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PUBLI��=�7_. S'-�- �`�
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` File No. 3 7277 ,
In the Matter of r'�eG�t$tx�a$iag ��.c�. �i.d��aa,lk on �he wes� .��c� o�' M�l�,ori t.,_
from f�'�t Ave. �ci ���,by� Ave. �Rnd on �.h�. �sat. ,��.de c�f' Mi�.tot� ��, fro�n Swir�it Avt�..
to A�egue Ave. �ad b�r dof.tag a71 t�ttser wc�r'�.wh3.�: 3s necesss��y �,c�. �.�q�.clen�]: t ;
CQ��{�.� ��� ��'l�YP•7I�1822�i r - �FYle No. 217828--
- dfi.e inatter of reconstructing tt}e
' �!'k on the west side of Milton
� �'�'� ' Summit Ave. to Selby Ave.
.� �.�iA�east§ide of Mllton St. frohr
' �'�t"-•.•"�%;-� ta H�ague- Ave. and :� t
, :rt3 c. .t!c,- ::�r• b w6i�l: is : -
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under Prelimina,ry Order Qx��S approvec� �'eb��r 6� 19b�F
Interxnediary Order approved �
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,, and th'e Council
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully �nsidered
the same; therefore, be it
. RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cfty of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement ta be made by the sa.id Gity is �
• ;
�o xeca�struc� the, ,aic�ewalk on �he w�$� aS� �P .�'�:tc� S�� �rc�m Sw�il:t Ave, selby
Av�: arld �n �he ea�� .�ide o� T�il��n 8-�f frtvzt Gw�n.tt Ave. to B�gue Ave. and b dairig
- a11 other �rork.�ah�ch 3.s ztsceasax�y a�i�: #.n�.de�,�a]. to ���.ete sa�d �.�prqvv�me ,
_. ' 1'
_ �'r
..t_,Y,y+•� -
except v}�� g�ioc'� axic� au�3�ent sici��ra].ki�� �ap�r e�.st.°;,.;�
, _ , _ . • - ., . _ _ ,. . _ . . .. _ -� - - �
and the Council.hereby orders said improvement to be made.
' RESOLVED FUR,THE�R, That the Commission er of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
_ directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the�Council for
� �; approval; that upon said approval, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
� APR 9 1964 4
COUNG`ILIVIEN - Adopted by the Counc�l
� Yeas Nays ' •
- Dalglish Approve ��R 2� ����
: - Holland ' ' ' , �
' Loss
•�;" Mortinson Favor ,
':� Peterson Mayor
' Rosen Q
VavouliS Against
e-sa zM s� e-i ' . .
_ .', � _ .z .. � -
{ _ . I
i n w • , ' / ����
� � � � ��
� To the Council Of the City of St. Paul, concernin�g the
reconstruction of the aidewall� on �ilton St.
i I am 11Qrs. Mich�,e1 T. Hoxmeier and I am the owne� of �
a reaidence on A�4ilton St. , that is 25 �`orth �ilton St.
On September 4th of last year, 1963, I atarted the
, �
petition under adviaement, this morning, here at the C�urt Hou�e,
for a new sidevaall� to be con�tructed by our City, in front
` of my regidence� and also extending from Summit Avenue to
! �
� Selby Ave. The preliminary order, I notice, ha,s included �
� both aides o� �ilton St. I � pereonally� called on all the ow ers
on my �ide of �ilton St. whom I could meet and got a numbei
� of si�atures of those who agreed vaith me that a new aidewalt�
was advisable, nay even a necessity. Ddy immediate neigbore,l owne8 ef
' the houae at Summit and Milton, signed in the person of thlir
agent, �r. �ielvin Vollhaber . �dy tenanta, Mr. and DBr�. Euglne
Langan, at 25 North �dilton St. , signed the petition. Our
neighbor on Laurel, P�rs. Donald �l�on, Laurel and �ilton �t.
and our neighbor on Hague,�rs. Gertrude E. Smtih were glad to
sign and are, hoping and praying for a new sidewal4�. I had everal
r t he dru s t+O re '
other eignatures, Mr� . Romane�y, on Hague nea g �
and �r. Welch, pharmacist at the drug 9tore on �elby, as w�e11 as
�drs. Smtth who live� in the apartment between Laurel and iehland
and �after I had filed the petition � another hous�l��s��.��{ZO �Ii1ton�
came to our door and offered to �ign.
