06-825y/ Return copy to: jmb Public Works Tech. Services 1�00 City Hall Annes RESOLUTION CITY Council File # �� Green Sheet # 3031890 PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of Laura Shanley, as documented in Public Works Technical Services, V acation File i3umber 08-2006B, the public property hereinafter described is hereby vacated of its interest as alley right-of-way: That part of the alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to the CiTy of Saint Paul, that lies north of the north right of way line of Wheelock Parkway East as opened across said Block 1, and south of a line 40.00 feet south of and parallel with the north line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 29 North, Range 22 West of the Fourth Principal Meridian; and be it fiuther 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of: District Energ,y/District Cooling St. Paul, a private, non-profit Minnesota corporation; St. Paul Regional Water Services, a municipal corporation; Qwest, a Colorado corporation; made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and deparhnents, waives the right to the alley right-of-way and utility easements in the area to be vacated, described above and subject to the following, including: This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 1. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall pay $600.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this reso]ution. 2. That an easement sha11 be retained on behalf of Comcast for their current aerial facilities within the area to be vacated. Comcast will release its easement in the described right-of-way provided the proposed improvements do not interFere with its existing faciliries or interfere with Comcast's access to the said facilities to maintain, repair or upgrade them. Should the said improvements in any way interfere with or prevent access to the said facilities, the petitioner or its successor sha11 provide new easements as required and the petitioner or its successor shall assume a11 costs of relocating facilities to the new easements. 3. That an easement shall be retained in favor of Qwest, a Colorado corporation, for access and maintenance to a buried cable extending south from Larpenteur Avenue approximately 120 feet. 4. That an easement shall be retained in favor of Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation d/b/a Xcel Energy, be retained for existing electric facilities, to be described as D� - �a.� 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 foliows: That part of the north-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Ramsey County, Minnesata lying NortY� of the westerly eatension of the south line of Lot 4; and South of the westerly extension of the north line of tlae south half of Lot 3, said Block 1. 5. That as a condifion of the vacation, the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Saint Paul requires any future lot split to the have a driveway easement agreement between both parties who will agree to share a driveway not to exceed in size the existing driveway to 329 Wheelock Pazkway East. Additional pazklands will not be diverted. 6. Saint Paul Public Works will need to retain public drainage and urility easements over the proposed vacated azea: a. No change from the existing grade within the easement area shall be permitted without written permission from the Department of Public Works. b. No change in surfacing within the easement azea shall be pemutted without written pernussion from the Depamnent of Public Works. That the petitioner, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hamiless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from ail suits, actions or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of tlais vacafion, or the pefitioners' use of this properiy, including but not limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 8. T'hat the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the efFective date of this resolution, file with Public Works, City Real Estate, an acceptance in writing of the condifions of this resolution and shall, within the period specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. o6-Sa� Yeas Na s Absent Benanav i / Bostrom ,/ Harris J Helgen �/ Lantry ,/ Montgomery ,/ Thune �' � Adopted by Council: Date � /�/ _�/„ Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary BY� // /l///�i�"/l���lSl�i� Approve ay • Date �`O— (' B Requested by Department of: •� � � / � � � C! Farm ppr ved b Ci o ey By. Form App� ayor f ubmiss' n to Council