217840 • l 1 • �� I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , • � ,(� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� -�-" `� " ` FILE NO. � - - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR�Lj��D S-�"�� PRESENTED BY �,q� April 23� Z�F , COMMISSIONER DATF � L � � RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Co�ttee therefor and hereby award.s contract for �urnish ing all ].a.bor, ma,terials and services necessary for or reasonab],y inc3der�al to Tree�� Sprayi.ng (max.Lmum o� 800 trees) at various locations, Saint Paul, Minnesota , to FOURNIER TREE SERVICE in aicordance w3.th City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Inf'ormal Bid #6797 of sai.d Fournier Tree Service, G $3.65 each, making ma�cim�am amount o� cont Ict $2,920.00, _ . r � . such bid being the l�rer and sa,id Fournier Tree Service bein� a reasonable and 1 reliable bidder, a.nd t�he Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed i draw up the proper form of contra.ct therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Pau1. ITL�OI�'1' B�'a �7�. Councll Flle No. 217840—By Frank L. I.oss— Resolved, That the Council her�by �approves thQ award of the Contract ,Committee therefor and hereby awards Icontract for Eurnishing all labor, ma- _.�,_ , �Fterials and services necessary for�or - � ' � � freasonably incidental to Tree Spraying '(raaximum ot 800 trees) at various �locations, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to FOURNIER, THEE SERVICE in accord- ��'P- with Clty speciflcations therefor • 4 °^ attached and the Informal ''. �n4°of said Fournier•Tree Se��ly' ��ch,making ma- �un; P:• . . v* ;t YR';(�4L;IR �'7i iCAC1.4.74' b. ;o&?k.. >`L'.Ia} _ �pR �,9 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19— Yeas Nays � g 196� Dalglish AP R Holland A rove 19— �gg In Favor � Mortinson Peterson V Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lOTi 8-82 DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ��o � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. �� � . ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY �j�,3, �3 l�. COMMISSIONER DATF � ' Ft�br�D, 'I'�at t�i.�, Counc�l hereby �ppr�ires tYle �rara. drP t� co�tra,c�t ccmm�l.t�ee tJaere�dr �na. �er�by awarcls caxitrst��G �or #�n.i.�ing all ].abor, �aate�.a1� a�d eerv��ee neces��,ry for or reasbnataly 3�,ci.dert�. �o Tre�3 �praying .(ma�L� af' 80b `t�ees) e,t � v�art.cnxs Zoca.tions, S�i.n�t �'aul, Mi��sao�a, , �to �7Vk�I�R T� �C� 3n a.c�cordaxl�e � s�r].tb. City spec3�ice��ions �ther��'or hex`��o �.ttacl.�ed enc1. �the �or'ma�. Bid �679� 8�' e�3.d Fo�urn�.er Tz� f3er�ice, � $3.65 �ach, r�ak�g m�xxLn� �mount of' con�z�ct �2,9z0•00, I gu;�h b3d b�ing the la�t�r and sa,.td �'ouxn9.er Tree Serlrice be� a �asan�,bl,e a,nd rel.�.able bidder, and tYie Gorp4ratic�n. Gov�sel b� and. hex�by i� di�ected t4 dr�,w up the px�opex �vran o$ c�,tract �there�o�r, end -th� prq,per City �.c�a.ls h�reidy are �tr�,ox3.z�d � �ceeu�e s�.id can,txact on beh�1F o�' �he C3�ty of Se,3nt Pat�7.. �'ax�a,1. B�d �6797• �' i I �I i � i APR 2 9 196� , COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish �p R 2 g 196� Holland Approved 19_ ��g In Favor � Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst i Mr. President, Vavoulis ' lOEi 8-82