217870 ;
- r ". �•.a .r
�,._.r `'�, f ° �• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE t , N�o. 217870—B y Frank L.
1,, OUNCIL E I —GENERAL FORM . ; .� ed gy t haCou�u'of the'c;ty:
'., t:e::,_.; naul, that Housing and Re-;
PRESENTED BY � �J ' = ent Authertty of the City of
COMMISSIONE ' DATF tof3#]sq ,ul Mi�• ��rota, h:ving de;
� �• r"[�6�- t:.•t : th��a�,e ��o,r �^'��
r ��.�: ��rJ'.:2..�r 7' ;., :;5�
„ I .�' iy.� ,. Q�i": _�%i"4�_
'�uoa ar�.1.f�siuon n.Mt,i•r
' ' �
RE��LYED B� the Council of th� Gity o� ���aint Pan.l� that
Hotzsing and Redeve��opment �nthori�g of the �ity of Saint Paui7. i
Minnesota� having determined that the thereby prop0sed �edeve�lop=
meat Pro�eet s�ould be �nder�aken on the 30th day of Ap�il� 196?��
filed with the City Clerk of the �ity of Saint Paul and`�preseated
to this Council with its application for said Cota�aeilt s 'appro�al!
of the same� its Redevelopment Plan for that eertain area wi�hia'
the City of Saira.t Paul� �ounty of Ramsey and �tate �f Minnesota�!
eommonly designa�ed as Dowxttown IIrban Renewal Area� Minn. R-20 �
� dated O�tober� 1963, �onsisting of 1� p�ges�:: and two exhibits
�he boun.dar�* line des�ription of said Downtown Urba.a Renewal �rea
, Minn. x-2� is as follows: �-
. �
"Beginning at the point of intersection of '
th� northwes�erly line of Eas� Sevent� S�reet �
with the northeasterly line of Ja�kson Street� ;
then sontheasterly along said -line of Jackson �
S�reet to the poin� of intersection witYi the ;
northwesterly line of �ast Fourth Stre� then � •
northeas,terly along said line �Go the point of �
interseetion with the northeasterly P.ight-of- �
way line of Sibleg Street� then southeasterly f
aloag said lifle to th� point oF intersection �
. �rith a,,�point,,.�0:�feet._ south. of the northwest�rly �
- �` _"�:r-ight-of-way line of `,�as�"K�ellogg�'Bouleva��-"'"`�� ' �
• then sou'thwesterly along a lin� to the point of ; �
�� � in�ersection of a poin� 50 feet sonth of the �
northwesterly right-of-pay line o�' �ast gellogg
Bo�levard and tY�e southve�terly line of Minnesota �
Street then northwesterly along said liae �o ;
a oR F [qyy the po�nt of intersection wi�h the sontheasterly !
� line of �ast Fifth Street then southwesterly
� along said line to the po�n� of intersection 1
with the so�.thwesterly 13.ne of Wabasha Street, ;
• the� r�arthwesterly along �aid line to the point �
. of intersection with the northwesterly line of I
� East �igth Street� then northeasterly along said �
� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas ' ' -Nays 1
Holland Approved 19_
Loss f.
. Tn Favor _ " �
Mortinson � +
- , Mayor
Peterson �"
A gainst • ` �
Mr. President, Vavoulis '' i
• I , � .
. iont a-ez
. ," . .
. . t
. 5 � •.
r�i � . •, I
:rc - , , _.
. � - � . �. � - ����'�0
` . P •
1 �
Pa�e �.