B �t � Green Sheet Green Sheet Careen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �p—�"S� P�l — Public Wodcs ConqetPerson & Phone: Jean Boigen E88C�6 Must Be o 06SEP-06 Totai # M Signature by (Date): 07-AUG-O6 � /lssign Number For Routing Order Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3031890 X 0 1 2 3 4 5 Department SentToPerson ttoroe a Hanso � I I avor•s Office MavodASSistant anN Cle Clerk Petition to vacate the ummproved north-south alley between Wheelock Pazkway East and Larpe�enr Averrue in block 1, Kavanagh & Dawson's Addition. �dations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R); Planning Commission CIB Committee Gdl Senice Commission Personal Service 1. Has this persorJfirtn e�er worked urMer a cont2ct Tor this departmerrt7 Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill rrot nortnally passessed by any current city employee? Yes No Ezplatn all yes answew on sepamte sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opporlunity (Who, Whaf, When, Where, Why): Allows for petitioner to do a future lot split and add one single-family residence. Advanfages If Approved: Additional housing added to tax base. Disadvantages If Approved: None foreseen. Disadvantages lF Not Approved: Future lot split may not be accomplished. ioplAmountof � TrensaMion: Funding Source: Financial lnfortnation: (Explain) August 7, 2006 3:46 PM AlJG 11 2�06 CosNRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. Council Research Center AU615 2006 Page 1 �-�as� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Ali Council Members From: Bruce Engelbrekt (c% Jean Borgen) Public Works Technical Services Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annex Date: August 10, 2006 RE: Pub&c Works Vacation FSIe No. 08-2006B (Vacate AIley) I recommend a public hearing before the City Coimcil be held on September 6, 2006 to consider the petition of Laura Shanley. This petition is to vacate alley rights in Biock 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition between Wheelock Parkway East and Lazpenteur Avenue. The purpose of tlus vacation is to a11ow a firture lot split that creates another residential site that will be buildable with fewest variances. There will be no building within the vacated azea. This property is located in City Council District 5, Planning District 5. Councif ftesearch Center AUG 0 91006 n�n�w�r�� s�ce�x� E�«v�ao�zooero�-zoo6 o � -�a 5� CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE Si�ari Moore, City Cferk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor 1 t D CiTy Hatt ISW Ke[IoggBwlevard Saint Paul, Minnuota 55102 May 25, 2006 Bruce Engelbrekt Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 1000 City Hall Annex Dear Bruce: /l .5 _ J ! D�-ga� Tet.: 657-2b6-8989 F¢x: 65l-266-8689 www.sipaul.gov I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of Laura Shanley for the vacation of north-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh & Dawson's addition according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Saint Paul City Clerk. Sincerely, c=�'•�'� �u-c� � �Q"�-�e ( Shari Moore City Clerk Attachments e e_ e n n_GCn F,,...�....o. / / / � • I ♦ We, the undersigned, consrihrting a majority of the owners (or their legally designated representatives) of the abutting properties, clo support the petitioner, Laura Shanley, in the petition of the Council of the City of Saint Paul to vacate its interest in the property legally described as follows: The north-south alley in block 1 ofthe Kavanagh & Dawson's addition to St. Paul. I hereby attest to the authemiciry of the sgiavues on the peririon. .. -. �� � � � �. �� % l�. � �„ . � j ,� / .we� ouu� � �� Minnesora , / r�_.�. - Dated: S � /� � i � �i i a � �� � �� ✓� O � � m� � ° p(� - g 2-� I, Laura Shanley, the petitioner do hereby petition tke Council of the City of Saint Paul to vacate its interest in the property described below; 1._ The n�rth-south alley in block_ 1, Ka_v_anagh_& Dawson's addition to St. Paut. _.___ 2. The intended purpose is to add square footage to a lot split. The land wili be used �s green space. Tfie grade will not be altered, and no permanent structures will be ere�cted. 3. The contact person is the peYitioner: Laura Shanley, see below for address. 4. I, Laura Shanley, of 329 E Wheelock Parkway, St. Paul, MN. 55101 (651) 7748533, will be responsible for the payment of the compensafion and for accepYance of the terms and conditions of the vacation c�...<� � l` � � �tJ ��� (��.ee lacl� p)G�c� , 5�� .