218097 ` ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ����`�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � ° �• Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ° � ; COUNCIL RESOLUTI N-GENERAL FORtv�UBLISHED �'�G- �'�% PRESENTED BY Ma,3T� ],9�jf, • • COMMISSIONE DATF WI�REAS� by authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1g59, Cha.pter 300� H, F. 217 and ratified by C. F. No. 192216, approved Ma.y 2, 1959, �e City of � Saint Pau1� ma,y pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction� when such costs e�ceed the benefits to the property owner� WI�REAS� �it ha.s been determined that the following described paxcels of prop- erty be relieved of the following amounts: Description Amount Council File No. 218097—By Robert F. Peterson— � Whereas, By suthority of the Laws of Mini►esota for the year 1959, Chapter I,ot 13� Block 17� Royal Oaks � 72•19 3°°. $• F. z17 �na ratifled by C. F. N0. � � • 192218 approved May 2, 1959, the City of Sa{nt•Paul, may pay a portion of TA'fi ,`�j.� �iY11].'tA Brothers Div. NO� 7 49��9 ue-assessable co.ats oP_S�dewalk Con- •n�tlo� whe-'•' .x� ,;';s esceed the u. trvuurt.c�... Lot 6� Block 1].� Royal Oaks 56,(�p `�' � .ti'i�:ro .�_' .°a�tiwi z� �,at ,�•:r , -.. LOt'i8 `T &.11C�. g� B�.00�i 1.3� R,Oy&,1. �81{5 ���j,4, ?''t1:n � :�+ m�f, ' Lot 4, B1ock 14, Roya1 oaks . Lot 11� Wheelock Heights 37.54 _ Lot 1/�, ScYLletti Addition -� 21.6�l�.0 (bccept Wheelock Plcwy.) Lots L�3 thru 46� B lock.l� Ma.yhamis Addition 172.3� East 2 of vacated alley adjoining a.nd all of Lot 1�� Block 54, Denslowts Subdivision of Lots 54 and 47 of Lake Como Villas 132.65 I,ot 1, Max£ield�s Subd.. of Lot 53 of Lake Como V311as ' - 157.97 Lot 3 and No. Z of I,ot 2, Mercer axid Ma.graw�s Addition . 2p�� Lot 17� Block /�7, Denslow's Subd. of Lots 51� and 47, La.ke Como Villas 169.71 Lots � and 9� Mercer and Ma.graw�s 60.6L� . � Lot 10� Block /��� Thompsonts Addition 23�.35 �� COUNCILIVIEN Adopted by the Council_ 19— : Yeas Nays p Dalglish , ' Holland .,� Approved 19— �.• ' Loss - . Tn Favor Mortinson . Peterson Mayor � Against . . Rosen . � . . Mr. President, Vavoulis_ � iort e-ez - ,; -" , +s,+ .. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �! A��� ' . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� F�-L`� ' - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . F��E NO � _ " - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen--Public�Works �p� i961, COMMISSIONER DATF � 2 ` ' . Description Amount Lot 17� Block 54, Denslow�s Subcl. of Lots 54 and � , 47 of Lake Como Vi11as � 1�9.56 East � of vacated alley adjoining and a11 of Lots 24 and 25� Block°54, Denslow1s Subd. of Lots 54 and L�7 of Lake Como Villas - 60.64 Lots 13 and 14� Block 33� Thompson�s Addition 216.g1� Lot 12� Block 33� Thompsonts Addition 31.76 Lot 11, Block 33,' Thompson1s Ad.dition - ' 72.19 Lot 6,, Block 33, Thompson�s'Addition ` 40.1�3 E�ccept� Street� Lot 11� Block 2 _ . ' - ].L,,0.91 West �' of alley adjoinin and Lot 2� Block 3� ' The Strand