06-82Council File # � � � � � Green Sheet # 3029395 RESOLUTION OF Presented by PAUL, MINNESOTA �� RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE FOR THE NSP/XCEL GAS AND ELECTRIC FRANCHISES 6 W�xEAS, the Charter of the City of Saint Paul requires that any entity using City property or the City's 7 right-of-way — or which maintains permanent or semipermanent fixtures therein for purposes of operating a 8 utility — have a franchise from the City; and 9 10 W�REas, the Saint Paul City Charter vests with the Council the power and authority to grant and regulate 11 franchises; and 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 W�RFas, Northern States Power (NSP), now known as Xcel Energy, was granted two ten-yeaz franchises by the City in 1996, through Council Files 96-416 and 96-417, to provide gas and electric services within the City of Saint Paul from July 1, 1996 through June 30, 2006; and W�RSas, the current NSP franchise agreements for use of the City's right-of-way to provide gas and electric service cover issues ranging from the rate regulation, franchise fee rates and structure, to issues of location of gas pipes, electric poles and other utility facilities, as well as the terms and conditions for 20 changesthereto;and 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 W�izEas, the process of negotiating a utility franchise agreement, by its nature, involves conducting research and analysis, consulting with key stakeholders and holding a series of ineeUngs over time to thoroughly review the current agreements and proposals for their improvement; and WxExEas, it is in the interest of both the City and Northern 5tates Power (NSP), now known as Xcel Energy, to beginning engaging in discussions relating to the franchises, as they will expire in less than eight months; and WI�,1zEAS, due to a change in administration in 2006, a new negotiating team needs to be named to replace the one named by former Mayor Randy Kelly; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council and Mayor hereby establish the following committee to negotiate or renew the gas and electric utility franchises held by NSP: Matt Smith, Director of Financial Services, Chair Trudy Moloney, D'uector of Council Operations Jim Strommen, Consultant to the City ob-�z 40 41 42 43 44 45 And be it 46 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE FOR THE NSPJXCEL GAS AND ELECTRIC FRANCHZSES (Page 2) 47 RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council direct the negotiating team to include members of the Strategy 48 and Resource Team, which is co-chaired by Lori I.ee of the Office of Financial Services and Marcia 44 Moermond of City Council Research, as appropriate at the negotiating table for the successful completion 50 of their work; and be it further 51 52 RESOLVED, that the City Council and Mayor direct that these franchise discussions be consistent with duly 53 adopted City energy policies and that Councilmembers, the Mayor or his designee be provided with at least 54 quarterly briefings on these discussions; and be it further 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council direct that a policy discussion(s) be convened by the Chair of the Negotiating Committee and the Director of Council OperaUOns to develop and refine a policy framework for initiation of these negotiations; and be it finally RESOLVED, that this policy framework be developed by April 1, 2005 with the thorough consultation of Councilmembers, the Mayar and appropriate City staff. Benanav Bostrom Hazris Helgen Absent Requested by Department of: t ,�� �e�i� `:'v��r-�5 F By: ���i�~�''� �__ � V " Thune y / Form Approved by City At e A � , Adopted by Council: Date , By: �/ SG( 1`�C , U��"/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � Form rove by yor f bmiss' to C ncil Approv d � Date j 30 (,�'o BY: By: ����--�/ b � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gree�n Sheet � Fs — Financial services Contact Person & Pfione: Matt Smith 266$796 GontractType: RE-RESOlU710N '13-JAt�F06 � ' Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3029395 UepartrneM SentTOPerson Initial/Date 0 'al 1 inanoal tvi at�en r 2 i At[ocne �_ 3 a or's0ffice Ma odASSisfant 4 ancil 5 i Cterk G� erk Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) ActionRequested: -� ���� Signatures on attached resolution establishing a negotiating committee for the NSP/Xcel Gas and Electric Franchises. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Service Conhacts 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a Contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (YVho, What, When, Where, Why): The franchise agreements aze due to expire June 3Q 2006. Due to the change in administration, the City needs to establish a negotiating team to work out the details of the renewal. AdvanWgesHApproved: � The team will continue its work on contract negoflafions for the gas and electric franchises. �„' DisadvanWpes IfApproved: None. DisadvanWqes tfNotApproved: The team cannot continue their negofiations and continuiry would be lost. �AN 1_ 3 2UU6 Transaction: Fundinp Source: Pinancial Information: (Explain) CosNRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ �'�s li ,°' _ _ z �"' �°� �A�d � �w�_ January 13, 20068:27AM Page 1 