217969 �f ORIGINAL TO CITY CL�R1C ' M����• ����y 0•y Y . ;f CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCIL N�. "� :c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C ',UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESBNTED BY 1� ' COMMISSIONE DATF �31 B� 196� _ tF ��. RF50LVED� That the Cocmcil hereby concurs in the aRard of the Ptu�chasing Committee therefor :� ,� , and hereb�wards contract Yo�k furnishin� and deliverin� to the Bareau of Municipal Equipment� r 891 North Uale Street� St. Paul� liinnesota four Ford F600 Truck Ch�ssis, GVW not less than �� 18000� to � �DW�1Y C014�ANY�E in accordance �rith City speci�cations therefor hereto attached �—�' 't and the Fbrmal Bid #9723 of �faid Midway Coqapany for the price oY $10�100.00 less allo�ance f for one Y1958 Ford F600 withf�iHi-Ran�er �1�erial Lift� one 1957 Ford F100 with IItilitq Boaes� . i� one 1949 Dod�e B-I�-128 with Special Taver and cne 1956 Ford F500 �vith IItility Bodq to be , .�, taken in trade for the total�falloaance of $4000.00� makin�,net amonnt of contract $6100«00� ir i' such bid beins the lowest an�� said Midway Company bein� a reasonable and relisble bidder and the Corporation Co�msel �� and hereby 3s anthorized to dxyrw ap the proper form o f 't contract therefcr and the proper City officials are hereby directed to eaoecute esid , �� contract on behalf of the City of St, Paul.. �i Councll Fiie No. 217889—By g�bert F. �! Peterson— FOrml.'al Bid �9723� 1� Resolved, That the CouncII hereby concurs in the awand of tiie purchas- ing Committee therefor and hereby IE li e gcto the Bureauiof Municipal I� r E4�pment, 891 North Dale Street, St. '� Pau1. Minnesota tour Ford F600 Truck � Chassis, GVW not less than 1800p$p tp �! TAE MIDWAY COMPANy in accord- j� ance with City speci8cations therefor � hereto attached and the Formal Bid 1 #9723 of said Midway Company por,}�e price of $10,100.00 less allowance, for �; one 1958 Ford F600 wlth FEi-Ran er j UtilitY Boxes one 91949 D dge g_w�th , ;� 128 with Special Tower and one 1956 j� Forfl F500 vcKth Utillty Body to be taken in trade for the total allowance �� of�4000.00, making net amount of con- tract�6300.Op,such bid being the lowest n and said Midway Company being e MAY " � reasonable and reliable bidder and the �E Corporation Counsel be, and hereby is authorized to draw up the propep op 11 19_ COUNCILMEN of contract therefor and the ,C City offlcials are hereby directed to execute said contract ori behalf of the Yeas Nays �E ctFt,9 of St, pg�, ormal Bid No. 9723. Dalglish �� Adopted by the Councll May B, 1984, �� 6 ��R;/� �� Approved May 8, 1984, a�•�� �� (May 9, 1984) �9_ LOSS � . n Favor Mortinson �f ' t Peterson �� � Mayor �E A gainst ��osen� �� M , avou is �� iorz s.az iR �1. . ;� 3i �-� �y�9 ! DUrLIGATE TO PRINTEg � ' ^ ar� . ip' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESETITED BY , COMMISSIONER DATE �n 8�. �.98� __ R�'80LYI�D* Tha� �he Co�mcil 1��►eb� coucur�► i� f� lrwrd o!' tlu Ptu'ch�sing Cc�itt.�l� thirefor and her�byt�rMard� �oatraat ��ax tt��.s3�iag �nd ds111►er�.n� �to t;1ss &ir«au �f Yunicip�. aqui�sat� 8S� 2�Qr�th D�i� B�rset, �t� �e�., �.f.n►�eot�t f� lr'o�d !'e00 Trtack Cha�eis� (�VM a�t le�r� tht�a 'E 3,80Q0* to TSE 3�D'�A�t �ANY, in a�coardanoe w3�h Citp sp�ci!lcatfon� th�rrstbr h�r�to attaalud and t1i� l�brrai Hf.d �IE9723 oi �a�d ldid�sy Ca�e�y for th� prfae ot ;�ti4�,00d00 3.sse a�11.�ranoo �, for o�e �1935 '�or� F6a0 ��.t.�i' Ht-Ranger A�e�ial bi�'t� �ue ].g57 �'c�rd 1�.00 w�th Ut�.litg �ootssy one 1A�9 Dodgs B-�1H-128 witi� �pQai.�� Tower and o��986 1�'ord �'S00 with t�tillty nody to b� � � tak� ia �ta�d�t sor �Chis ta�s�!� a�.Ia�nco r�� 3�I?O,tDO� �kl�n� ns�t a�unt bi' c�tra�ct 56100;�00� •ltch bid bei� th� l�t �[%d eaid �iidtleay C�e�y beitl� a t�eei�►onatble a�nd rsl�.able biddlPr utd the Carporati�n Ca�.nso�. � aitsi hea�by 3� a�tho�i�,ed t.fl dr�rw np the prop�r lor�+o i coa�tr�tct �bor�for �nd tus pa!aper C3t�► p�ticia3.s are h�r�by dix�ctod �o ex�eau�e e�id � cantra�st a� be��.P o� the C�ty �Y $t� Pau1., lb�lel �id �7234 '6 �� i� 3� MAY $ 1� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays „ ����Y � 'q� Dalglish °� an � Approved 19— Loss ', � �, In Favor Mortinson ' Peterson '' � Mayor D A gainst �-:-- ; r. , ; iorz a-sz � .,