217883 �+���.3�� Original COUNCIL RESOLUTION � to City Clerk FIOENCIL NO. Authorization for payment for overtime �RESENTED OY COMMISSIONE DATF t � � WHEREAS, the head of the Departmant �-re�eQr of ,L i b. � Aud i t.� & ,C�v i c .Bu.z Zd i nqs has reported that an emerg�ncy existed during the payroll period from ApTi,Z .Z.6 to Apri1 30�� 1964 which made necessary overtime employment; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the 'proper city officers are he�eby authorized to pay the employees listed on the reports on file in the office of the City Clerk and numbered ..3 thrzt 8 ( . � Council Flle No. 217883—By Severin A. Mortinson— ; Whereas,The head of the Department of I3brartes, Auditorium, and Civic Buildings has reported that an emer- gency existed during the payroll period from Aprii 16 to April 30, 1964 which made necessary overtime employment; now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper City'of&- . cers are hereby authorized to pay the employees listed on the reports on flle in the offlce of the City clerk and numbered 3 through 8. + Adopted by the Council May t, 1964. Approved May 1, 19B4. (May 9, 1964) ( , 6NAY 1196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish MAY 1 �6� Holland • pproved 19— Losa �� n Favor , Mortinson Peteraon � Mayor A gainst � Rosen I Mr. President, Vavoulis CSB 44a