217995 . ,, <. �,.���5 � ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ;; CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� I,ICII�ISE Ct�'¢TrEE ir OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ _ COUN RESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � '� ' M�� COMMISSIONE �� DATF "'�✓ �� 196� _ !� RESCLVEDs That Application H•�080 for the transfer of por�ion of License No. 7?�88� . ,. ,r , cover3.ng Gas Station (3-�umps}� expiring December 9� 196l�, issued to , Fred Jensen a�G 1229r Payne �venue� be and the same is hereby transferred �� . ', _ to Alvin H. Praa at �the same address. , - �� ,. �. ,� ,� . ;, . .. a� � , � � �� � , �� �; i Councll File No.,217995--Sy Severin A. : Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— � ' b Resolved, That AppHcation H-9080 � "h for the transfer oE portion of I.icense No. 7488, covering Gas Station (3- � pumps), expiring December 9, 1984, � L ' issued to Fred Jensen at 1229 Payne ,�,_ �� �Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Alvin H. Pra� at the ""'"r--• , �; same address. Adopted by the Couricil May 7,1984. , F A� pproved May 7, 1984. ; (May 9, 1984) Jf T$ANS 'FF�R CI,�.CP„ri866� ,E . _ ,� - • � • - � ,� a� .. �^ ;' .t E �� �� �A,� � 19, COUNCILMEN ;,. Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays + Dalglish ,� �A� '� 19� H,�}� �� ,�' A roved 19— ;� ., Loss �r � � Tn Favor Mortinson �� � Mayor Peterson � C �,_ ,� Against a Mr. President, Vavoulis �� �� lOM 6-82 �E �c ,� . .� '-