217945 j��- -. - - �1'79�5 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK ` �'�- ^ - , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ISCENSE CoMI�TTEE . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C ��UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY M$� 5� 196l� COMMISSIONE DATF �` :E WHEREASt The �lark QLl and �RefYn3.ng Company� licensees at 381 East Seventh Street� surrendered I.icense No. 6192, expiring November 29, 196l�, covering Gas Station i� " (6-ptu�s) and Cigarette ?�i.cerises� a� discont3.nued said business on April , 28� 196l�� because the property �as acqvired by the Department of Highways� ;• State of Minneso�t,a� therefore� be it �: RF50I�VED= That the proper .City Officers be and t�hsy a�e hereby authorized to refund to the Clark Oil and xefY.airig Compatur� the pro-•rated fee of $ l�7.83� deductimg ;' $ 34.1? fro� thel, ori�.nal fee o� $ 82.00 posted for the period. the licensees aperated on said��license, which x3.11 cancel sa3.d license. �� 3 . '� Council Flle No. 217945—By Severin A. �� Mortinson—Robert F. Peterson— Whereas,'The Clark 011 and Reflning Company�, llcensees at 381 East Seventh Street, surrendered LiCense No. 6192, ' expiring November 29, 1964, covering �� Gas ,Station (6-pumps) and Cigarette � I.icenses, and discontinued said busi- �` _ , nesa on 'Aprll 28, 1984, because the ' property was acquired by the Depart- � ment of Iiighways, State of Minnesota, AttaChed to �'+fty �+'lerk�s Copy therePore, be �t- Resolved, That the proper City Su.rrendered I�i.c�ae ,. ` O�icers be and they are hereby auth- .� orized to refund to the Clark Oil and I,icensee�s Istter of r 28ti .� • ReAning Company,the pro-rated fee of @QLl $47.83, deductlng �34.17, from the ori- - ginal dee of$82.00 posted for the perlod � the licensees operated on said license, CANCEI�LATION (License surrend'ered. & Partial Befhnd) wn��h �u cancel said license. Adopted by the Council May 5, 1964. '' Approved May 5, 1964. , i� � ((May 9, 1984) Items � Operated +; Reflind Fee Post - - 11_29G53 to �-28=bl� - ._ Gassta6P $�9,17 - - - -,F- - - � ���83 - - - - - - - � 70�pp - - Cigarette _ _ �.00 - - - _ - - - 7:fl0 - - - - - - - . 12:00 _ Total $ 34.1? �" � �7.83 - ��2.� MAIL REFUND CHECK �Os Clark Oil & ReYing Corp. 506 Randolph �e. St. Paul� ATTN�. J.J.Keating. � COUNCILMEN " ;' Adopted by the Council��_ Yeas Nays ' Dalglish ;p rr7�� 5 �9� t �}}��-- � proved 19— Loss ,� � Favor ` � i � Peterson �! V Mayor j, A gainst - .$ose�- : Mr. President, Vavoulis � �' ions a-sz �. - �� :� �