217923 , �
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"E PUBLISHED�' G 2� A 4123
�� Council F�le No..
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j� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �^� E'i1e N_0 217923—By Robert F.
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jF ,�a�A; written proposal for the
a, and ,5�,���,�� Poliowing improvement,
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° PRELIMINARY ORDER. -.�b��� ��t����i�q j`.`�.��..,,�
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Theunderaignedhereby pr�o'poaesthemakingof thefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,vis.:
reconstruct the sidewalk_.on__both side�„of E,__.Th�rd,_$t,�._,��Qm__Ea�l_.Stf..tQ__�ohnson_.__.,.___
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Dated thie.......l s t�........day of................r?a�'._........................ ......., 19 .64.
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'` - Counoilman.
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WHEREAS, A written pr�posal for the malflng of the following improvement, viz.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of E. Third St. from Earl St. to Johnson
Parkway..and.by,doing_.allr other..work_which_.is..neces�ary..and..incidental_.to..complete_____,
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said improvement. �'
having been presented to the Co��ncil of the City of Saint Paul----•------•--.....---•-•----------------•---•--........-----._._._...-------�••--_
therefore, be it ;
RFSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and direeted:
1. To investigate the neceseity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile�or aketch of said improvement.
4. To stata whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the',foregoing matters to the Commisaioner of Finance.
i� �Y 51964
Adopted by the CounciL----------------'-'--------....._...___...-------•----- -----------•--•-
Y�s Nsrs � (���Y � 196�4
Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh 't
�� APProved----•-------•---
LoSS �i -----------------------------------------•--.....___
Peterson �;
R�ose-t�— �� -----._ . _..._.... .---------•-------------- .._.._._._........._.
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M$. PBEBIDENT Vavou 1 i s !� ` Mayor.
3000 7�d �r �,/
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