Addition , 37.54 Lot 5� Block L�g� Thompson�s 9ddition 20.08 . Except Street Lot 15� Block 3, The Strand Add. 130.70 Lot 13� Block 1�� Drakeis 2nd. ,Add. � 111.15 Except the So.'23.5 ft., the West 1/3 of 7�c�ts 4 and 5� �� Block 19� Robertson and Van Etten�s Addition 117.60 West 1/3 of Lots 1 and 2� and the So. � of the West ,-� 1/3 of Lot 3, Block 19� 13obertson a.nd Van Ettents Add. • 220.20 '� Lot 1,- Block 35y Auerbach and. Hands Ad.dition 155.2� �ccept No. 6� ft. for alley, Lot 1� Block 11� Robe�tson and'Va.n Ettents'Addition 191.76 Northerly 9� ft. of Lot 12� Block 11� Robertson a.nd Van Etten.�s Addition - 149.44 Lot 6� Block .l2� Robertson and Van Ettents Addition " 202.05 Lot '�� Block 12, Robertson a.nd Van Ettents Addition 202.05 � Lot 6� Block 5� Robertson and Van Etten's Addition 134•44 �(„� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— rv Yeas Nays :_ - Dalglish Holland �t Approved 19— ��g � Tn Favor � � .. Mortinson '� - Peterson . Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont a-az . , � ' , „ ,a-- � • 4. •�7 I� • ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ����L�� . „ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. " � •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ° �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �}�n Rosen--Ptzblic �Iorks M,, COMMISSIONER DATF +Q�.Y� 7-964 Description . . -- 3 -- �o�� I,ot 7� Block 5� Robertson and Van Etten�s Addition � 211.99 So. g2 ft. of Lot l� Block 6, Robertson axid Van Etten�s Add. 125.05 Lot 12, Block 27� La.fond�s gddition 152.49 So. 100 ft. of Lot 7� B1ock 2g, Lafond's Ad.dition 152./�9 ' Except E. 100 ft.� Lots 2 and 3, �lock 28, La.fond�s Add., • 152.49 �' t Lot 3� Block 21� Dawson�s Third Ad.dition 167.74 Lot lg� Bacon and Colemants Subd. of Block 22� Lafond�s Add, 167.74 Lot ]./.� E�ra's Rearrangement 175.37 Lot 15, Block 10� Smith's Subd. of Stinsonts Div. of the N.W. �- of Sec. 36, Township 29� Range 23 1,1,.76 Lot ll,.� Block 10� Sma.th's Subd. of Stinson�s Div. of the N.W. 4 of Sec. 36, T 29, R 23 - /1,..76 ' Lot 10� Block 10� Smi,thls Subd. of Stinson's Div. of the N,W. � of Sec. 36� T 29� R 23 gp�g5 Lot 8� Block 10� Smith�s Subd. of Stinsonts Div. of the N.W, � of Sec. 36� T 29� R 23- 51�cyr T�ot 5� Block 10� Smith.!s Subd. o£ Stinsonts Div. of the N.W� � - of Sec. 36� T 29� R 23 121.27 I�ot 2� Block 20, Robertson and Van Etten�s Addition 112.61 Subj. to ease.: E. 1/3 of Lot 9 and West 1/3 of Lot 10� Block 29� ' Robertson and Van Etten's Addition 66,/�1, � Tota1 �5,804.49 � WHEREAS� the total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is �5�804.