217845 '4 _ �`.c�./� i+' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �� !��' a . . r - 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ��'l�� `� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. , - • OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I PRESENTED BY PUBLISI�iED �–°7� � � COMMISSIONE DATF � _ \ I RESOLV�D� that the on� story frgme� single famil i dwelling on Zot 2�� Block 2� S�one� & Mor�ons 2nd Addi�ion to the �ity of St. Panl� Ramsey Co. � Minnesota� a��ordiag to the plat thireof �ecorded in the offi�e of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey Croun�y� Minnesota, also described as 13�54 DeSoto Street� in �aint Paul� is� by rea�on of it� str�ctural condition� unsafe and dang�rous to life� limb and ad�oining property; that said strt�cture is incap- able of reasonable repair� replacement or remodeling go as to make the same reasonably safe� and shon.ld be wrecked aaid removed from said la.nd an.d it is ordered �hat said stru�ture be for�hwi�h �recked and r�m0ved from said land by and at �he separate eost and �eapense of the owner� o�e�pant� or other person in eontrol thereof. Z�mcil File No. 217845—By Frank L. ess--- solved That the one story frame rle fam�ly dwelling on Lot 24,Block �:ltone & Morton's 2nd Addition to r (' ��✓, oP St. Paul, Ramsey Co., �'�,�:.�:`�, acconding to the plat -� ecorded in the of8ce of the %f Deeds of RamseY Coun" • i �� � •:, also !jPSCT�T1r.,v . �4RM A (lOJ_�L� � _ 'rt3 �,: :..i+•' i � _ '! -�., 'f •F".:.'»... �a':7�'.:,o�S sIY.. )'l.P�t-� . ,_t!�.ii�[cGr �". J�, „�.,. �,y� � "-%�d,= t. Corp a'fio�a Counsef APR 2�9 1964 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � Yeas Nays � � � Dalglish APR �_� 19 � # Holland - Ap 4�OVed � 19_ { �gs n Favor Mortinson Peterson Q Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iort s-sz ' DUrLICATE TO PRINTER ������ . . . � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�. , �.,_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - �tE�OLVED� that the one storq �'rame single fan�i.l�r dwelZing o�a Lo�t 24, B,lock 2, 8tone 8� Mortau� 2nc� Additian to the Ci�y of � St. Paul� R�msey Co. � M�.nn�sata, aecord�.ng to the pla� tk�ereof �corded in �he oftice of�he R�gist�r af Deeds of R�msey Coun�y� M3nnesota�� alsa d�garibed as 1350 DeSoto Street� �.n S�ti.n� Paul� 3s� bq rea�on of its s�ruo�ural cond�t�;on, unsa�e ax�d dang�rp�s to 13.fe s �.imb and ad�oining praperty; that ss�id struct�r� is ina�p� ab�le o�' r�asonable repa�.r� repla�cement or remodeli�g �o a�l to m�ke the sam� re�.so�.ably safe� snd shota.:'d l�e yrrecked and rem�ve�d fsom , said 18►n�! amc� 3.t is ord�red �hat sai� stTUeture be forthw3��h �reeked and r�moved trom sa3d 1Qnd by nnd e� �he sep�rate co�t and ezpense oi' the owner, Qacupant� op �the�" person �.n contro3. thereot�. I a[�� �� ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19— Yeas Nays '� Dalglish � �i n, _ ,� �� Holland Approved 19— �gs In Favor � Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen �gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis i lODi 8-82 l OFFIGE ;OF CITY ° CLERK MRS. AGNE� H. O'CONNELL ,; Cit Clerk B.UREAU-� OF RECORDS HA�OLD J. RIORDAN Council Reeorder 386 City Hall and CourF House St. Paul 2, Minnesota � '���� . ; April 28, 1964 � � � � � �� APR29 194 Mr. Donald L. Iais Corporation Counsel CURPORAI'lviv 1, u�va�L Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution (No. 2) a�nfirming the cor�demnation of the one-story frame single family dwellir�g at 1350 DeSoto St. Very truly yours, . , y Clerk , � -• �3 �3 � � . .�. �� �� � ���u�»a� ... ..... ::: ��� .•.• �. r ... ... �:„ I I ... �. • N • 1��1�.. 11 � � ��� i.a 1111 �dl � � 1 •�� ► /� 1 �` '1 ? � � '� � � . � d� 1� � l � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8