��a V�n �,� , S s t � � '�I � �/5 - �33 � d�o�/ �'-2-2006 � v� �� a� I, Laura Shanley, the petitioner do hereby petition the Council of the City of Saint Paul to vacate its interest in the property described below; 1. The north-south alley in block 1, Kavanagh & Dawson's addition to St. Paul. 2. The intended purpose is to add square footage to a lot split. The land wilt be used as green space. The grade ivill not be altered, and no germanettt sriuctures will be erected. 3. The contact person is the petitioner: Laura Shanley, see below for address. 4. I, Laura Shanley, of329 E Wheelock Pazkway, St. Paul, MN. SS10I (651) 774-8533, will be responsible for the payment of the compevsation and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation. / / / ! �E�/'�' w� �"� �v`�7 � • �� `'�..�� G L-� /; -'�z-�� � �� -��h/. ��� D/ ((�s %"7� -��33 bL� �� � I, Laura SfianIey, tlie petitioner do hereby petition the Council of the City of Saint Paui to vacate its interest in the properiy described below; 1. The north-south alley in block 1, Kavanagh & Dawson's adc3ition to St. Paul. 2. The intended putpose is to add square footage to a lot split. The land will be used as green space. The grade will not be altered, and tto permanent structures will be erected. 3. The contact person is the petitioner: I.aura Shanley, see below for address. 4_ I, Laura Shanley, of 329 E Wheelock Parkway, St. Paul, MN, 55101 (651) '7748533, will be responsibie for the payment of the compensarion and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation. _ ; ,���1 s�����--�� ��� ���� � . , �' J�� �rvf � r :.' Signatures of flwner(s)/Representative(s) �f X t sn�xt PAU i. � AAA PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I(we}, the undersigned, constituting a majority of the owners {or their legally designated zepresentatives) of the abutting propertie hereby petition the Councit of the City of Saint Paut to vacate its interests in the property(ies) legally described as fo[lows: �� ��� �-}` ��i v a. v�c� c� h S�,x� t� c�t l-e-�J i h b[ c c,� 1 � 1.—�C.� I.USU �'`$ �C�. 1 '�' i 0 �1 �- J �'� � �L� �..1� `. I{we) request this vacation for the following reason(s). (Indicate whether you will be building on the siteJ �'J �ct- � �- .,o�v.r�n�.. � o ���'�.e. I(we} hava attached six copies of the site plans of any development intended for construction on the lands ro be vacated. Person{s} responsible for payment af vacati� and for acceptance of the terms and conditi of Property(ies) Described Below: f2t� a.�� i�-e, v� r� � D(����� FEE OWNER LEGAL DESCRlPTIQN A/TIB Ryan Kenny Kavanagh & Dawson's Addn Torrens Cert # 550820 1675 Westminster St subj to Hwy the N%2 of iot 3, St Paul MN 55101-3038 ail of (ost 1& 2, Blk 1 PIN: 192922110001 Lanny & Marilyn Labarre Kavanagh & Dawson's Addn Abstract WD 3048915 1&65 Westminster St S'/2 of Lot 3 8� all of lots 4& Torrens Cert # 254774 St Paul MN 55101-3038 5, blk 1 PIN:192922110002 Carolyn Shanley Kavanagh & Dawson's Addn Abstract WD 2501920 1655 Westminster St N 9 ft of Lot 7& all of lot 6, St Paul MN 55101-3038 blk 1 PIN: 192922110055 Laura Shanley Kavanagh & Dawson's Addn Abstract WD 2364974 329 Wheelock Pkwy E subj to pkwy, ex N 9 ft of Lot St Paui MN 55101-3007 7& all of lots 8& 9, blk 1 PIN: 192922110d56 Chia & Shong Xiong Kavanagh & Dawson's Addn Torrens 311 Wheelock Pkwy E vac St accruing & fol, subj to Cert # 385546 St Paul MN 55101-3Q07 pkwy, lot 22 & all of lots 23, 24 & 25, blk 1 PIN: 192922110047 316 Larpenteur LLC Kavanagh & Dawson's Addn Abstra�t WD 3480290 1433 Utica Ave So Ste 120 vac St accruing & fol, subj to St Louis Pk MN 55416 pkwy, Lot 30 & ali of lots 26 — PiN: 192922190048 29, bik 1 D(�, g '' ro: Jean Borgen F `°m: Scott Ruppert Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 08-2006B c'cy°fs�.Paui Comcast Public Works Technical Svcs Phone # 266-8866 Phone tt 651-493-5127 F�# 266-8855 F�# 651-493-SI16 We have no obiecdons to this vacation We will approve this vacation, subiect to the following condirions: Far the followin� reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO YAC.riTEALLEYRIGHT OF WAYONLY: The narth-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's �dditton to St. Paul, that lies north of Wheelock Parkway East and south of Larpenteur Avenue. � 0 � We currently have aeriai facilities in this area. Comcask will release its easement in the described right-of-way provided the proposed improvements do not interfere with its existing facilities or interfere with ComcasYs access to the said facilities to maintain, repair or upgrade them. Should the said improvements in anyway interfere with or prevent access to the said facilities, the perifioner or its successor shall provide new easements as required and the petitioner or its successor shall assume all costs of relocating facilities to the new easements. U.