�9, now therefore be it� RESOI,VED, tha.t the Couuni.ssioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000� the aznount of �5�804.1�9� a portion. of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction-unde� tne i96z - Sidewalk Contract 62�'l-252, Levy No. 7� District No. 1� L-b431� said Perma�ent Im- provement Revolving �arld to be reimbursed. from the City�s shaxe of Local Improvement }��• COUNCILMEN Aid Fund� 0920--701, (1964). Adopted by the Council �pY 13 19641s— ��� Yeas Nays • Dalglish ��Y � 3 ��� Holland / Ap rov d 19— C Loss Tn Favor � � Mayor Peterson ' A gainst -vvocir— • . Mr. President, Vavoulis iont a-az � ` DUrLICATE TO rRINTER �������� . CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. _ - -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONEa ��'�II a48@31�risw..t,C WOT�[$ DATE �� 1� _— �S, b� snfi,�r�ty�cf the L�rs of Minnesot�. for th� y�,r 1959� Gh�.p�er J00� H. F. 217 8nd rat�fied by C. F. Ao. 19?.2�.6# aPPro4ed Mey 2, 1959, the �City o� Saint Panl�. �Y P� � partioa of the ass�ss�.b3e oosf.s of �ide�ralt� Con.s#,r�a.c�ioa� �he� sa,c,�. coste� e=c�ed t�,e benefits to the P�Pe�S �s �S_AS� i't I�,s beea dete�nined �b,at t,�e fo�.3awing descr.�b�cY perce�a �of p�opr► ert�* be re�iev�ecl. of the� �ol.�o�w�ig s�o�nt�s Descaiptian 1��umt ._......_ Lot 13� BTo� 17� �oy�I. f�a,ks� $ 72,39 Lnt 2�, (�ute B�thers Di�r. �Fo. 7 �.9.09 I.�►t 6� Blocic 3.].s �3� �� 56.b0 L�s ? aud �� Block 3,3f NN�Y�- �s' b0.6r�. Lot 4, Blo�ak ].4, �OYa3- Oeks 17.5.fi4 Lat. lI� Wheelocxk Heights 3?*5�i. Lot 1�., Sch].etti �dditio� 2]:6.,l�? (�ccsp� �elock 17kw�.� Ibt,� �,3 thru l�.6i B loc�ic 1, ��s Add#.tian i72�38 �.st �- of �a.c�.ted �7.�.ey ac�oin�ing a�d all oP Lot 18� Bloak 5�1y Dena7.c�,r�s 9ubdi.visio� of La�'.s 5lf an�d 1�7 of 7�eke Co�o Yi71as 132�65 � . �.ot i, �ie2d t s 9ulid. of �ot 53 of Leke Co� �i�1�.s I57.97 Lot 3 a�d 130. -� o� Lot 2, �sercer� and. �agrar�r's 9.dclition 20.22 ' Io� I7� Bloc�k 47s Den�,lo�r�s 9�.bd. of I�ot� 5�. snd 47� L�ce Co�o Yil�.s. 169.71 I,ot,� $ at�d 9� �eraer �nd Magrazr�s. 60.6�. ' Lot 10, Bioc,� l,.8, �p�oa�s Addi�t.3.ou 23d.35 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— ��� Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor . A gainst � Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont e-ea DUrLICATE TO rRINTER � r,,�� . , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ��-'��"_ �- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� ���'�'�•'--�Q �1��C$ COMMISSIONER DATE �� �� _ � � .� , Descr3ptiq3t. �, , • ._.:.,.. ' I�it�3.7� �loc�c 54s De�s].o��s'�9ubcl�. �f' �,o�a 5y, and , . 47 of T�eke�Co�ao �3ilas • � 189.56 � . �st � of v�.cated .�].7.ey �d,�oi�� atyd all of I�ots 2� � a�d 25, B1 oc�k 5�, ��nala�r�� 9ubd,� o�` Lats� 5�4� and 1�? . c�i" �e Coa�o �311a.s � � • � 60.6�1r Lots I3 �nd 14� Hloclt �3_y �i s ��d.d3.tion 216.8{�. Lot 123 Bloalt 33., �Paon�� �!►ddition 31.'?b �,o� 11, Btock 33, �''s �it3an � 72.19 Ivt b�;,Blaak 33,�. �p�on`�s'A�tioa • �A.43 �ccept 5treet,, Eo� 1.�., B�.ock 2 • ].dA•91 Wes� �- of alley e�].�o�n�ag aad Lot 2� Block 3, � , T�e S�rand �c�d�.�ion � 37.5& . �at 5� Bloc�k l,,6� ?h.o�apSOn�s �ddit3oa r 20.Q$ , �pt Street Lot �.5�, Blo� 3, The Strand Add. • , 130..70 IQt 13,, B1oak 4t Drake!s�2nd� �dd. � 1�.15 Excep't f,h,e �o. 23.5'tt.,:•the West ]:�3 of Lota /� and 5,, � • Blo c3c 19y Rober�son and Ysa S tt,en t a Additio� 11?.60 Wes� �3 of I,at$ ,3 and 2s, �and the Sa. �- o� the West 1/3 of Lot 3� Block 19 f Roberf,� �nd Yan E�ten,�s Add. , � 220.20 Iao� 1,: Hlo�k 35�, �ba�► sz;d Aands 9d.di.tio�n 155t2S �CCep`t No. 6� ft. for e11ey, I+�t l� Blo�k I�.y, . Robeats�oo. and,-Yan Etten�s. Additi.o� 191.7b Nort�h,�r7�r 98 ft' of ?