line to the point of inter�ec�ion with �he north-
westerly line of Cedar S�reet� th�n north�resterly
along said line� to the point of ifi�erseetion with �
the northwesterly line -of East Seventh S�ree�t, than �
northeasterly along said line to the point of inte�- ;
sea�ion with the northea�terly line of daekson �
Street� wY�ich is the point �of begin.ning;"
said Redevelopment Plan beir�g designated "Downto�rn. ��bar� Rene�ral
�rea� Minn. x-20� dated Oetober� 1963';°' consisting of l�pages and
two exhibits; �Gmgether with a sta:tement of the method proposed
for the finaneing of .su�h Redevelopment Pro�ect ar�d th� �rritten
- opinion thereon aad appro�al of the same by the Planning Board
of said Ci�p of Saint P�ul and other pertinen� data, said Redevelop-
men� Plan and maps� eharts and othe� details of the sa,�e being ori
file in theoffice of said �ity Clerk and in the office of said �
Housing and Rede�elopment A�.thority of the Citp of Saint Pau1�
Minnesota� sub�ect to inspeetion d�ring regular bu�iaess hours„
the same� by referene�� hereby are inQOrpora�ed herein a.nd made
part� and parcel hereof with �he same �A�6IIt� purpose and effect
as i�' said doa�ents and all of the same were fully set for�h
herein; that pnrst�ant to �e�tion �62.521� Minnesota Statu�es
9nnota�ed� this Council hereby determines �nd p"rovides that
it shall hold a public hearing on said proposed Redevelopment
�Plan�and said proposed Redevelopment Piqject for said Downtown
Urban Renewal Area,Minn. R-2�� presented by said Ho�ing and
xedevelopment �Anthority of �he Cit� of �aint Pa�l� Minnesota� as
aforesaid� and that said public hearing thereon sball be held before
this Council in the Cowneil Chambers in the Cot�rt Honse at the �
' �itp of Saiat Pa�l� Minnesota� on tY�e 15t�i day of May� 196� at
10:00 o' clock A.M. ; tha� upon said publie hearing and defin��i�ej
of the pvrpose of �he same this �ounEil shall �onsider said �ede=
eelopment Plan for said DOwntown t�rban Renewal Area� �Iinn. R-2�
� and said Redevelopmen� Pro�ect thereby proposed and� among other �
things� de��rmine whether or not this Cot�neil' s �esolution thereat
�o be eonsidered shall be adopted approving said Redevelopment
Plan and said Redevelopment Pro3ect and permitting said Housing
and Redevelopmen� �uthority of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota�
to undertake an urba.n renewal pro�eet nnder State and lo�al law
�ith Federal Finaneial assistan�e tuider Title I of t}ae Honsing
Ac� of 19�+9, as amended; to aaquire land in the pro�ect area; to
demolish or remove buildings and improveme�ts; to install� con-
struct or reeonstrn�t streets, n�ilities� p�a�ks� playgro�nds and
' ,
� . . y_.. .� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENGL NO �'�� _
�� I
Page 3. i
other pro�eet improvements and to make land available for development
or redevelopment by private enterprise or public or non-profi;t agencdes
as authorized by law; and � among other things in connecti�n wi�
said Resolution to be eonsidereal at said meet�ng this �ouncil'_ will
determine and ma�e findings a�cordingly upo� the questions �fiether or
not (1) the �'ina.ncial aid to be provided in �he contract is ne�essary
to enable the proj�et to be un.dePtaken in accordanee �ith the� xedevelop-
sent Pla.n.; (2) tY�e �edevelopment Plan will afford magimum opportwnity�
consistent wit� the sound needs of the Loeality as a whole� for
t�e rehabilitation or redevelopment of the urban renewal areakby
prieate enterprise; (3) the 8ede�elopment Plan con.forms to a general
plan for the developmeat of the loeaZitp as a whole; and (�) the
xedevelopment Plan gives d�e consideration to the pro�ision of
adequate park arid reereational areas and facilities as may be
desirable for neighborhood improvement� �ri�Gh speeia�l considera,tic�a
for the health, saf�ty� and welfare of children residi�g in the
� general vieini�y of tY�e site covered by the Plan; i
�,�'RESOLVLD FIIR�H�R� Tha� not less than 10 days prior to
the date of' said public hearing �he_ City �lerk shall �ause j
publie�ed notiee of the sa.me to be given in a n.eWSpaper of general
eirculation in said Citp of Sain� Pau1 at least ance not less t�.an
10 days prior to the date of said hearing.
