217976 1 ;� ` , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ��� � • � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ����� � � �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a� PRESENTED BY April 30 ly�'+ COMMISSIONE �� DATF + ii I� r� h F�OLUED, That the C��uncil hereby approves the awaxd of the Contract Co�ittee �� therefor and hereby awards contract for fUZnishing all la;bor, ma.terials and {E , ser`rices necessary for and reasonably incidental �or repair of Como Lakeside !� Pavilion, Como Park,��Saint Paut, Minnesota to H. J. ROAI�'ELDT CCd�ANY in accordance �� with City plans and ��pecifications therefor hereto'atta.ched and the Formal Bid �9738 of said H. J. Roadfeldt Compax.�yy for the contract price of $5,�+00.00, such � bid being the lawest�t a.nd said H. J. Roadfeldt Compar�y 'being a reasonable and ,, r• +� reliable bidder, and�tthe Corporation Counsel be a.nd hereby is directed to draw up � ;� .` the proper form of cqntract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are ' �� authorized to execut�e said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. 1� Forme.l Bid �73$. '' c�u�u �ie No. 21797�By E�ank L. �� Resolved, That the Council hereby , approves the award oP the Contract � _ . - ,� j� contractt forhfurnishing allr]abor,�mas - °' - � terials and services necessary for and �� reasonably incidental tor repair of Como Lakeside Pavllion, Como Park, �� Saint Paul, Minnesota to H. J. ROAD- �1 FC'Etl.Dpl nOMPaNY'in accordance with �' speci8carions therefor G hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 9738 0! said H. J, Roadfeldt Com- pany for the contract price of�5,400.00, ` such bid being the lowest and said E Ii. J:Roadfeldt Company being a reas- [ onable and reliable bidder, and the f Corporatiori Counsel be and hereby is r directed to draw up the proper form of contract,therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are suthorized to �. execute said contract on behalf of the �F City of Saint Paul. f Formal Bid No. 973B. . � Adopted by the Council May 7, 1964. . A�proved.May 7, 1984. ? cM8r s, ise4, 4 �� -- �p,� � 196 �, ;r COUNCILMEN i Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �! Dalglish �f , MA�( � �9� �}}� �� /� roved ^ 19— Loss �� � �� In Favor � Mortinson �k ,\ �� v ayor Peterson � �� �j A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis �� �t iont s-sz " 1� , �4 �r . , �r �� \ . � • � ���,,,ppp...��� ,^{.� / DUrLICATE TO rRINTER � r • ����q , 1 � • �G CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � " � ':, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO MISS�IONER DATF x��.i 30� l�F __ RESOI�D, Taat t�e �crunc33. here'by approves �he �ard of the Ooa�tract Com�Et�tee th�re�or and hereby,''awards ct�t�:ct for �urr�.fshing �.Ll. la.bor, ma.�texials a�.�. serv�.ce� necesaary �or aad rea.sanably i.nc3.dent�,.1 tor repair o�' ��nao �kesic�,e � Ps,v3licxi�, Coaw Pa,�k, Sa3.n�t �'aul, Minnesot� �to H. �'. � C�AiiY in �.ccora.�,nee , w3.th City plans er.t&j�sg�c3�'icatioa�s thare�ox hereto �,�tael��d �nd the �'o�a]. Bid � �j738 0� sa3.d H. J.;��Oa,d:Ce�.dt Co�pax�y �or the cantyract p�a� o� �5,�00.00, auch �id be�.ng the Lawes� and said H. �'. Roadf�].dt Com�any b�3�g a, reasonable �ud rel3able bidder, and the Corpora,tion Cawns�l be aud �.ereby is c'lireeted ta c�ratir up the prbper form of cbntr�,at th�r��or, 8,nd the proper City of`f'ioia].g Y�ereby are authoriz�d to execu,�Y,e said contract o� beha]3 0� �the Ci�ty o�' Sa1nt �aul. Fontie,l Bic�. #97�8. '� ;� �� ;� �� MA`( '7196�, ' �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � ,���` Dalglish ?' �p►Y �]}�} Approved 19— Loss �� �In Favor Mortinson , Peterson , � Mayor A gainst Resert Mr. President, Vavoulis �E lOM 8-82