�l-,.�.c �// Signed 6/26/06 Date o �-�� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE Tf� HONORABLE MAYOR fiND MEMBERS OF TF� COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of: Vacation File # QS-2006B The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: The nonh-south alley tn Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that lies north of Wheelock Parkway East and south of LarpenteurAvenue. except as here noted: , su aUZa�,�.Gs.d.. Vacrci ��c ��""� ; x :,,.,.., �> .:._�r,�,. �?i�Ls�i �a,QP�2��a,� �u: _ ��S �GJ� �tii� � t�; � Et� STATE OP MINNESOTA L.��l-I FPL 7'Z �V � � ( !� Signature J Sr befwe me this � 1 day of ���- .?0 G� s I b M F'ILI� � � C tJ ,C,7?-i T N�. U�.`a�6 tJ �,�G� ttS i� � r� �' ��ES� Cr���n�.���:,� �k C�,����� C� 2Pc>�a �b�.l of a uuder the laws of the State of Minnesota.. ��� tiNDAA. JUELICH N �—� �� - �—� � Nofary Public-Minnesoia 2 3 f :�s My Comm¢sion Fspims.lan 31, 2D10 My cottunission expires TURN SIGNED/NOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4"' St., ST, ST. PAUL NIN 55102-1613 AA-ADA-EEO Emp]oyer � � I ♦. To: Jean Borgen F�°'" C�2�JE S) ' lZ�t� FI�v� f�� Repiy to Vacation Inquiry File # 08-2006B City of St. Pau] Public Works Technical Svcs Pno�eu 266-8866 Phone#�5��7� —7S F�n 266-8855 �� We have no objections to this vacation. We will approve this vacation, subiect to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO VACATE ALLEY RIGHT OF WAY ONLY : � � � The north-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that lies north of Wheelock Parkway East and south of Larpenteur Avenue. C�w� s� �u�� �n. �--�� � a-��J A�u�t� �R3t� �kT-��1� n� � Sou 1� ��,n� L�2.Q�T�ur� 6��1� a���p�_ �,��i�� �a� ���� ► � '�-��S � f��t� i z� � C����� n �� Signed � i � C����' z��L� ���-�� ��+ ��� M-�nl ► 2 S � Date DC��B� To: Jean Borgen F`°�': KA�TI� � � �.N Reply to Vacation Inquiry BLOMC� L� 1 Sr File # 08-2006B cit XCE� Public �lorks Technical Svcs /JE/zG y Phone� 266-8866 Pb°IIe ��plz •330•5'(o.0<F F�# 266-8855 F�� �tz.�73. �03� We have no obiections to this vacation. We will approve this vacation, subiect to the followin� conditions: For the followine reasons, we cannot auDrove this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO VACATE ALLEY RIGHT OF WAY ONLY : The north-south adley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that lies north of Wheelock Parkway East and south of Larpenteur Avenue. � rt � On the condition that an easement in favor of Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation d/b/a Xcel Energy, be retained for existing electric facilities, such easement to be described as foliows: That part of the north-south alley in Block 1, KAVANAGH AND DAWSON'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL, according to the recoeded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota lying North of the westeriy extension of the south line of Lot 4; and South of the westerly extension of the north line of the south half of Lot 3, said Block 1. PLEASE PROVIDE A COPY OF THE ADOPTED VACATION RESOLUTION WHEREIN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. z TuLy 5.2�b Signed Date Jean Borgen �RE� Proposed Vacation 08�2006B � � Page 1� �� g �� From: "Stech Jr, Robert J" <robert.j.stech jr(a�ccefenergy.com> To: "Jean Borgen" <Jean.Borgen@ci.stpaui.mn.us> Date: 7/6/2006 1034:52 AM Subject: RE: Proposed Vacation 08-2006B Xcel Energy Gas currently has no facilities in this area and has no problem vacating rights within this scope. Sorry for the delay, I thought I had sent this out in a letter at least 2 weeks ago. Bob Stech Specialty Engineer Office: {651) 229-2389 Cell: (612) 240-8546 ---Original Message--- From: Jean Borgen [mailto:Jean.Borgen@ci.stpaul.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 10:15 AM To: Stech Jr, Robert J Cc: Dave Marruffo; Steve Zaccard Subject: Fwd: Proposed Vacation 08-2006B This is a second request for your repiy. Thank you, Jean Borgen Tech Svcs - Real Estate 25 W. 4th St., Ste 1000 St. Paul MN 55102 Ph 651-266-8866 Fax 651-266-8855 »> Jean Borgen 6/20/2006 3:48 PM »> Thank you to all who responded to Vacation request 08-2006. That was for a portion of the alley. The petitioner, in response to objections, is now requesting that the entire north-south unimproved alley be vacated. Thanks very much for your new responses.....Here are new forms... Attached is information related to a petition to vacate right-of-way in the unimproved alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that lies North of Wheelock Parkway East and South of Larpenteur. 