_. _ - _ _ . ,� .. _ _. ; -
. . �
' 4
, /
MAY 1 �g�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish ��Y � �g�
Holland ,..•� pproved 19_
�ss In Favor �
Mortinson n - s �
Peterson �J , Mayor
A gainst �
. R,osen • ,
Mr. President, Vavoulis �I �
ionz a-az a
�i96T �6 'Z �ELS) '
'Ined 3�FES
30 �li� a� 3a �I�ai� �3��
�r�axort�•r azox�a
.�j �Z �e� :pa�Ea
p�es aio;aq 8u�asaq ��qnd p�es 3e
uoaaau3 paeaq aq p} tc;Fan�oddo nn;
uanFB aq neus 8u�xeaq o�qnd p�es ;o
;oaEqns a�; apeu: aq o} p?esaio;e se
'pap�nosd 'auxes au� ;0 6� ao saa;;eu:
pFes u� pauaa�uo� so pa3saia�uF sao�ez
-�ue8ao pus suo�eaodaoo 'sd�au;asd
'saosaad ne ;eq} pus :�uusaq oiiqnd
p�es ;e uo�ssnosEp pue uo�leiap�saoo 03
;�aEqns aq necjs pus 's}osauuFy� 'Lned
IIIT�S 30 �F� a4� �o .S;Fsoc�{nE+ �uaiu
-doianapag Pus 8�snog pies;o aoc,�o
P�es ;e pus asnoH�rto� P� iIEH�iT�
p�es ac� ;e 'IIO�'{ESIFLIIEXd ��qnd ao;
aiqe�ena pue pa� uFeuxaa neqs pue s�
•�uoc�n�y p�es .�q pa;uauinoop se 's;os
-a�FT/S 'inEd 3�ES 3a �3T� atC1 30 �T
-ao�ny ;aau:dotanapag pus BuFsnog
pFes ;o Lue.u9oad no�;eooiaa ;uauF1
-Zad aq};ecp} :usta ay;6q parano� a3ts
aq} ;o .S3FuF��n teiaua� a�} uF 8u�aom
P� ��iPi�� S[BnPT�TPIIF 3o a.re�am
pus '.S;a�s 'c�ieaq aq; ao; uo};eaap�s
-uo� ��ads �{�m ';uauianoidcu� pooq
-aoqq�Fau ao;ajqa.�sap aq.Secu se :saFl�
-�os� pus seaae teuor{�aioaa a;Qnbape
;o suoisEnoid aq� o} uo�erapisQOO anp
san�S ueia ;uatudotanapag a�{ ({,) pue
:atoqm e se�}�eoot aq;;o;uatudotanap
aq1 io;uetd Isaaua2 s o�suuo�uoo ueid
3Qauidotanapag aq; (g) :asEidsa}ua
alenFid dA sase temauaa ueq.m a�} ;o
;uaiudolanapas ao uo�el�qeqaa aq;ao;
'atoqm e se �c;�e�oZ aq;;o spaau punos
aq} q�Fm ;ua3s�saoo '.f�Fan�oddo tunux
-pcetu pio�e �m ueta ;uauzdoianapag
e� (Z) ��Td 3uauidolanaPa'!� aR3 u3ib
aouepi000s u�uaxe�.iapun aq o�3oa�o.id
aq� atqeaa o; .Sasssaoau sF, 3oei;qo�
aA3� PaFFnoad aq ol PFE ieFousuS au3
(i) ;oa ao ia[�aqro suoF;sanb aq} uodn
6i8u�paa�os s�uiPuB a�� P� a�
-aa;ap �m �ouno� sFy} 8�aeaq o�qnd
p�es 3e pasapcsuoo aq a} uoF;ntosag
PF� �4 P� ti'lF•�uo�oauuoo � •s8acy3
aaq3o �uonce ;e pue :.t�sl .iq pazF
-aoq;ne se saFoua�e 3gosdaou ao �FTqnd
ao asFadaa;ua a3enFad dq ;uacudotanap
-ai ao ;uawdoianap ao; alqe�ene jJIIEj
anetu o; pue sluauianosdu� ;oaGoid
aaq;o pus sax{�;n 's�aas�s ��n.x�suo�aa
