+��i� ' �,�;� �4'= ��' ;,. ;ir�V � a� F �' � _ y BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ALFRED H. SCHROEDER, City Archi+ect 445 City Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612, Ext.y361 March 31, 1964 � Hon. Council ������ - City of Saint Paul "'�'� � Gentlemen: The Car Mileage Committee met Tuesday morning, March 31, 1964 and took up the following requests, which were given considera- tion and are referred to you for action. DEPARTMENT OF �INANCE A letter dated February 11 signed by Commissioner James J. Dal- glish requested placement• of ,_ Francis McDonough C- $20 max. Eff. Feb. 1, 1964 Mr. McDonough ''is a parking meter collector and is using his car for his work. � It is recommended that this mileage be granted. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY A letter dated March 19, 1964 signed by R. B. J. Schock, Chief Health Officer, requested- car allowance for Margaret G. 'Whitehead, Dental Hygienist C-$25 max. Eff. Mar. 16, 1964 It is recommended that this request be granted. � DEPARTMENT OF PUBLI C UTILITIES A letter dated March 30, 1964 signed by Commissioner Bernard T. Holland requested ` Increase Wm. Cockriel C-$58.50 to C-$75 max. Eff. Apr. l, 1964 � Txansfer - Robert Meyers A to C-45 max. Eff. Apr. 1, 1964 These employees are driving their car a greater number of miles in the performance of their duties and it is recommended that these requests be granted. i . - � . , . � - � � Pg. 2 SAINT PAUL PUBLI C SCHOOLS � A letter dated February 24, 1964 signed by John T. Lackner, Assistant Superintendent, requested mileage allowance for the following: ' - Add Lee Larson, Elc. C-$30 max. Eff. Feb. 1, 1964 Theo Peterson, Elec. C-$30 max. Eff. Feb. l, 1964 Increase � Arvid Thompson, ' Shade Repairman From C-$30 to $40 Eff. Feb. 1, 1964 Edward Bednar, Carpenter From C-$15 to $30 Eff. Feb. 1, 1964 The requests for i.ncreased mileage were made on account of iricreased work load. It is recommended that the above requests be granted. A lett�r dated March 26 from Nir. Lackner, requested placement of Mrs. Marion B. �ooler� Home Instructor Sub. C-$15 max. Eff. Mar. l, 1964 It is recommended that this request be granted. WATER DEPARTMENT A letter dated February 20, 1964 signed by Clifford W. Hamblin General Manager, was to Add ' C. Leo Mullaney Civil Engineer I . C-$50 max. Eff. Mar. 1, 1964 t Robert E. Hawkinson, , i Asst. Water Dept.Tech. C-$15 max. Eff. Apr. 1, 1964 James M. Yarusso, � Asst. Water Dept Tech. C-$15 max. Eff. Apr. 1, 1964 Favorable action is recommended. Yours tr ly, Alf H. Schroeder CI ARCHI TECT 1 Ch. Car Mileage Committee � a