06-820Substitute Resolution: 9-13-06 Preseerted BY: RMerted To: i 2 3 4 s s � e 9 10 11 tz 13 14 15 18 1] is 18 zo zi 22 23 za 25 26 2� za 29 30 31 32 33 35 � 3] 38 39 ao 91 42 03 44 a5 ns 4] 48 49 /� CoundlFleA 0�7—p2.� c,��sn�n 3032456 committee: oate WHEREAS, in a[wrUance wrfh Section'I � of the Ciry Charter, Mayor Coleman presented to the Crty Council on August 2, 2006, the Mayors proposed budgek, with said recommended budgets totahrtg $573,908, 798 betore svbbacting out "transfers to arsd bansfers from funds" and "subsequentyear tlebC'; and lofaling $436,949,155 after nethng out"transFers W antl transferfmm funds" and "subsequentyeardebP',and WHEREAS, in accordance wrth Ciry ordinance, MayorColeman presented M tlie Cdy Counal on Au9ust 77, 20�6 the Library Agencys proposed budget, wi[h said recommendetl bud9ets tofaling $78,099,928, antl WHEREAS, the Mayor did recommend, as part of the comprehensive 2007 financing plan for the City of Saint Paul, that the 2�06 net property fax levy payable in 2007 be $71,771,6'11; WHEREAS, the Ciry Council believes ihat public safety serviws should be further sirengihened by ihe addi4on Mthe public safety services tlescribetl in Attachment A; WHEREAS, the City Council desires to increase budget revenue by $889,217 in 2007 (net property tax chan9e M$907,000) to provide for the atldition W these services; WHEREAS, the City Counal requests ihat the Chiet of Police and Administration bnng forxard by the entl of 2006 a pmposai for the long- tertn fnanan9 of ihe necessary atltlihon of officers and other wmponents to propedy provide public safeTy services; Ciry Levy for Qty Operefions Increase for specrfietl public safety service atlditions CiH Levy for Debt Service City Levy for Library Agency Operations City Levy for Library Agency Debt Service Total Recommentletl: Lery for Port Authorrty Net Lery Levy for Port Authonty Levy for Library F�qency Net Levy for Qty Govemment +p0% Mayor's Butlget De6nquency Recommentled Revenue Allowance Tax Lev 46,372,487 927,449 47,299,936 889217 17,783 907,000 10,868,826 217,376 11,086,202 8.716.049 174,322 8,890.377 2,731,424 54,fi28 2,786,052 69,578,003 1,391,558 70,969,561 '1,675,539 33,511 1,709,050 72,678,611 (7,709,050) ry1,676,423) 59,293,138 NOW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in acwWance with Minnesota Statutes, Sechon 275.065 Subdivision 7, the Ciry Council, aRer considenng the Mayots rewmmendations, but absent public hearings on the Mayofs budget proposal, does hereby accept the budgets forliscal year 20W, as proposed by the Mayor with the addNOn ot Ne speafred spentlirtg tor puWre safeYy services, as cortstitufmg khe proposed budgets forthe City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Pubhc Librery Agency; and be it FURTHER RESOWED, ihat in accordance wM the same referenced statute, the Qty Council, as a tanng authority, and after consitlenng the Mayofs recommentlation for property tax lewes, including Ne requests of the Port AuNOrity antl the Libary qgency, does hereby certify to Ne Ramsey County Auditor that the proposed maximum tax levy for the City of Saint Paul for taxes payable in 2007 (for use in calcula6ng the Truth-In-Tauation notices to be mailed in November of 2006) as: Net Levy (City Operetions, Ciry Debt, Port AuNonry, and Li6rery qqency): " _ '1'_ � . i Il ��//II �r�►i� �,'j�� / ., r�.�L�/�� / Requested by Depariment of $72,678,611 Office of Financial Services - Budget Sec[ion BY Approval Rewmmended by Finance Director: By Fortn Approved by Ciry Attomey. BY: Approved by Mayorfor Submission to Counui. By Gi51and�C41BWgetICWrK�IS ftNMV VfOress�304] BW�fleVentNMazlTUn tey'-taMry.tlsRE50LV1IONVn�� t3Enry Egarv81t11Aq616:t0 PM �. : � Attachment A to Resolufion CeRifying the Maximum Taz Lery for 2007 Additional Public Safety Services -$889,217 in spending: 10 Offcers with un'rfortn antl equipment $ 640,000 1 Sergeant wkh unifortn and equipment $ 97,000 Community grents program Targeted overtime ToW I of Atltlkional Services S so,000 $ 702.217 S 889,277 GM1SImIMCGBWqeXCOU�cIIiPevlexP�me[iIIW]BUEpNWwen MMVImumLevy-IS�TyiIiRE50LVl10NM��IJCnry Fgut9/11lNOfi510PM � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � a6-�ao