.Yo ;on,r{suo� 'ne;s[i{ o; :s;uauianoid
-wF pue s8cnp�nq ano[uai ao �iocuap
o� .eaae Zoa�oad aq; uF pue a.�nb�e o}
:papuacu2 se '6y6i 30 3�V �IIF�oFi a�
io I ariTS aapun aous�sFsse teFoueuT3
jeaaPa3 q3�m meT teoot pus a;e�g aapun
;oagoid teroauaa usq.m aq} axe�sapun
o���osa��mEa 3�Es a����au�ao
��oq;ny ;uawdoianapag pue �snag
p�es ��i�lFcuaad pne ;oa�oaa 3uaiu
doianapag pFes pue uata ;uau:doianap
-ag pFes �utnoadde pa;dops aq neKs
paiap�suoo aq o} ;eaaa� uoF}ntosag
s,�ouno� sFq; ;ou ao aa�a�m au�u
-aa;ap 's8uFq1 iac�o 8uouie 'pue pasod
-oad .fqaaaq} ';oa�oaa 3uacudolanapag
p�es pus saay temauag ueqan uma{
-umoQ pFes io; usla 3uacudoianapag
pFes iapFsuoo jiecis nouno� sE[;{ 'aiues
acr} ;o asodmd aR} ;o anF3Fugap pue
8a�asaq oriqnd p{es uodn ;eq3 :dFasaq
q�oa;as.Snn;asam acass aq}�o ne pue
s;uatunoop pFes�se;oa�a pus asodmd
'�ua3ut acues ac�q;�m;oaaaq taoaed pue
�.xed apeai pus uFaaaq pa3eaodaoouF aas
�fqaiaq 'a�uaaa;aa 6q 'auiss ay; s.moq
ssau�snq ae�aa �uF.mp uoF;oadsuF a{
a�EQa S �T�oA3�3 a d�naPa2i Pus
8u�snoIi PFss;o aoH3o aA3�F P� K�ai�
61F� p�es ;o a��o aq; uF aig uo 8a�aq
acues aq; ;o sRelap iay}o pus s{.ieRo
'sdeiu pue usld ;uauxdotanapag P�es
:E�Ep 3ua[�;aad .rac�o pue ined ;uiES
io �F� Pies �o pasoff �u�[CIIEid ati3
Sq acues a� ;o jEA0.IddE pus uoaaa�;
uo�do ua;;�m aq} pus, 3oaFoaa ;aaux
-dotanapag �ons ;0 8u��usug ac�} so;
pasodoid po�{ata aq; ;o S�auia}e�s s
�Fin aa�a8a; pa}uasaid pus palg os
sem uela ;uauxdoianapag pFes ;eqy
'���F�a4 3a 3IIiod
a� sF qo�m ';aa.r�g uosKosp ;o
auFi 6iaa;seag�ou aq3 q;Fm uoRoas
-aa}uF;o 3u�od aq1 oa.au�i pbes Buols
.Stia3seaq�ou ua� '3aar�g u3vanag
�se� ;o au� Iaa;saro�oa aq;
tI3iM uo�l�as.xa3ni 30 3IIFod eq; a} "
au� pFes �aole dlaa;sam�ou naq;
';aaa;S sEPa� d� auii �fisa;sam�{aou
ac;} c�Fm uo�oasra;uF ;o ;�od
aq; o} auFi p�as �uoie �fiaa;seaquou
uaq� '3aa.x�S �I3XFS 3�� 3o a�?I
.fira3samq�ou aq} q�Fm uo�loasia;uF
�o }uFod aq} 01 au� p�es �ctoie Bjsa
-;samr.�ao¢ uau} ';aa.r;g eyseqe�
;o a�t �Sjsa�samq�nos a�} q1�.a uot}
-oasxa;u� ;o ;cx�od aq; a{ au�j p�es
2¢ois S�,xa;san�u3nos uaq} ;aar�g
u33T3 3se3 da auFi �Isa;sea�nos
aq; u;Fm uo�;�asaa}uF ;o ;uFod
uaq} ';aaa;g e;osauuFy� ;o au�
aLaa;samq;nos ay} pue paenainog
88oIIa}i 3Se�3 3o au�I .fem-3o-3u�Ts
S�aaysam�ou aq; zo �nos 3aa� pg
3vFod e ;o uo��oasaa�uF ;o;uFod aq�.