I must adrnit that my particular aidewal� and my
blocK sidewall�i� the �rorst of the 1ot. I thin4� it must h ve
been 1a�t yeare �torm, a� we11 as the many bi�3 trees on the
boulevard, that have puehed it up in so mar�y places. Anywly, I admit
tlz�:t it certainly is rocE�y.
�;. . y 2
� y ` Reconstruction of Sidewall� on i�ilton St.
� .
� •
Personally, I am going to be plea.sed and happy to p y
� the a�ses�ment which is only three dollars and twentyyfive ce ts
! (�3. 25) per lineal foot, for a standard �idewall� of five feet in
I width. I thn{� it wi11 be a bargain to have a new aidewalk�at hat
� rate� and 1 thint� that al1 the residenczrs on �ilton e�reet
r wi11 be more that happy with the res�ult. Thin4� of the
� advanta�e it will be to pedeatriana to have a new� smooth�.wa1
� and for how mar�y year� this improvement wi11 be en�oyed by he
frienda on the street and oin fact� by, the general publlc.
� There �re aeveral rough apots a11 along �ilton St.
Especially ia thie true at the corner of Hague and �ilton wh re
the curbe are badly broKen andifrom the corner houses to the
� street! it is even dangeroue. Near the drugstore there are onl
� or two bad 9pots and in front of the a�artment house� and th�
�eat �one thP ��dewall� is brol�en and uneven. I have wal�ed a�7.ong
� this w ay, often, and feel that it would be pesitively selfi�ah
to be� to have my own property improved and not to include tihe
other b1oc4�e, five of them, that is from Summit to Selby� o I �ilf2on.
The new walt� constructed by the City acrosa the etreet,
� along side of Peace High School, ie sucb� marE�ed improvement in
the neighborhood that one ia temped to crosa the street ,jus�t to walk
on it. It seema topbad that the other aide, that i� the wes�t side
of the �t reet, especially f rom 5ummit to Portland, should ot be
equally improved. For the fu�u�e of a11 of ua , for the etu ents
at Lady of Peace riigh School�as well as for the ,property o nera,
I muat beg of the Counci� that they will pa9e this ordinance for
the new sidewal�,�to be built on �ilton St. from Selby to Su�nnit
Avenuea. . �� a� Y vl' �'{ �
Taxpayer, Kathryn �. hoxmeier.
t"' : ,r
Dist. No. 2 U
� ` _ ° W.S. Milton St. - Summit to Selby 5����
� � E.S. Milton St. - Su�nit to Hague
` ����
� •
; ,
i '
j Feb. lOth. 19 64
� -
' To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance -of t he Ci ty of St. Pa ul:
! -
The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration t e pre-
� li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 216495
i � approeed_ Feb. 6th. 19 64 relative to reconstructing the si�dewalk
on the west side of Milton St. from Summit Ave. �to Selby Ave. and on the east slde of
i -
! Milton St. from Suu�it Ave. to Hague Ave. and by doing all other work which is �ecessary
and incidental to complete said improvement. I
� I
and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to thereinl hereby
� 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� 3.25 per lin. ft. for standard s dewalk
� . wide and $3.80 er lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. f
' I
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached
�� and made a part hereof, �2 ] 2
� 3. Initiated by the Commiss,o �r�. ���ub Works X
4, Improvement i s asked fo� up���,�eyti��i on X I y
. � ,4`��
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ICommissioner of Public Works
_ I