D001538�.�, cny ci� Pjnk FYn. & Mgmt services CanaTY DePariment CPPY OF SAII�TT PAUL � OFFICE OF 1HE NAYOB ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER FOR TIII� No.: �QOt53S� Date: 5 y ``� � `1D ADMINISTRATIVE dRDER. Whereas, in the matter of that certa3n contract known as Act[vity No. 2 �� for WABASHA/HIJMBOLDTlCONCORD City Project No. 96-P-1142, 96-P-1143, & 96-P-1144 , Danner Inc. Contractor, the specified date of completion is Navember 1. 1996 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion because �e City was unaware of areawavs under the sidewalk that were in noor condition and needed to be and it is hereby ORDERED. 19iat the City of Saint Paul, throug� its Mayor, e,xtends the time of complet3on to July 25, 1997 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages on this proJect. � . ...� • : �' Date Works �� �� 4l24/98 SHEET�� No� �� • -_. . - _�1, , - ...�t.• . r -se�! � .i[T.T _i„� (a1q MIIBHt �GIYATfOtWEY �.�� � � CrtYCLERK � o ���� o �.�� � � MMOR �DR/L4313TANi! � DlW90N L m WARN TO'fAli OF 8KxiAT1�iE PAGES 2 (tXIP ALL LOCATIONS FOii SIC.NAATUNE� Extend Contract Completion Date from November 1, 1996 to ,Tuly 25, 1997. WABASHA{HUMSOLDTjCONCORD City Project No. 96-P-1142, � P-1143, & 96-P-1144 Contractor: Danner Inc. APProve (A) o� Rel� i� A PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMfII'EE CIVIL SERVICE COMM�SSION STAFF PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWiNCi QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoMirm aver worked under a�nVact fw this departmeM? YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever bee� a ciry empl�yea? YES IJ� 3. Does tfiis personlFirm possess a skiA not nwmalty possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO E�cplafn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORNNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEpE. WHY): Due to area ways (vaults) under the sidewalk that were unknown to the City, the Contractar was unable to complete the wark by November 1, 1996. These area ways were in poor condition and needed to be abandoned. Arrangements needed to be made with the property owner to abandon them The time extension gives the City the time needed to make those arrangements . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: . The time er�tension authorizes additional contract rime required to complete the project. � R���� ����� i � � ♦ ♦ � 9 _ _:; .,� None fO�P'iiE3T5ll��5C� [ ��� ��`Y V�'�Ff.L'ti;z,}� 60! � e� DISADVANTAUES ff NOT APPROVED: Contractor's work performed after Novemher 1, 1996 will not be authorized. TOTALAYOUHTOF7RANSACfIDNS -O- WSTIREYENUEBUDGETED(qPCLEONq � wND "'��� N!A Acm'rtre+uMaEa C96-2CO20-0784-25056 FINpNCIAL INFOpMATION: (EXPlA1N) 0 � vV