217932 4 , 1 ����� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ±� � • ■ �� t CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. ' ' " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM EREStENTED BY � ApI'j.�. 3O 1� COMMISSIONE DATF � RFSOLUED, That the Purcha.sing Agen.t be and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, �to purchase �rom MAC QDEEDT �QU.CPMENT� INC. -L�ro IC-211 Conveyor belts for Elgin �weeper at a cost o� $990.00, without advertisement or competitive bids pursua,nt to Section 290 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul as 'these axe patented. Code 1210-320 �� . . F APPROVED: �O�I . ' APPROVED: Ja:,ey�1� J. i�a�Llaall �. C��y Comp�oller r � ASSISTANT RATION COUNSEL P�y .�- = • -- C�rROrT�u u :�Yr .�.rw.,...,_ ;� �_�.:�%�� , ING AGENT. Council FYle No. 21793�By Robert � Peterson— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent , be and he is hereby authorized, w i t h� . the consent of the Comptroller,to pur-i chase from MAC QUEEN EQiJIP- MENT,INC.two IG211 Conveyor belts{ , Ifor Elgin Sweeper at a cost of �990.00,1 without advertisement or competitive I bids pursuant to SecUon 290 of the� Charter of the City of St. Paul as� these are patented. Code 1210-320. " � ' Adopted by the Council May 5, 1984.1 � APProved MMa35•9191964� � MAY 5 �4 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish : MAY 5 ��, a • �proved 19— Loss In Favor � inson ( � Peterson v Mayor A gainst -�tose�— . � Mr. President, Vavoulis ,' ions s-az _ ' � . ��� � ^ ^ DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ^ /��y�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL F'� II ' ° ^ r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PJtESiEt�TED BY p�� COMMISSIONER DATF ��-1 �d+� �7�+T _ R�OLY�D, �hat t�e Pur�h��g �►ge�at "1� and l�e is herel�y �u,thorS�d„ s,r,it�h � oonsent of �tha Co�cptroLl:�r, to �urc�a,�e �rotl�.M!� Q� �, I�C. two IC�211 Co�,veyox be].t$ for �Ln f�ree�ier �� �. co�t o�' $990.00, wi-�tiaut advertise�nt qr co�t3t�ve "b3c� �ursv�xit to 3ectic� 290 0�' the Qh�er o� th�r City o:� S�. Pa.�.t3. a� thesa &xe pat�n.'�ed. Cod�e 121b-� AFP�: ' QRK fiifaW�•"•�i J• _ ✓• � - '—�l � A _" ._� �i �� Y� .-_ _SI 4c�. . ..v.._�,., � �%����''�% ��:i��A���� ��'' \ �IAY 51�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �..�r-9Y 5 �9�4 � Holland— �} ApProved 1g— Loss In Favor ' on Peterson c� Mayor ���_ A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ionz e-az