217985 d i� (� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK j� • H���(1� ', CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. + " �� OFFICE ,OF THE CITY CLERK C CIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM , � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE 7`. �, . �� ;l • ,� ESOLVED, That the substitution of: 3E "�5,',000,000.00 U. S. Treasury Notes Series F-C4, 3 3/4� due November 15, 1964, dated August 15� 1963" ;� f or �� ` ,I 7� . "$5,000,000.00 U. S. Cert�ficates of Indebtedness Series C-;63, 3 1/2� due August 15, 1963, dated August 15, 1962" �� . � as collateral j`security for -deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with The Fir st National Bank of Saint Paul hereby is auth'o�i�ed, ratified a.nd approved, such having�been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Mi nnesota; �hajt such substi�uted securities, at �t�;,��t�ime of suah substitution, had a market value su�'ficient� togr�j with the market valtze of the original aollateral securitie�'s o said purpose� for which no substitution was made equal to �110 for every $100 of deposit�,:of�p public funds of sai�. City with said bank. �� �f I Co�c�ll�File No. 217985—By James J. i �l � Resolved, That the substitution oi: J ' ";5,000,000.00 U. S. Treasury Notes ; �' ` Series F-84, 3?i% due November 15, + _� 1964, dated August 16, 1983"- ;; �for • , • � � r. "$5,000 000.00 II. S. Certificates-o! � �� Indebtec�ness Series C-83, 312% due � 6 98gust 15', 1983, dated August 15, ? �� as collateral security for deposits of � � publiC funds of the City ot Saint Paul with The First National Bank of Saint f �i Paul, hereby is authorized, ratl8ed and j �/� approved, such having been done in � `�'„��--- conformance with the applicable stat- - utes o£ the State of Minnesota; that � �� OR OF LAW t such substituted securities, at the time '' �! of such substitution, had a market � ': value sufflcient,together with the mar- ket value of the original collateral sec- '� �` urities for said purpose, for which no �� substitution was made, equal to E110 � for every y100 04 deposits of public ; �f funds oi said City with said bank. � Adopted by the Council May 7, 1964. �! Approved May 7, 1964. _ j (May 9, 1964) , �� - - IdiAY 7 196� COUNCILMEN {� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �• �° Dalglish 'p 1 � �1AY '� 196a I�ei�and* �� /' pprov d 19_ Loss ',` � � . � n Favor � Mortinson �f �� Peterson �� Mayor !, A gainst ReBea– �� Mr. President, Vavoulis i� iont a-sz �� ` ' 3` ,, �. .