217943 .'P�^ pLTgLIS�i1�D 5 � ��'� �1�943 ORIGINAL TO GTY CLERK .,.. � , r_ �—'a- a� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `1 Flle No. 217943—By Robert F. `' rson— � . �S�reas, On the 15th day of Decem- PRESENTED BY ;� 3�+962, a City squad car driven by COMMISSIONE ' DATE '��'' 'p• Berguetski with � - �'�.I. Green,both employees of tg.hee ' :�ru it cf Public Safety, Bureau r3 7�'.v.'-,ia�3111'O�vEt; i a thirrl t.;r't�� , e:i uri ;t, ,,, �� r.;�,::t. ':�ti -hzo4iliiy.k•�dY�1sdJ �r.c xs��N�. ._ . .Rn od.1 ��...�, WHEREAS; on the 15th day of DeQember, 1962, a City squad � ear driven by George P. Berguetski with passenger James W. Green, both employe� of the Department of Fra.blie Safety, Bureau of Police, - . was involved in a ,.third party aceident with an automobile driven by Alois P. Kimliriger, and as a result of said accident said ' � employees suffered personal injuries and there was damage to the Cityt s vehicle; an.d WHEREAS;� the City has expended, on account of the personal in�ury of said George P. Berguetski the sum of �48.54 for salary during the period of his disability beca�se of said in�ury, an.d the sum of $26'].5R for salary to said James W. Green during the period of his disability, and the City= s vehicle was damaged to the extent of $54:17 as represented by Comptroller= s Registered Bill No. 3-4014; and WHEREAS,, there are certain outstanding medical bills . incurred by said employee James W. Green, whiah he agrees to pay out of his own settlement with said �hird party; and WHEREA�„� a settlement has been negotiated as between said employees, the City, and the third party involved in said accident w�ereby the City will reaeive one half its subrogation claim with respect to said personal injuries and property damage, an.d the office of :�the Corporation Coun.sel recominends acceptanae of .E said settlement, riow, therefore, be it � , . _ �: { ? RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proper City of�ficers are hereby authorized and directed to r � � accept, in full, f;inal and complete settlement of its subrogation > o elaim on accoun.t of the in�uries to its said employees and its � �-o claim for proper�y damage as aforesaid, the following: with n. a respeet to the ir�jury of said George P. Bergu.etski, the sum of � �24.27; with respe�ct to the injury of said James W. Green, the ,� sum of �133.75 representing half the salary paid, with the under- � standing said empl'oyee will pay his �own medical expense; and the � sum of �27.Q8 in full settlement of Registered Bill No. 401� � and to sign any ne';cessary releases. , �A� 5 � COUNCILMEN '; Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas '' Nays �� - -� � Dalglish ,f ����Y � '� � an . Approved � 19_ Loss +- rn Favor mson , / , Peterson V Mayor �_ ;� A gainst ; Mr. President, Vavoulis � , iont a-sa � . ' r �� DUrLICATE TO PRINTER - ' � �� /��� . ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 O N ER DATF _ WHEREAS� on the 15th day of December, 1962, a City squad car driven by George P. Berguetski �ith passenger James W. C�reen� both employe� of the Department of Public Safety� Bureau of Police� was involved in a third party accident with an automobile driven by Alois P. Kimlinger� and as a result of said accident said employees ,suffered personal in�uries and the�e was damage to the City' s vehicle; and WHFRFAS, the City has ezpend�d, on account o� the person.al in�ury o� said George P. Berguetski the sum of �+8.�+ for salary during the period of his disability because of' said in3ury� a.nd the sum of �267.50 for salary to said James Z�T. Green during the period of his disability� and the Cityts vehicle �as damaged to the extent of ��+.17 as represented by Comptroller' s Registered Bill No. 3-4014; and WHEREAS� there are eertain outstanding medical bills incurred by said employee James W. Green� which he agrees to pay out of his own settlement with said third party; and WI3EREAS� a settlemen� has been negotiated as between said employees� the City� a.nd the third party involved in said accident whereby the City �ill receive one half its subrogation claim �rith respec� to said personal in�uries and property damage� and the office of �he Corporation Counsel recommends acceptance of said settlement� now, therefore, be it RFSOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul� that the proper City o�ficers are hereby authorized and directed to accept� in full, final and complete settlement of its subrogation claim on account of' the in�uries to its said employees and its claim for property damage as a.foresaid� the following; with respect to the in�ury of said George P. Berguetski� the sum of �2�.273 with respect to the in�ury oP said James W. Green� the sum of $133.75 representing half the salary paid� with the under- standing said employee will pay his own medical expense; and the sum of $27.08 in f`�11 settlement of Registered Bill No. 3�+014, and to sign any necessary releases. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MAY 5 ��_ Yeas Nays Dalglish �;��Y � �9'�� �o}land� Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor �14er#�se�— Peterson � Mayor ��se� • A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis lOD4 8-82