217924 PETITION j'-y'- �,� �� PUB1-ISIi�D - �o��� �e No.._ .�:'��24 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � •'f�e No. 21797A—By Robert F. '��i,�on— �t°T�,' i�, A Rri'tten pro�osal for the and ;F; i;,t�1 the,,-�lowing unprovement, y a . � • . �'.����T� •n the east �":at3'� us:t-.�l ,?[ �L,�:ra,r„�: "',-�<;,,-, PRELIMINARY ORDER. -�'°t� =� =:b9S e•E,Q�r;L��' �3A=`7 � Sf�'F�FF•., Theundereignedhereby propoaesthemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Chelmsford St, from Hendon Ave. to ......_...........................____.---------.....-----------•---•---•--........---•--._.._......................._....................---................._...._.._....------------------•--- Dudley Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete .....�................................---_......-----•---------.........._............---•-----------------•---•--...............---------•----•--_..-----•-•------..._..........-----••-...... saidimprovement.-�. ..............................................................._...-----........_...............-•----------- ....._--------•• ------------•-----...--•-•.............: ---- ........--•-•...................�.......................---••-•--•--•--........................----•----..._................................----•------------•--•--............_..-•---•---------- Dated thie.......lst.....�..day of...................•--........--••---�Y.... ---........_, 19 .64. ...... ..... ... . ...........-•..�yLI�GL•- ••---•----•................ ... ........._..__ _... ...... �iO11II011II1$II. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Chelmsford St. from Hendoa Ave. to Dudley Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete saidimprovement..-----------•--•--------.__..----•---•--•----....--•...................•--•••-•----------.....__._......--------------....._._....---...--•-•--•--------- -------------------------•------•-----•-------------..............-----------------•---------------------•--........-------•----------------•--------•----••----•-----------•---------•---------- having been preaented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul....................•------•---------•------._..._...._..._......---•------•---...---- therefore, be it '� RESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and directed: _ 1. To investigate the neceseity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature;extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners. - 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commiesioner of Finance. Adopted by the Counail--------------•------.._..---•--.....-----------....••----���.....��.._� - YEes NeYs Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh ��� � ��� rH�l?�� � _ ' Approved--------------------------_...- -----------._...-•----••----........_-- Loss -IfiB�Tn�6Pf Peterson �_ -------....__---------- ----------- ---.____.�..._.. �..___.. M$. PaBSin�u�r Vavou 1 i s Mayor. � s000 �-�s �