217262 �; ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , � ��' � = - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��'`�'��`�� � ICE OF THE GTY CLERK FILE NO. _ _ COUN i RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 3_��,�� ` PRESENTED BY PUBLl�i--''J � COMMISSIONE � DATF r �SOLVED� by the Gonneil of the City of �aint Paul, ' that referenae is made to the �vaaatioa of the p�.bli� allep� . in Bloak 2 in �arroll Addition a�aording to the plat thereof � on file arld of reaord in the offi�e of t�e �egister of Deeds ` in and for Ramsey �ot�ty, Mintiesota, by virt�.e a�d pv:r�ant . to the pr3or 8esolntion �of this �ounail, �. F. Ao. 17'�1�5, ` approved .I�Iareh 16, 1956; that in re�peet of the vaQated �p publia al�ey and �he strip of �and emb�aQing the same ad�mining , �,� that csertain traat or psroel of land d�sar3.bed as, "Lot 6 � ezeept the "�Te st 3�.28 f eet, all of Lot 7 and the We s� 8.�� �'eet of vot 8� in BlocY �� Carroll Addition," tY�ere having � b�en no pnblia ntility instrnmen�ality ofj.the �i�y of �ain� Paul nor an.y p�blie utility ins�r�mentality of any other party therein wher� �sid vaaation wa� effeQted, as aforesaid, _ the �ity neither by virtue of said prior vaa�.�ion Resolutio�. nor by virtne �of a�y pertin�nt Ordina.na� reserved any right �\ or ea�emen� iri either said �eation of vacated publi� alley � or �aid strip ,of land embraaing tl�e same �'or �the construation, � „ reoonstruation, mai��enan�e, r�:pair, replaQement or operation � �herein of any p�biic oP qnagi-public utility or o��er instr�mentality and herebp eapres�ly diselaims any s�c�h . ' reservation purs�aan� to Ghapter 228 of the �t. Paul I�egislative , Code� as� amended. � � �� Council File No. 217262—By Milton Rosen— . '• � Resolved, By the Council of the City 1 " , _ _ ,,,�` � _ ;�� � . ,4 , Y � c P :aint Paul, that reference is made , � . - � ,1 F ie vacation of the public alleys in . _, -��:: 2.�i Carroll Addition according :c• " .tH^� ..E on 81e a^d of record , ° T'r , uf Deeds .....:.. '"-. ., � ,e5ot^� . , n9Bi,C IIs4A—�`T 3�+�i� '�' , SSYR •s ' ��.. - ' f COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Coun�i�R �6 196� 19— Yeas Nays .- ; naig�h � ��lR 2 6 ��6� � Holland roved 19— � � �—Tae�s�- � ., �In Favor � I Mortinson {.. Peterson , V � ayor : ^ Against , r. President, � ���• ' iors s-sz �r , , � ' f � ������ DUrLICATE TO rRINTER _ � - - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED� by the CounQi.l of the City of Saint Paul, that reference is made to the vaca�ion of the public alleys in Block 2 in Carroll Addition according to the pl�t thereot' on file and of record in the o!'f3,ce of the Register of D�eds in and for Ramsey �ounty, Mi.nn�aotaa, by virt�ue and pur�uant to the pr3or Resolution of this Councll C. P`. No. 177135, approved Ma�rch 16, 1956; ths.t in re�pec� of the vacated public alley �nd the strip of land embracing the s�m� ad o3ning th�,t certain traet or par�el o�' land described as� "Lot � eacept the we�t 33.28 feet, �11 of Lot 7 �nd the We�t 8.2� f�et of Lot 8, 3n Block 2� Carroll Addition," there having bee� no public ut311ty in�trumentality of�the City of Saint Paul nor sny public utility instrument�.lity of any other party therein when s�id va�cation waa eifccted a� atores�.id, the City neither by virtue� of eaid prior vaca�ion Resolution nor by virtue of any pertinent 4rdinance r�served any right or easement in either 3�id �eation of vacated publ�.c alley or �a3d $tri.p of Y�nd' embra�cing the smme fbr the con�truction, recon�truction, maintenance9 r�pair r�pla�ement or operation therein of any publia or quasi-publ�.c utility or other instrumentality �nd her�by �apressly diael�im� any such reserv�tion purs�an� to Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legislative Cod�� as a.mended. �IAt� 2� i�64 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' ^�. Dalglish �rl�li( � "; `'�r�, Holland Approved 19— �o�sa— In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor �tosen �gainst M , iont s-sz i �' .. . . ° � y �° CITY OF SAINT PAUL : ROBERT E.O'CONNELL � LOUIS P.SHEAHAN SPa�w�S$�BT��+* ' LEGAL DEPARTMENT DIRHCTOR oP �„W ! - "� t . DONALD L. LAIS ` . °�-��, � ' CORPORATION COUNSEL '�.� J ' � t9 ��7 i +' `�`�.s.3,�� I . � '� ,� ' March 26, 196k � 'k � d. , � To the Honorable Mayor and ; Members of ;the City Council : � Gentlemen: - ; Reference hereby is made to the attached disclai_mer Resolution ursuant to Cha ter 228 Saint Paul Le ' � P p , gislative Code, as amended, for removal of cloud on real estate. The same pertains � to a strip of lanci embracing a section of vacated public alley and � conformable to 'informa,tion developed by our investigation, in the ` premises, finds that, at the time of the sub�ect vacation pursuant , to C. F. No. 177135, approved March 16, 1g56, the vacated alley � i . . , strip contained no public or quasi-public utility instrumentality. ' I . � ,F Res ctful s t d, , � , � � � � o�P. eahan 1 Director of naw + � Encl. � ' LPS-B ' � � • F �� � ' I r 1' � I �' I fi � � � � f � �---W ____�______�_�_�.._. ._______ i_. ,---- - -- - — - -a.�.�..,�.y .. _ � !