o; a[� e 8aote �Siia;samcr{nos uaq}
'pisnajnog 2�oIIa}I ��3 3o a�FI
6em-jo-;qH� 6�ra�sam�sou ay; ;o
R;nos ;aa; ps ;mod e �lin uoF;�as
-ia1u�;o;uFod aq;o}auFt p�es 8aoie
6laa�seaq nos ua� ';aaa;5 �aI4fS
;o au� �eet-;o-3q8Fa .flaa;seac�.xou
aRl u3Fm uoF3oasaa;uF ;o ;uFod
aq; 03 au� p�es 8uois diaa}seaq;aou
uag; ';aai;S Rl.mo3 3Se� 3a aIIiL
Slralsamq;zou aq;��m uoFlaas.xa;uF
. ;o ;u�od aq� o; ;aa.r�g uosHosp ;o
auFi p�es $IIOjE .Slaa;seaqlnos uay�
';aai;g uosK�er ;o au� .fisa;sea
-q�ou aq;�Fm;aaa;g y�uanag;se�
;o aLnj .�j.xa;samcpaou ac� ;o uoF3
-oassa�uF ao 3uFod aq; ;e 2uF[m12ag
se papunoq sF eaay iemauag ueqan
umo}u.aoQ pFes aqy :smono;se paqF.r�s
-ap 'eaa iex.auag ueqan un�a�u,aoQ
se pa;eu�{sap 6luounuoo •e3osauuFy� ;o
a1a3s '.tasuisg ;o .i3uno� 'mEa ��F�s
io �F� aiil �I3?M eaas �e�a� ;sc�}
so; �pasodoad Bqaaa� ;�aFo.ra ;uauido
-Ianapag a�} pus usia ;uatudoianapag
p�es;o ienoidde s,�ouno� p�e�ao;'e;os
-a�FYS 'InEd 3UFeS 30 3?� atCl 30 �3F
-aoc�ny ;uacudotanapag pue �u�snog
pces ;o uo�ao�dde aR; u�� 's;os
-au�L�I 'InEd ��S 30 �3{� atil 30 �lT
-aot�ny 3uatudolanapag pue,�uFsnog
dq �ouno� pFes o� pa;uasaad pus
'Ined zuF�S 30 �3T� aR3 3� �t�L7 �3F�
eq� q1Fn� paig s;fqn{xa Z pue sa8ed
fiT do �uF;sFsao� �j6T zaQol�O Pa3EF
..'OZ-tI '�F7/S 'saay Iamanag ueqan
uma{umoQ ao� ueid ;uaLUdojanap
-a�y„ •pa�eu�F�P �Id }Aacudoianapag
6A} uodn '•ys•y x�oloA OO�OT 3� �b96T
'.feyQ ;o .faP �Si aq1 uo 's;osaua�yl ;a
a3�S 'InEd ��S 30 �F� ay� 3e 'asnog
;.mo� pue neg B;t� aq} uF 'siaqtuey�
�ouno� eq1� uF 'TnEd 3uTeS 30 �3F�
a�} 3° �outit�:q} as°;a4 P� �4'PIaR
�i IIFm ��.xeaq o�qnd e ;sgl 'i�96i T
.Sey� panoidde 'OLSLTZ 'oIQ aiF3 i?�uno�
o�g�..3uFES 30 �3F7 a�L} 30 �auno�
;o.�'uo�}nlosag u�ea.rao �ELj'j O� �iIERS
-md iQ�AIJ SI .iH�2i�I ��ISOtS
Q�SOdO'!id ES'3'N�"
so�ro�xa zx�a�-
axv xvza sx
xo �rux