06-8240 Council File # t�b-�� Resolution # creen sheet #3TJ a.� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FY2006 LARGE NEIGHBORHOOD STAR LARGE LOAN AND GRANT AWARDS INCLUDING BUSINESS SUBSIDY REQUIREMENTS WHEREAS, on September 28, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Neighborhood Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1127; and WHEREAS, the Neighborhood STAR Program is financed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec. 46; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Neighborhood STAR Program is to fund capital improvements to further residential, commercial and economic development in the neighborhoods of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, Capital Improvement Budget Committee, fVeighborhood STAR Board, and city staff have provided input into the review and selection process: now, therefore be it RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and with the advice of the Neighborhood STAR Board, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves funding of the Twelfth Cycle Neighborhood STAR projects as identified in Attachment A; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves the corresponding changes to the FY2006 budget as listed in Attachment A at a public hearing to be held on September 6, 2006; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that implementation of all projects and programs identified for funding in the Twelfth Cycle Neighborhood STAR Large Loan and Grant Program shall conform to Part 6, Awards and Implementation of the Neighborhood STAR Guidelines as revised in January, 2003; and be it 0�-�a�{ FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council wish to extend their appreciation to all app(icants, and especially to the Neighborhood STAR Board members for the commitment of their time, talent, and efforfs on behalf of the STAR program and the City of Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: /�"/`r��,sL';�i�sv,� Approved by Mayor: ate � �U— al By: Pianning & Economic Deve�opment ' 4� g Y : Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director � � `�--.%. ��-----� By: .C_.��s��'���--._, . � Form Approved ba y� or By: � Approved by Ma�a or Submissian to Council t� By: Adopted by CounciL Date �1-d� dld � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �6- �a-� DepaRmenVOfficefcounril: �, Datelnitiafed: ' Pe -P��g�����,���eQt ; z,-��� ; Green Sheet NO: 3032229 , Contact Person & Phone: ; MicheleSvrartson Z66-6574 Must Be on Council Agenda 06SEP-06 Doc.Type: RESOLUi10N E-OocumentRequired: N DocumentContact Contact Phone: � Assign Number For Rouiing Order oeaartment sent � o rerson mmauuam 0 l n'n2 & E n m' Develoo I Bob H mer i dHan ' s& Emnomic D celoo ' Direc[odC Bedo 2 "tvAttomev � CitvAttornev � 3 �59ancial5ervices Financial Services DSr . 4 avor's Of$ce � M vor r Assistant 5 uncil � C"tv CounN I 6 itv Clerk C.iN Cferk 7 annine & Economic Develoo I Michele Swanson I Tofal#ofSignaturePag � (ClipAllLOCafionsforSignature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached Council Resolurion will adopt the 2 recommended 2006 Large STAR projects which fall under the bnsiness subsidy Iegislation. m Foilowing �uestions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personffirtn e�er worketl under a contract for this department? CB Commdtee Yes No GHt Service Commission 2. Nas this persoNfirtn eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normaliy possessetl by any cuirent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet artd attach io green shee! Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Whyj: Two (2) tecommended 2006 Neighborhood STAR inifiatives fall under the Business Subsidy eritria. Advantages If Approved: Dfsddvanfages If ApproVed: Council Resear�h Disadvantages If NotApproved: Total Amount of Trensaction: Fundin9 Source; Financial lnformation: {Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Neighborhood STAR Program AMivitvNumber: p7-g30-90398-0547-77999 pUG 29 August 21, 2006 929 AM Page 1 O6 Public Hearing / 8usiness Subsidy 0�- �"�-� ATTACHMENT A o�-�a� Addendum to Ap�iica�ion fior Business Subsidv All appiicants wha request a business subsidy shali comp(ete the following addendum. A business subs"rdy is defined "+n the Minnesofia Business Assistance Act {Minnesota Statute 116J.993-9951, as a"state or local government agency grant, contributron of persona! praperty, real property, infrastructure, t/ae princt�a! amount of a loan at �ates below those commercrally avaftabte to the recipient, any reduction or deferral of any fax or any fee, any guarantee of any payment under any loan, /ease, or ofher oblfgatfon, or any preferentia! use of government facilities given to a business." By definitian, a business subsidy is subject to the ragulations and reporting requirements of the State statute. Please complete the foflowing questionnaire. 7he information obtained wili assist the Gity of Saint Paul and\or the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelapment Authority in their decisian making processes. By Council Resolution #99-742, preference will be given to applicants who meet the criteria iisted below. Attach supporting documentation if necessary. Name of organization Sum��'� ��'"�W� ��m a� Assistance requestect OQ.�.Of�O ocxh "� c.c:2.a.YS � 1. Do you, the applicant, demonstrate a higher farget percentage of hires for Saint Paul residents? ✓ YES NO If Yes, please explain oE +he 43 t►»�to+�, 2, Do you contribute to your empioyees' retirement accounts andior child care? V YES NO If.Yes, please explain 1n/t ►m�l`sh doitav �0.