1) Vacation request letter (MS Word) 2) Inquiry repiy form (second page of request letter) 3) Certificate of Intended Non-Use (third page of request letter) 4) Map (JPEG format) Please review and reply at your earliest convenience, but preferably no later thart June 30, 2006 if at atl possible. lf you have ques6ons, or if you cannot open the attachments, piease repiy via email or call me at 651-266-8866. Jean Borgen a�-�a-� CERTIFICATE OF 1NTENDED NON-USE TI� AONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TI� COUNCIL OF'IT-� CITY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of• Vacation File # 08-2006B The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its urility rights in the realty described below: The north-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that lies north of Wheelock Parkway East and south of Larpenteur Avenue. except as here noted: STA'CE OF MINNESOTA COiJN'I'Y OF � <<,r�> ;,- r;� � �,t� : T 1 C' ��51Hi��"' �x, ����L�S�i� �anl��no J�.�u.wQ. Its: �Y'G S � � � Signature The foregoing instrument was admowledged before me this �cx,_ day of � Ct.KC� . 20 O� BY �'V�dswJS �� � c.ci c...7Z-e-/ � N CS 1 cis+.�l _ or 1 - a Or�ue�,_, rt� corvava..i�ms under the laws of the State of Minnesota. . J�• � /� NotaryPublic �.�aa.� . �-�.a.7Cf'�- My cott¢nission �pires _ l.i�� aD ( � 7 RETiJRN SIGNED/NOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CITY HALL ANNEX, 25 W. 4`" St., ST, ST. PAUL NIN 55102-1613 AA-ADA-EEO Employer � �,a�.+r,,,. � . � �• � � �.: �.� ��• r. •.. : � i �• `��. ��., �. E, :�,�> � � �_._ v�Y�c�� To: Jean Borgen From: Reply to Vacation Inquiry j' File # 08-2006B City of St. Paul Public Works Technical Svcs Phonc3 266-8866 Phone� Fax.'-i 2(()-g855 Fazk We have no objections to this vacation We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORM IS TO VACATE ALLEY RIGHT OF WAY ONLY : i�. � � The north-soulh aRey in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that lies north qf Wheelock Parkway East und south of Larpenteur Avenue. �! ,����� �����2-.� � �- �- n� - �o - ��v,��.� V l� �4`� � � ,til � , Sig �'U..� e�.2� � � o � �-- `�� s �-(. s ( � ✓�-� �- �, � '�- o C� Date Jean Borgen Re Proposed Vacation 08 2006B _ Page 1;� Dl���?� From: Tom Beach To: Borgen, Jean Date: 6/21/2006 236:08 PM Subject: Re: Proposed Vacation 08-2006B LIEP has no objections to the revised request to vacate the entire alley. »> Jean Borgen 6/20/2006 3:48 PM »> Thank you to ail who responded to Vacation request 08-2006. That was for a poRion of the alley. The petitioner, in response to objeetions, is �ow requesting that the eMire north-south unimproved alley be vacated. Thanks very much for your new responses.....Here are new forms... Attached is informa6on related to a petition to vacate right-of-way in the unimproved ailey in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawsons Addition to St. Paul, that lies North of Wheelock Parkway East and South of Larpenteur. 1) Vacation request letter (MS Word) 2) Inquiry reply form (second page of request letter) 3) Certificate of Intended Non-Use (third page of request letter) 4) Map (JPEG format) Please review and reply at your earliest convenience, but preferably no later than June 30, 2006 if at ail possible. If you have questions, or if you cannot open the attachments, piease reply via email or call me at 651-266-8866. Jean Borgen Tech Svcs - Real Estate 25 W. 4th St., Ste 1000 St. Paul MN 55102 Ph 651-266-8866 Fax 651-266-8855 To: Jean Borgen F `°m Jody Martinez Reply to Vacation Inquiry Parks & Rec Dept File # 08-2006B City of St Paul Public Works Technical Svcs Phone� 266-8866 Ptio�en F�u 266-8855 F�� We have no oblections to this vacation ❑ VJe will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: X❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: ❑ THIS FORMIS TO YACATEALLEYRIGHT OF WAYONLY: The north-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that Iies north of Wheelock Parkway East and south ofLarpenteur Avenue. Any future lot split will require a driveway easement agreement between both parties who will agree to share a driveway not to exceed in size the existing driveway to 329 E. Wheelock Parkway. Additional pazklands will not be diverted. Jody Martinez 