218008 �t � � . � �' / : r ' �f � , �1.��Q� ��ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK E.}' • �. ° �� CITY OF ST. PA�j , - ` �E OFFICE OF THE CI�� ,.�RK � �; . COU CIL RESOLUTION- fr�=�R,AL FOF,_�- - �. �� � _ PRESENTED dY � �' COMMISSIONE � DATE— if - ;; � WHEREAS� pursuant to Council File No. 206930, adopted a.n.d approved April 25, 1�62, the Department of Finan.ce, under its F'ile 59-M-188 Distriet 3, Levy 11, has ratified certain deseriptions �o the Distriat Court for assessment purposes, which ratifiaations have reflected errors in description tha� have existed fo� some period of time inj�the offi�ial title recoTds of the County of �.amsey, State of Nfinnesota; • and ' , �� WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council to make such correations in deseriptions as may be necessary to provide for adequate assessment pursuant to the aforesaid file without holding the owners of said real estate responsible in penaltieg and interest for such pre-existing errors, now, therefore, be it ,� RESOLVED, That the following descriptions may be and hereby are corrected as_ sho�t�i:: � 1• The Wei t 50 feet o� the south 125 feet of Lot 8, Ide s Outlots, - ,: � may be and hereby is correc�ed to read as follows: �� Except west 0 feet and� south 33 feet for streets; :t�ie south 15� feet of west 80 -feet of the Southeast Quarte� of the North�re,st Qu.arter of Seetion 22, Township 29, Range 22, - � � the assessment therefor being �151.11. , #� 2• �cept the easterly 100 feet of the south 125 feet, and except the north 83 feet, and except the we�t 50'; feet; Lot 8; Idet s Ou�lots, • I - may be� and hereby is Qorreeted to read: F�;cept the easterly 100 feet of the sou arid except the north 83 feet, Lot 8� Ide= s10 tlots, 9� the as,�essment therefor being $149•72; and COUNCILMEN ' i Adopted by the Council 19— 4 Yeas Nays �� Dalgliah �� Holland �� - Approved 1g_ Loss � �f In Favor Mortinson Peterson ' � Mayor �� A gainst Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis �� ''�� '�?ROVE� t ions a-sa � � �� Asst. Cor���rai�a� Co���; ��; • . ��� ` '� �18�08 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK '" � . " 'r CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. - . � �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �F ' COMMISSIONER DATF �f i� j� �� Page 2. �� �t v RESOLVED FURTHER, That in view of the foregoing, suah penalties and interest as would have normally aecrued following the ratification arid approval of said assessment pursuant to Council File No. 206930 dated April 25, 1962 may be and hereby are waived� provided� howeaer, that all normal penalties and interest, as provided in the Charter of tY�e City of Saint Paul, shall accrue as to�:the real estate above described from and after the date of approval and ratifioation of this Resolution� the same as if said resolution were to Qonstitute a new assessment. �E ;� �. 3� , , � �� E i { , �G ` . �f 1� � ��[ • �1 +' ] �E - E r€ �i ir J" �f �� MaY s � � COUNCILMEN �f Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �E M � AY ��� Dalglish �G , ' u^,�..a �� pproved 19— Loss �f - - T��_ �� n Favor '' �' �/ Mayor Doovicvis � j� �� A gainst Rosen �� Mr. President, Vavoulis „ �� ions a-sa �f a ,� ,: 1t � tlUrLICATE TO rRINTER . ' • ������ _ . " . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . " ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER ' DATF �. Z�iEREASy puz'suan� to Council File No. 206930, adopted and approved gpri1 �,25� 1!�62� the Depa.Ptment of Finanae� under its File 59-M-188 Dist�,ict 3, Levy 11� has ratified certain descriptions �Fo the District Cour� for assessment purposes, which ratifications �ha e reflected erro,rs in, rlescription tha� have eacisted Por aome riod of time in, �Che offici�l title records of the County o� R�msey, State of' Minnesota; and WHEREASa it is the deaire af the Council to make si�ch corrections in descriptions as may be necessary to provirle for ade�uate assessment�� pursuant to the aforesaid file without holding the owners of said �eal estate responsible in penalties and in.terest for su.ch pre-existing errors� now� therefor�� be ft RESOLYED, That the following descriptions may be and hereby are correeted as shrn��� � 1. The'West 50 feet of the south 125 feet of Lc3t 8� �dets Outlots, may be and hereby is corrected to read as f'ollo�rs s Except west 0 f�et snd south 33 feet for str�ets; the lsouth 1�� feet of west 80 Peet of �the Southeast Quarter of the North�est Qusrter of Section 22 � Tow�'shiP 29� �ange 22� ' the asse'ssment therefor being �151.11. ,� 2• E�cept the eas�erly 100 feet o�' the south 125 Peet� and eacept the north 83 feet� and eYCept the we�t 50 feet; Lot $, Iders Outlots, may be arld hereby i� eorr�et�d to read: �cept the easterly 100 feet of the south 125 feet� and egcept the north 83 fe�t,. Lot 8, Id�rs Outlot�� the ass�s;sment therefor being �149.72; �nd COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' � Dalglish ' Holland ' Approved 19_ Loss � In Favor • Mortinson a, '� Ma or Peterson � y Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis , :� ionz a.ez � ,: . � ����Q8 D'GrLICATE TO rRINTER .• ' �- .. � ' ,� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . � " ° ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ , Page 2. �ESOLYED FUI�THER� That in view oP �he foregoing} such penalties and interest as would have normally accrued follo�ing the ratification a�d approval of �aid assessment pur�ua.nt to Council File No. 206930 dated April 25� 1962 may be and herebp are waived� provided� however� that all normal pen�lties and interest� as provid�d in the Charter o� the City of Saint Paul� shall accrue as to the real estate above described from a.nd a�ter the date of approval and ratificstion o�' this Resolution, the same as i� said resolution were to constitute a new assessment. ,t i� ., „ � MAY 8 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays . �'Y9AY 819Ei�� Dalglish ��� � Approved 19— �gg �� Tn Favor A�e�soiL .� ,� � Mayor A gainst Rosen ', Mr. President, Vavoulis � ,� iort a-aa