D001539C� City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor - 1 11 • , 1 • 1 • • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, No: Dd o/� 3 q Date: A�ril 30. 1998 WF�REAS, The Mazketing and Promotions Departrnent has been directed to assist neighborhoods in mazketing and promoting their respective events for the public good, and; WHEREAS, The Marketing and Promotions Department is assisting in the promotion of the following projects: neighborhood Internet development (approx. $8,000), Selby Day and Rondo Days celebration (approx. $6,000), West End Ethnic Celebration(approx. $5,000), Classic Cars (approx. $6,000), Circus of the Stars marketing (approx. $4,000), Grand Avenue markefing map (approx. $4,Q00), NCAA Track and Field Tournament (approx. $2,500), Hazel Pazk neighborhood marketing and beautification program (approx. $5,000), the traveling "Building Success One Story At A Time" reading exhibit (approx. $10,500), Downtown ground breaking (approx. $5,000), Skyline District Recognition Dinner -Scout Recognition Dinner ($1,500) and; WFIEREAS, the cost of these promotions need to be paid and; THEREFORE, BE TI' ORDERED, that the proper city officials are authorized to pay amounts totaling $57,500 to these events. Charge to: GL-001-00252-02XX A VEA AS O RM Assistant City Attorney A�ril 30. 1998 Date �";����- �� C ¢�-.. Department Director �-e-�- ri-- �-.� Di c r of Financial Services ����i� N° 52332 Citizen Service Office - Marketing �4/30l98 Zappa 266-8694 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PACES FOR � GREEN SHEET �� �� � INRIAVDA7E INRIAVDA7E DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � dTY COUNpL CRYATTOFNEY � CI7V CLEHK BUDGET DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT SERVICES �IR. MAVOR (OR ASSISTAN[) � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Marketing and Promotions has been directed to assist neighborhoods in marketing and ioting their respective events for the public good. _ GIANNMGCOMMiS$ION _ CIVIlSERWCECOMMISSION _ GB COMM1TfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ oisTaicrcouar � $UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII O&fECT1VE� PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING OUES710NS: 1. Has 4i5 personffirm ever woricetl untler a conhaCt frn this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Nas this personlCrm ever been a city employee� VES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtant city employee? YES NO Ezpleln all yea anawers on seperate eheet and etteeh to green ahaet INRIATING VAOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNI'iY I�a. What, When. Where. Why): Authorize payments_to vendozs fox neighborhood events Payment could be made to vendors None Neighborhoods could not be marketed I7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NOIIdG SOVRCE GL-001-00252-02XX ACTIVITY ANCIAL INFORFhAT10N: (EXPLAIM) r.n � V�+