Departmentloffice/council: Date Initiated: Fs -F���;� ��6 Green Sheet NO: 3032456 Contad Person & Phone: Matt Smdh 266-8796 Must Be on 06SEP-06 Doc. Type: RESOLUiION E-DocumentRequired: N DoeumentContaet Contaet Phone: y Assign (Date): Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Depariment SentTOPerson InitiallDate 0 "na ervic 1 " an "at ervices De a entD" r � 2 'N Attomev 3 r's Office Ma r/A sistant 4 ouncil 5 i Clerk - lerk Approval of the attached resolution certifying the proposed maacimum ta�c levy for the Ciry of Saint Paul for taxes payable in 2007 (for use in calculating the Truth-in-Taxation notices to be mailed in November 2006). idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Gwl Senice Commission Personal 1. Has this person/firtn eaer worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City must certify the maximum tax levy to the Ramsey County Auditor Advanhges Ifqpproved: The ma�cimum proposed lery will be certified with the Ramsey County Auditor for tases payable in 2007. Disadvanqges If Approved: None. DisadvanqgeslfNotApproved: The masimum proposed tas levy will not be certified as required. . Transaction: Funtling Source; Financial lnformation: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: �UG 2 9 2006 August 29, 2006 11:08 AM Page 1 RESOLUTiON SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA t 2 3 4 5 6 � e 9 io it 12 13 ia 15 is 17 is i9 20 zi az 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 37 32 83 34 35 3fi 37 38 39 40 By: To: Cammittee: Date WH EAS, in accordance with Section 10 of the City Charter. Mayor Colemao presented to the Ciry Councii on August 2, 2006, the Mayor' roposed budget, with said recammended budgets totaling $513,90$198 befnre subtracting out "hansfers to and tra�sfers from Tvn " and "subsequent year debt"; and totaling $436,949,155 aHer netting out "transfers to and Uansfer from funds" and "subseque year debt", and WHEREAS, in rdance with City ordinance, Mayor Coleman presenied to the City Councii on August 17. 2006 the Library Agency's proposed budget, ith saitl recommentletl budgeis totaling $1$D99,928, and WHEREAS, the Mayo id recommend, as pad of the comprehensive 2007 financing plan for the City of SaiM Paul, that the 2046 net property tax levy payable � 2007 be $71,771,fi� 1 as detailed below: +2.0°/a Mayor's Budget De6nqueacy ftecrommended Revenue Aliowance T� Lew City levy for City Operatio 46,372,487 927,449 47,299,936 City levy for Debt Service 10,868,826 217,376 11,086,202 City Lery for library Agency O ratlons 8,716,049 174,322 8,890,371 City Lery for Library Age�cy Deb Service 2,731,424 54,628 2.786,052 Totai Recommended: 68,688,786 1,373,775 70,062,561 Levy fur Part Authority Net Levy Levy for Port Authority levy for Library Agency Net Levy for City Govemment NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ftESOLVEq thai in accordance with Minr considering the Mayor's recommendations, bpt absent pabiic hearings for fiscal year 2007, as proposed by the Mayor, as cons6tuti�g the pro� Agency; and be it Council File � Green Sheet # 71,771,611 (1,709,050) (� 1,676,423) 58,386,138 Statutes, Section 275.065 Subdivision 7, the City Counc�i, � Mayor's budget proposal, does hereby accept the budg� budgets for the City of Samt Paul a�d the Saint Paul Libr FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with ihe same referenced statute, the iry Council, as a taxing authority, and after consi� the Mayor's recommendation for property tax Ievies, induding the requests of the Po Authoriry and the Library f�gency, does here� certify to the Ramsey Counry A�ditor fhat the proposed maximum tax �evy for the City Saint Paul for t�es payable in 2007 (for u in calculating the Truth-In-T�ation natices to 6e mailed i� November of 2006) as: Net Levy (City Operations, City Debi, Port Authority, and Library Agency): $71,771,611 Adoptian Certified by Councii Secretary: ey: Approved by Mayor. Date By: 1,676,539 33,511 1,709,050 ����z Requested by Department of: oPSiv oe �iaz^.:i�; se_ u � /� a. C B — T °° .� 0 Approvat Recommended by Finance By: Form Approved hy City Attome�y _ F e l.SGc, � l� Approved a or fo Subm' sio � By: Adopted by Counal: Date