06-864�� ( Presented By: RESOLUTION AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # /, e � I � � Referred To: � Committee: Date 'I WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul continues to seek ways to enhance its abiiity to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover 2 from terrorism and potential threats to homeland security, and 3 4 WHEREAS, public safety o�cials from the City of Saint Paul have diligently worked with public safety officials from Hennepin, 5 Ramsey, and Dakota Counties, the City of MinneaQolis, and the State of Minnesota, Department of Homeland Security and 6 Emergency Management to identify and impiement a metropolitan area strategy for homeland secunty, and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Federal Department of Homeland Security, acting through the State of Minnesota, is providing funding 9 necessary to build interoperable communications systems for public safety responders across the metropolitan area especially 10 equipment designed to operate on the 800 Mhz Metropolitan Radio System, and 1'I 12 WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services needs to set up the spending and financing plan for the FY2006 Urban 13 Area Security Initiatives (UASI) grant of $1,043,000 for the completion of the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)/Fire Mobile pro�ect �4 and the purchase of S00 Mhz interoperable communications equipment, and 15 16 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available 17 for appropriation funds of $1,043,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2006 budget; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that that following addition be made to the 2006 budget: 20 21 FlNANCING PLAN: Current Budget Change Budget 22 510 Fire Responsive Services 23 35207 - 2006 UASI Grant 24 3199 - Other Fed Dir Grants - State 1,043,000.00 1,043,000.00 25 - 1,043,000.00 1,043,000.00 26 27 SPENDING PLAN: 28 510 Fire Responsive Services 29 35207 - 2006 UASI Grant 30 0859 - Other Communication Equipment - 1,043,000.00 1,043,000.00 31 - 1,043,000.00 1,043,000.00 32 33 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a financing and spending pfan wiil be established for this grant to ail for contract 34 modifications to be made for timely completion of the CAD/Fire Mobile project. Requested by Department of: By: Appi By: Adopied by (:ouncil: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: � Approved BY� — � � y� 6� �?GUG Form Approved by City Attom By: ..�thWivr2a-� �� Approved a for Submission to By: � �,,. o. �. ' •> y > mt:Plitu � er1 7:/ ' CiTY OF SAINT PAUL OFrICE �F THE CITI� C�UNCII, �ACSIM3LE TR�iNS��ISSiON COVERSHEET TO: . FROM: F �X #: R�: DATE: �UtE: C1T'1' HALL / /�i1�//�9�l�/O.P/r/ / F��lGii S/�� . "�/ %PSl�2/ �.�?�/ �� -�� � � �'. � /,�/ - ��� a � .�PSa /u� %�— - �T/� ���� ��ai �d� Facsimile aperator, ptease deliver this transmission to the above addressee. If yoa di@ uot receive aIl of the paaes in good condifioa, please advise Janie Lafrenz at (65i} 266-8560 af your earlies# conveaaence. T#sau�s va�. iYLi�1VIBE12 DF P�GES (IivCLUDING TAIS P�GE): S THIIZD FLOOR � pnnteC on recyded paper SA1N'I' PAUL, ?vIIIN�:ESOTA 55102 i; �.,� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � _ p6 ��� Department/officelcounci7: . Date indiated: ! FR -F�re ;�,�� Green Sheet NO: 3032391 �, Confact Person 8 Phone: I Tim Bu[ler � 228-6217 ' � Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): '. Doc.Type: RESOLUTiON EAocumentRequired: Y DocumentCOniact: JiIILaCasse Contact Phone: 228-6257 Debarfinent SentTOPerson ,in"'aWate � 0 � � O/ Assign ; ] FSre ;DeuartmentDirector `__ Numbe� � 2 Clh• Attornev For i` Routing 3 �rlavor's Otfice Mawr/ASSistant _ Ortler 4 iC ouncil ' __ ' S 'Citv C�erk CiN Clerk Totai # of Signature Pages _(Clip All LoCations for Signature) ' Action Requested: ��� Approval of the attached Council Resolution authorizing the Department of Fire and Safery Services to establish a spending and ; financing budge[ for the FY2006 Urban Area Securiry Initiatives (UASI) Grant. idations: Appro�e (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Cftil Service Commission Personal t. Has this personlfirm e�er worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn eaer 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curreM city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet —_ �--- —__'_�.__._a � Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoAUnity (Who, Wha4 H1heq Where, Why): � � The Deparlsnent of Fise and Safaty Services needs to set up the financing and spending plans for $1,043,000 grant which the State of � �i Minnesota intends to distribute to the City of Saint Paul for implementing the goals and objectives of the Urban Area Homeland �. ! Security Strategy. The grant would fiznd a significant portion of the mobile and portable radios costs needed for the Fire and Police �', � Departments to use the Ramsey County 800 Mhz system. A portion of the grarn would also be used to complete the Computer Aided i, � Dispatch (CAD)/Fire Mobile project nearing complerion now, but awaiting final funding support from the 2006 UASI Grant. ! 'i AdvantageslfApproved: � The Ciry of Saint Paul will be able to fimd a significant portion of the mobile and portable radio needs of the Fire and Police I Departrnents and help integrate our communications with other emergency depardnents azoung the metro zrea. The safety of our � responders and the cirizens will be signiFicantly enhanced by operating on the regiona1800 Mhz system. DisadvanWges IfApproved: None. Disadvantages If NotApproved: i Lost opportunity to secure adequate funding for critical public safety systems impacting all aspects of emergency responses for Police � and Fire and Safety Services. I �°�°�•°��°°�"°, 1043000 TransaMion: Funding Source: Financial Infortnation: {Explain) CosflRevenue Budgeted; ActiVity Number: f '' ' � SEP II Z006 September 7, 2006 1:55 PM Page i