218029 I` - Councll File No. 218029—By Robert F. ���n�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . „- t' T Peterson— 8 � . � C�1 1 t�bernec ssaryi ia thecimp�ovement OUNCIL v - 3escribed as the RIVERVIEW STORM ILE N�• — � OFFICE OF �t�iTER RF'7_T� SEWER—Contract I, � .�_� i �"a.t:troller's Contract L-6485, �_/G -G� ��'� �� �'COUNC RE OLUTf�:"-•;�-�'���heen n�uvided for�in the I'UBLISI-i�D PRESENTED BY �,j .� ��� �9.,� ,`.•� found necessary_ 1 6 COMMISSIONE n• •' '� t� a �;�•,�,.y�: `F*,'•"„1. Stevens � `�,,�.'r. ..,r�� � r ^��'�;t `,u.: i. `•�,�►�' �REAS, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improveme�t described as the RIVERVIEW STORM WA'I`ER RELIEF SEVIIER- Contract I, Phase I, Comptroller� s� Contract L-61�65, Ashbach- Lau�tti Joint �Venture, contractors, have been provided for in the specifications, and a' WHII3EAS, it has been found necessary to make the following ,Add i ti ons: ADDITIONS, to .Dropshaf t at Stevens Street and Flall Avenue : 13.5 feet of 18" Vitrified Clay Pipe to replace deteriorated sewer pipe, . . . Lump Sum . . � 364.15 Furnish and Install guard bars in 5�-6�� reinforced concret e pipe, : . . . . . . . Lump Sum . . � 371.06 Furnish and Install 3/LF�' Ne�prene Gasket for Imp�ct Cup, . . . . . . . . . Lump Sum . . . 681. ' . ' ' Total ' � 1,4.16.b� and, - � . �. . . WHEREAS,. the total. Addition is � 1,�{.1.6.6�{., now• thar_efore be 3.t RESOI,VED, that the City of Saint Paul through its City Council . approves the" foregoing Addition made in" accordance witki the specifications in the amount of � 1,1�.16.61�., s�id amount to be � - ---�.�-� added to the lump -sum considerat ion named in tY� contract - known as Comptrollerts Contract L-61�65, and which amount is to ' be financed from City� s Share of Local Improvements Fund - CODE 0920-701: The Commissioner of Public Works has' agreed witll tha above named Contractors that the sum of � 1,�.7.6.6�.�. ig the correct amount to be added to the abo�e contract. . � . �: �y �� �g6� -� ;, COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . naiglish � MAY 12196� Holland � � App ved 19— Loss ' Tn Favor � 314e�son--� Peterson �' � Mayor � , A gainst 3� Mr. President, Vavoulis :' � .. �, iort a-sz � , ,� DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER , " * !' ���� " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �'�- �"� OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK FILE NO. _ .. � � COUNCIL.R�ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY ��L��N ROSF�'F YQv '�Q COMMISSIONER DATE- /�J�� 1�R�S, Addition� whieh r��,ght prove to b� neQe�,��r� 3n th� I�pro�e��at de�drib�d ae the RZVPRtiI��f S�OR�[ 1�A� RELT��' SS�R- Contrac� I, Pb,��ae �i �ompt�+�ller� � Qontr�a t L•61�6�`j, A�hbaoh� I�.m�tt� do3nt T�en�v.ro, aontraator��, ha� baen pro�3ded �'Qr in the ep�c3f3Qa�3.one�, and 1�BII�EAS� it ria� b��n fbund neaee�ary �o make the following Add3�i ona t ADDIT��N�, to �ropsha�'� at St�v�n�e Street �nd 8g].�. Av�nu.e s 3.3.�j feet o� 38" Yitrif�.ed Ola� Pt�e to replaae deterior�,ted eewer Pi�ae, , , . �ump Sta,� .. . � 3b�..�5 Furn��h �d Inst��.l guard bar� 3n �i�*6�' re3nforaeQ aonQ�e�e p3�s . � . .. . . . . Lump �u� . . � 371.U6 Furn�.�h � ����11 3/�." Neapren� �a�ket �'or �m�.at �up, . . . . . . . . . �um� �u� . , 681. �ota.1 ��yiY� ancl, �PHFF�A�,�. �h� total Additiqn �� � 1t�{.1.6.64� no�r the��for� be St R��O�,VED, �h�� ��� C�1.�y of �a3n� P�u� through �.�� Ci.ty Gounail apprnv�� the for�going �,ddi��.on n�.de in aaaordanae �rith th• �geQi�'3ca.�ion� �.n t�e a�unt o� � 1,1.�.�.6.6l�,, a��,d amount to b� added to thq lwnp �u� Qone�.derat�.on n�d in tY� aontraa t 3s�own a� Co�,ptrolle��� Con�r�at �,-6�.6�j an.d whiah �mount i,� to be f in.�nded f'ro� �ityR� Share af Looal �mprpr�eman�e F�d - co� o9ao-7o1. � �'he Oo�ie�lon�r of Pub�3a 1�orYts h�� �,greAd wii�i �las� above n�med Gontr6a..�tor� that the �ua q�' � �.,�.�.6.6Z}. �.� �he avrr�c�t �mouat to be adeied to �he �bors aontra.at. n 4' �V�(, ` �71l�,` � J H�i�l COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��;��� " . '° � . Holland Approved lg_ Loss � In Favor _ on Peterson � Mayor A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis , iort s-ez . �