217864 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PUBLISHED �'�- G�" � -��-�(��� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. _ , ; _ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ° COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4 ?�o�e No. 7864—By Robert F. ��, ;.; .reas,An ad ance payment in the PRESEtd�C BY ' l,��+j}t of �120 was made to the � COMMISSIONER � �����:_ DAT �'n�;}��'7 at� 1959,�b yP�!i`;;>5�; . . : .81 as Idaha fn� ..�• 5<.ir� ' •Y'�rUA'i�sr_:''�7'��r �'!i l�sJq�i��- -, _ � �^ ^ WHEREAS, an advance payment in the a.mount of $120 was made to th� a Finance Depaxtment on Permit 6532, dated October 1, 1959, by Haxold M. N�lson of �+61 East Idaho Avenue, Saint Paul, Minn.esota; a.nd . WHEREAS, this payment was for permit to connect to the City sewe ' I system the following premises: Except the south 30 feet for ldaho Avenue,l, the east 120 feet of the west 130 feet of Lot �+, Block 2, Gaston�s Subdilision � No. l; and � WI�REAS the aforementioned p y q y ! , pro ert was subse uentl assessed $' 0�+.3�+ � on July 21, 1g62, for the construction of the sewer in Idaho Avenue and said j i assessment wa.s paid in fl�ll under Finance Department Receipt No. K-�+796 on �� June 21, 1963; and i � . , j WHERFAS, such assessment should have been reduced by the adva.nce payment ' a.nd only the bala.nce chaxged against the property; now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authirizes � a refund in the amount of $120 to Haxold M. Nelson, �+61 East Idaho Avenue, ; Saint Paul, Minnesota. � i f ! � P €� � � �J � �; . � �1PR 3 � 1�� � COUNCILMEN � dopted by the Council � 19— { Yeas Nays Assr.c P.COUf�Eg[L � �� � { Dalglish A�R 0� j Holland Ap r ved � � 1g_ ! Loss �j � �=n�=_ In Favor � i Peterson d Mayor i A gainst � � Rosen , � Mr. President, Vavoulis � ; iont a-ez a � � v I DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER �� //��e A CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC►� �"' `� � '�`i FILE NO. f : � , .. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE�ITEb�BY COMMISSIONER DAT _ � W�EAS, mn ad.Tance payment �.n the amount o� $120 vas �ad� to the Finance Depaactmen.t on Perm3t 6532, dat�d October l, 1959, 'by Harold M. INelson o� �61 Eaet Ida,ho Avenue, Sa.int Pe,ul., Minneeotas and � WHEREAS, thie payment wa,s t'or perm3t to conneat to the City seier Byetem the following prem3sess Except �he south 30 feet for ldaho Anemze, the east 120 feet of the West 130 Peet of Lot 1+, Block 2, Gaston�s Subl vision No. I; and WHEREAB, the aforemantioned property wa.s aubsequently aesessed �$�04.3�+ on July 21, 1g62, for the construction of the se�er in Iflaho Avenue an said e.ssess�ent s,tae ga,id in t�1.1 under Finance Departmeat Receipt No. K-�+79 on i �une 21, 1963; and WHEREASs suah assesament ahould ha,ve been reduced by the adra,n�e payment and only the balance eha�ged against thc pa�operty; nov, therelore, be i.�t R�SOLYED, that �he Counc3l ot the City of Saint Psu]. hareby authoriges �, rei'und in the amoun� of $120 to Harold M. Nel�an, k61 East Idaho Av+e�e. Saint Paul, Minnesota. ��3 u 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ;��� � � '��� Holland Approved 19— �g� In Favor A�rtinse�� Peterson Mayor Rosen �Against Mr. President, Vavoulis iors e-sz