217281 . � _ .�_.� COUNG`IL FILE' NO�� ¢���. ,^ � _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER PUBLISHED —�� �. s By � a . + File No. s 7258 '.. In the Matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on the north side of Stanford Ave.� + from Clevela,nd Ave. to Kenneth St. and by doing all other-wor.k�which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement � ��z [LZa. �, .r,�icd'4' ' �.. ' , G� ^ zn� re,ru iwfi�"�� � � 9s..-a:alk 6i. . ,.i th si..: Y� ��n �.J. from Cleveland Ave. w �:..ie, � �,G.,�i3 by doing all other work whici� ! , �f,:e�=ar» and incidental to complete •L•'�a�t;•i.-,., rt unP�• Preliminary� . Yn�t bisa s;:�:'�' Ja�uarv:,cr� t - Ii�nuo� adr btY• 1� - . . . under Preliminary Order 216202 ' approved January 1�+, 1964 ' . The Council of the Gity of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of F�nance ' upon the above improvement, and having considered sa,id report, hereby resolves: ` 1. That the said report and� the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement � is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. � ; 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cauncil recommends is to reconatruct the sidewalk on the north side of Stanford Ave. from Cleve].and Ave. to Kenneth St. a.nd by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete ' _ • . said improvement, except where good a.nd sufficient sidewalks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3.25 per lin. ft. for 5' walk - � . , � 3.80 per lin. ft. for 6' walk - " Resolved Further, Z`hat a public heaxing be had on said improvement on the. 28th day of . , f • , Anril, 196�+ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber af the Court � , House and City Hall Building in the Gity of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fina.nce give notice of - said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by th� G`harter, stating the time and place af ;, heaxing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' COUNCII.MEN � MRR 3119� � Adopted by the Counc�l Yeas Nays � ' Dalglish MAR 31�196� ' a n Approve ; Loss - ' ' i�urtittsartv . t ! � Petersoq n Favor - �_ , Mayor � ` Vavoulis � C.� � ..._-� • ' Against ! � } 6-68 2M� 8� R-1 . . � - � . � ! �