� t�tX-�- 5�o a� e.r�+playee " eov��butt`ovtS 3. Do you participate in responsible labor relations? Responsibie labar relations are defined in Resolutian #99-742 as "neutrality on union organizing, providfng a compfete and accurate list of names and addresses of empioyees, reasonabte access to empioyees and faciiities during non- working periods, votuntary recognition based on a card check demonstrating that a union represents a majority of employees in a bargarning unit, and binding ar6itrafion on the first confract': YES � N If Yes, pl�ease explain t7J�A� UlYSioY1 4. Is your primary deuelopment objective job creation/retention? YES � NO If Yes, please expiain If your answer to number 4 is yes, wifl you be creating (or, in cases where job foss is imminent and demonstrable, retaining} at teast one fu8-time fiving wage job per $25,000 of subsidy? YES NO Question 6 appiies only to appGcants witi� at least 75 fufl-time empfoyees. 6. Do you affer employees the opportunity to participate in a heaith care progrem which includes an employer contribution? YES ND If Yes, pfease explain Questions 7 and 8 a¢ply only to applicants with at feast 100 fulE-time em�sloyees. 7. Will you invest a partion equa{ to 5% of your Ioan or grant for training St. Paul workers? YES NQ If Yes, please explain 8. Wiil you dedicate a portion of your loan ar grant to a program encouraging housing oppor'tunities for your empioyees within the job creation period of the assistance? This assistance may be in the form of advances far down payments ar closing costs, grants for hause or property acquisition, or partnershlps with affordable housing agencaes or lenclers. YES NO Tf Yes, please expiain Lt f" �t�{i D te � ' � � � � 1'1i 06 ���-`� Addendum to A�plication for Business Subsidv Ail applicants who request a business subsidy shall complete the following addendum. A business subsidy is defined in the Minnesota Business Assistance Act (Minnesota Statute 116J.993-995). as a "state oraocal government agency grant, contribution of personal property, real property, infrastructure, the principal amount of a loan at rates below those commercially available to the reciprent, any reduction or deferral of any tax or any fee, any guarantee of any payment under an y loan, /ease, or other obligatfon, or an y preferentia! use of government facilities given to a business." By definition, a business subsidy is subject to the regulations and reporting requirements of the State statute. Please complete the following questionnaire. The information obtained wiii assist the City of Saint Paul and\or the Saint Paul Housing and Redeve(opment Authority in their decision making processes. By Council Resolution #99-742, preference wili be given to applicants wha meet the criteria listed below. Attach supporting documentation if necessary. Name of organization Jade Holdings LLC Assistance requested A Star Loan of $25Q,Q00 and a Star Grant of $150,000 1. Do you, the applicant, demonstrate a higher target percentage of hires for Saint Paul residents? YES NO If Yes, please explain �� �L.a. v, �— �s�t'� 2. Do you contribute to your employees' retirement accounts and/or chiid care? �_ YES NO If Yes, please expiain Z��. y o,-c� Y ,. Z S [L, c�,-- a�, L L ��� �a �3 ,!' 3. Do you participate in responsible iabor relations? Responsible labor relations are defined in Resolution #99-742 as "neutralrty on union organizing, providing a complete and accurate list of names and addresses of employees, reasonable access to employees and facilities during non- working periods, voluntary recognition based o» a card check demonstratrng that a union represents a majority of employees in a bargaining unit�, and binding arbitration on the first contract': �_ YES NO If Yes, please explain Lf,vao �.u�,� 4. Is your primary development objective job creation/retention? YES _X NO If Yes, please explain 5. If your answer to number 4 is yes, will you be creating (or, in cases where job loss is imminent and demonstrabfe, retaining) at least one full-time tiving wage job per $Z5,000 of subsidy? YES NO �Y�f� Question 6 applies onfy to appiicants with at least 75 full-time emptoyees. 6. Do you offer employees the opportunity to participate in a heaith care program which inciudes an empfoyer contribution? _X YES NO If Yes, please explain Q,J�V, N, c�rry- Q�. LZ �. (�,.00c�r.�eas.,r Questions 7 and 8 apply only to applicants with at least 100 fuil-time employees. 1Sl��j 7. Wii! you invest a portion equal to 5°!0 of your loan or grant for training St. Paui workers? YES NO If Yes, please explaint�.� ��t.L�A_.- , ��`h � `�l �r..c. {� ih�' �� �' `- rs �Iri- L 8. Will you dedicate a portion of your loan or grant to a program encourag+ng housing opportunities for your employees within the job creation period of the assistance? This assistance may be in the form of advances for down payments or ciosing costs, grants for house or property acquisition, or partnerships with affordable housing agencies or lenders. YES NO If Yes, pfease explain W sr� wer,� t�cf�� <t�-y��csi+-a� �-ar- n�., d�W2rc3��l c� -- 1 � -- �,� Date Applicant Signature Date b����� #3032229 iNTER - DEPARTMENTAL ROUTING � � � � �'4 � � � y� AUG 2 � 2Q0� 1) BOB HAMMER -1400 crrY �,L �vrrEx ��=�� �-�-�����, �4� 2) �ED DIRECTOR -1300 ciTY xai.L aNNEx 3)� CITY ATTORNEY - 400 c�TY xaL,L} �o�tn� ��c.e.,.j i 4) ���� FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR - 7O0 CITY HALL 5) MAYOR - 390 ciTY xni.L 6) CITY COUNCIL - 310 c�TY x�,r, � �6� THIS RESOL UTIDNNEEDS TO BE IN THE CITY COUNCIL OFFICES �� Bv 2: 00 p.m. on 8/29/06 TO BE INCL UDED ON THE SEPTEMBER 6Tx CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA AFTER SIGNING, PLEASE CALL Michele Swanson @ 6-6574 FOR PICK UP/HAND ROUTING. Thank you. �or�ncil ��.,p����,�, �.,8ttte AU6 29 2QOfi