217254 . r . �� �PUBLISHED 3-a & 6�- ��►����� _ .�� ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ��r"� � � fP � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. � " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,— co,,,::��, �;,e No. 21�2�_By M�t�'o� e:,-._ PRESENTED BY � ,••� ,. � N COMMISSIONE ' DATF ` �� � �ty r3',1•.,,� 'p�oller's Cotttract� G;i�i itll„ ,�};.>:, ^,cr'Tporated, contrao-�; r� r�� P��•{nr� of c ' , - _ �•,�ua 30 23�.ag�L sJ��,�.�{,A`i�'�j FI . �•; � ' { • . I WHEREAS, -Comptroller+ s Contract L-66o8, Hurcon Incorporated, � � contractor for the Grading and Paving of MISSISSIPPI STREET ' � from Minnehaha Anenue to York Avenue, has been subatantially � c omple ted, and WI3EREAS, said contractor requests that a portion of the 15� ° reta�ned under the contract from estima.tes for work cb ne be paid in advance of the final completion of t}�e contract, and � ' a WI�REAS, The Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Public VOorl�s approve the� payment at this time of �10,000.00 of the � 11,393.06 reta ined, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city official s be and they are hereby authorized t'o pay an e stimate in the' amou.nt of � 10,000.00 ' from the retained pereentage of � 11,393.06 to, said contractor, • � �, , and be it , , _e;. FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution sh�ll have no force or effect unless the sureties on the contractor► s bond consent � there to and�,file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller.; / � MAR 2 61�6� COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays . ' �� � Da�g�h � MAR 2 G 196� E ; Holland ' � A r ved 19 f . Td I � � Tn Favor � � Mortinson � Peterson O yor _ " A gainst t . 4 r. President, ; � � iont a-az ' � 'i ' � � - _ . . �_ � _ . . � DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ;, " .i.. - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. �-������ � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHER£AS, Comp�roller�� Cor�txae� �..6bo8, �iureson �n�orpo�ated� contractor for the Grad3ng end Pa�3ng af �d�SSZBSIPPI STREET Prom Diinnehahs�. Avenue tq York Avenuo, Y�a� be�n. �ttb�t�ant3alZ� aompleted� a�a,d 1RHER�,A3, �aid aor�tr��tor r��ueeta that � pbrtion of th� �,�� re ts�.n�d undor the aant�aa� fxam e�t�.�tes for Xorl� � ne �e paid iz� advanc� of t�ie �ir�ei C4�]p�.8�3pA of tlae cont�aa�, and WAEREAS, The Commiae�oner �.r� ChieP Engineer of tha 1�e�aartn�ent of Publia Wark� approve �he payrasn� $t �hi� �ir�o of �10,OOQ.40 03' �he � �,1,393,06 r�te��ned� �her��'ord b� 3t RES4LZTi?D,, that the proper ci�r oPfiala3 � b� �nd they are h�reb� e,uthori�ed �o pay an e st�ma�e in the t�nount of' � 10�f3430.0� trom the retnined percentage o� � 11,393.OG to ea3�. caontrAa�or, �nd be it FUF�T�R RESOVVED, th�t tYj.is resolu�iox� sha11 h�ve no farae or e�`fec� urzles�e tY�e �uret�et� on �he c:on�ractor�$ bond consent th�ane to and fY.lo such consent in �rrit�n.g with the �3.ty Comp�rolla�. MAR 2 b 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish i�i/�{� � � �Y_"`_�:� Iiolland � Approved 19_ `�e� � In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Aosen A gainst Mr. , ionz e-ez