217819 ORIGINALTOCITYCLERK � �'p '� �� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. -� I,ZCENSE CCY�TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �j'j,], 2�, 196l� COMMISSIONE DATE � I RESOLVIDs That licenses �or pe:mi.t t,o conduct Bingo Games� applted for by the folla�ring organ3.za��ons at the addresses stated, for the days� dates, a�d hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby grauted. Minnesota Organization of the Blind� Inc. 345� Urr1S..vers3.�y 52 Pds. ApP. 8782 Beriewal Rosary Soc3.ety� �hurch of St.Adalbert 167 w. 7th 52 p p s881 � � . � World �ax II Post No, 681�5, V. �. W � _ 1058 IIniversity (2nd F1.) . _ 50 Pds. � 8883 a St. Paul Joint Committee, �atholic Order Foresters .. . - - 8�W. 9th &/or l�59 Wabasha (2nd F1.) � 52 Pds. - App. 888l� " St. Paul Post No. 8� American LegLon Awci.].iary ^ 15'j N.Dale 51 n " ggg7 a A].ano Soci�y of St. Pau1, �ne, . ^ 8.W. 9th dy/or l�59 Wabasha (2nd �']..� - 52 �s. - App• 8950 " _ , Council File No. 217819—By Severin A. " Mortinson—Milton Rosen— Resolved, That Bingo Games llcenses aoplied for by the orgahizations hamed on the list attached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. � Adopted by the Council Apri128,1984. Approved April 28, 1964. � ; (May 2, 1964� ; E8Ci1 �pA• In£orma7lY aPProved by Ccnu�cil �1PR 2 8 1�6� as dated on appn. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � �PR 2 8 1964 Dalglish Holland pproved 19— �sg Tn Favor � � .���J Mortinson <-- � p�+,.,.a„w� � Mayor Rosen l�gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ions a-sa