218080 .. • �..����� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ ��^ " ^o CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. ��� 'q, LS�Lt�i �c�xsE �o�tt�r� � O F F I C E O F T H E C ITY CLERK � NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� PRESENTED BY ��' �.�� 1964 _ � COMMISSIONE � DATF � . i .i . ;� WF�RE9,�S's Praper notice has been recei�ecl of change of officers and stockholders in � C. and (}. Coxporation liolders of On Sa1,e Liquor Li.cense No. 6611, e�iring ;; . ,_ . danuar� 31;�1965, at 665 IIrri.versity �Averrue� therefore, be it �, RES�LVIDt -�the new officer� George Schaum}�uxg as �'resi.dent� replacing Pai�rr3.ck A. Conroy , also w.t].]. be Treasurer and June T. �onroy wil]. become Vice president � � sol.e stockholdex� in addition to 'SecretarY33�nd Patrick A. Conroy/haeing cttsposed of some of � . , , � his stock to George Schaumburg who becomes a stockholder w ith him, be and the s ame are hereby approved. / � � Council Flle No. 238080—By Robert F. - Peterson— Whereas, Proper noUce has been re- �} ceived of change of offlcers and stock- holders in C. and G. CorporaUon hold- a � • ers of On Sale Liquor I;icense No. 6611, expirtng January 31, 1985, at 665 Uni- versity Avenue, therefore, be it � � � ' ,, f Resolved, The Jnew officer; George� _� Schaumburg as President, replacing 1 :_ , _ - Patrick A. Conroy, also will be Treas-, — - ' -- _ ..m. " urer and June T. Conroy will become � �` . � Vice-preside�t in addiUon to Secretary; � , i and Patrick A.Conroy sole stockhoider, having dasposed of some of his stock � ON SALE I,IQIIOR ESTABZISHMENT � George Schaumburg who,becomes a stockholder with him, be and the same are hereby approved. Adopted by the Council May 12, 1964. , • ' � � ' ' ' ' � Approved May 12, 1964. ' (�i�E OF OF�'2CER5 At�ID S`I'OCRHQI�ERS (May 16, 1984) Informally approved by Council _ Ida.y 7� 196l� 3 orig. �n. ?475 � � �flAY 121� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - Dalglish Holland - .. Approv�AY � 2 � 19— , Loss � � " , , �� - , Tn Favor A mson � ^ Peteraon �j Mayor � ���_ � Against . Mr. President, Vavoulis . �-^ lOM 8-82 n..