�at 12� Blaa'� 11� Ro'�ertson e�d � . Yen Ett,�n�s �ddit�3.aa , : �,9..�, �,ot 6� B1ock 12, Rober#.� a�d Ysa �tte��s Adciit� � 202.05 Lot 7, Blxk 12, Rob�rt�oa ar�d Yan �tf.en�� Ad�€3a�t 202.45 I,�t. 6� Bloc]� 5s. Aob�tson and �an Et��s A�.dition t 134•� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council , T19— Yeas Nays Dalgliah ' ' Holland � Approved 19— �ss � In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen � A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iort s-sa � } • DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ��M�S`'�� . .. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. * ' ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��n ROS��,rt�i'w.1a WO�•� �t COMMISSIONER DATE �! �-+"`" Des�p�t,�o� -- 3 -- l�aar�at . �._�... ; ?�ot 7, B7 oc�3c S� RoberP.$on ancl �an Ett,en�s Additiaa ?.7,1..99 sa, �2 f�t, cf,.rA� �,: B�oc�c ,6, RoT�ert�on az� V�n E�ten's Add. 1z5.o5 I,ot 12�: Black 2?, �fond�s �lddition . �;52.49 So. l00 ft. of Lot 7,: �tc�k 28,_ Iafond�s �ddit3.o�. I52.49 �eeept E. ].00 f;�..,. IAts� 2 and 3��Blodz 2S� Le.�ond t s Add. �;�2.,�9 Lo� 3,_ B3.oc�C ?.�.,, Uawson'�s �h�rd ��t�an l�l.fii�. I�ot '18� Baooa and Cc�l�ri�s� Snbd. af B7or,� 22y. 7.�f'c�d�s Ad,d. 3E7.?4 Lot 7,ly ��s Rearrange�eu� 175.3'7 I�o�. 15� `Blocac 10� �dt��s Sabd. of s'tin�on�s Dfv. of the N.�T. � c� s�c._ 36, T�wns�i� 29, �8� 23 ��.76 ��ot ��, Block 10�. Smit�'�s 9ub�I. flf Stitiaoa�s �Dig. af t�e N.W. � � o� Sec. 36i T 2gs 8 �3 4�.?6 ?�o�t 10�, Block I0� �mithts �ubd. of Stin�an.�� Dg,�. Qf t.�e �t.W. � o� sea. 36r 'T,29,�. R 23 ,g0�85 Lot, 8�..�loak IOs, 3�1t,hf s 9ubd. og Stin�o�.�s Di�►. of the �.T�. � • oF sec. 36, � 29� 8 .23 - � 5�..97 T�at 5�. Blaak 10�. S�ait�ts �ubd. oP S'tinaon�$ D3,Y. oP the �.W. � af Se�. 3G, � 29t x 23 32I.27 Lot'2y Bloak 2p� �ober�so�. and Slan E��en�s .6dcIit3.cu� I12.b1 ��. ta ease.: �. 3,/3 af Lot 9 a�td wes� 1,�3 of Lo�C 10, Block 29, Bobertson and Van Etten'�a �dditiom x66.4� � s � . � • Tat�. �5,.�.49 W�R�S� 't,� 'total a�eatmt �f assessable costs �hs Cit� �ay' P�F � �5,�Iw,�9s na�r tb.ei�e�ore be it,. � � RESOI�TED,, that the Commis�ioner of' I'�ib�.ic Warks be and bs i� hereby auth;o�Zed to pey f`ro� th�APe�r�anent ?mp�ovea�ent Re�nolvi.ng �d, Code 6000,. the s�oimt o� $5a804.49, $ p4rt�oa of f,h,� assess�ble costs of Side�a7.k Cos�.etrnet,lon �d� ti�e 19b2 3id�31� Contra.at 62-M-�252, �svy �o. 7� �istrict Ao. 2, I.-6�,31� �a�.ci Per�anent �- p�ovee�en� Rev�ol`w�ng 'Fund to t� �ei�bnrsed fm�a t,�s G3.t�r�� .ahare of Loc�.7. ��t COUNCILMEN � �� �920-703� (19G1.). Adopted by the Council ��nv 1 :� 19�i�g_ Yeas Nays Dalglish • Iiolland " - Approved .�A� 13 ��g.— Loss .'� .In Favor Peterson � � Mayor ��II_� A gainst . Mr. President, Vavoulis iont s-ez � �