7/10/06 D (� -� �� To: Jean Borgen From: Reply to Vacation Inquiry °=-� File # 08-2006B City of St. Paul Public Works Technical Svcs Phonek 266-8866 Phonex F�u 266-8855 F�� We have no objections to this vacation. We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the followin� reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATEALLEYRIGHT OF WAYONLY: The north-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh arzd Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that lies north of Wheelock Parkway East and south of Larpenteur Avenue. ,l , � �; ��� Signed �"-Z( 6,6 Date � � � �� � b(e�ga To: Jean Borgen F `°�': Reply to Vacation Inquiry �' Flle # 08-2006B Ciryo£st.Paul Public Works Technical Svcs Phone R 266-8866 Pnoae n F� � 266-8855 F� # We have no obiections to this vacation We will approve this vacation, subiect to the following conditions: For the foliowin� reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATE ALLEYRIGHT OF WAY ONLY : The north-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that lies north of Wheelock Parkway East and south of Larpenteur Avenue. d p.�.� �,� � �ti0 ��,� �-� • Z �-/ . . _ /� � „I� _ _ . _`/ � �� �A� --��' � i .�....� � � ��/ � � s-a � .� ,�.�,..� b .�"-� vi,c�,� �/t�zzC,. ,A.d.M2 �2- � 9 � � // �� `` ��-- `` � � � .�� .�� ��-- �� � � . � ,JJV�.C'J`J+�v� �'° e C� u B'� �"�'4`'`� T � 1" o ,�-� '' d � �� ��, 7 ��� � S�� `� �� � � �- �� �- _ �." �,�=--�-•-�-�' �-- C 3) � �,�Q �C``.` �� w� �`"`�„�° �, �`°� � ' � �� ���� 1�_ .a.. Qy � -a�-o � � signaa �c�� Date d-C,cr,�o/1�, 0��8� ro: Jean Borgen From: Colleen Paavola Reply to Vacation Inquiry File # 08-2006B City of St. Paul City of St. Paul Public Works Technical Svcs Public Works PhoneH 266-8866 PhoneN 266-6104 F�a 266-8855 F�" We have no objections to this vacation We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions: For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: THIS FORMIS TO VACATEALLEYRIGHT OF WAYONLY: The north-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, that lies north of Wheelock Parkway East and south of Larpenteur Avenue. Public Works will need to retain public drainage and utility easements over proposed vacated area. ❑ 0 ❑ ♦-�Lt<-.. .�� _�����r �� igned Date ��-g� CERTtFiCATE OF INTENDED NON-USE T`F� I30NORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF'THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of_ Vacation File # 08-2006 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: That portion of the alley in Block I, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to SE. Paul, that lies Nonh of Wheelock Parkway East and 9' South of a Westerly line from Lot 7. except as here noted: STATE OF MINNESOTA CouM'Y oF RLaMSEY � t:c�nn�s;mr r Fh�Faztmm�t Saint Paul Regional Flater Services Its: General Manager � `•��`--� The Foregoing instrument was ac]�owledged before me iLis ZQtll d p{ Sllne 20 �� g Stephen P Schneider General Manager un r T]�GE�Pfl�. � .� NOTARYPUBUC-MINNESOTA NotazyPublic MYCpMMlSSION � . £XPfRES JAN. 31, 201 o � a j My commi ' n expires RETURN SIGNEDlNOTARIZED COPY TO 1000 CITY HA L ANNEX, 25 W. 4 St., ST, ST. PAUL MN 55102 AA-ADA-EEO Employa D(�-g� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given of the petition of Laura Shanely to vacate the north-south alley in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition between Wheelock Pazkway East and Larpenteur Avenue as more fully described on file and of record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heazd and considered by the Saint Paul CiTy Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on the 6th day of September, 2006 at 530 P.M. Dated: August 10, 2006 Shari Moore City Clerk (August 14, 2006) Df�-ga�� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: All Council Members From: Bruce Engelbrekt (c/o Jean Borgen) Public Works Technical Services Real Estate 1000 City Ha11 Annex Date: August 10, 2006 RE: Public Works Vacation File No. OS-2006B (Vacate Alley) I recommend a public hearing before the City Council be held on September 6, 2006 to consider the petition of Laura Shanley. This petition is to vacate a11ey rights in Block 1, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition between Wheelock Pazkway East and Larpenteur Avenue. The purpose of this vacation is to allow a fixture lot split that creates another residential site that will be buildable with fewest variances. There will be no building within the vacated azea. This property is located in City Council District 5, Pianning District 5.